
北师大初中英语七年级上--Unit 4-15

时间:2011-03-26 03:18:47



[00:00.22]Unit 4 Food 
[00:05.37]Lesson 15 
[00:09.63]Exercise 1.2
[00:13.40]Good morning.What do you need ?
[00:16.13]Hi.How much are the apples ?
[00:19.34]Apples are two dollars fifty cents a kilogram1.
[00:22.97]And how much are the tomatoes ?
[00:25.37]They're just a dollar a kilogram.
[00:28.22]Oh,that's cheap.And the watermelons?
[00:31.99]Watermelons are four dollars each.
[00:42.66]Exercise 2.1
[00:46.96]Okay,here's the list.
[00:49.27]We need to buy a loaf of bread,
[00:52.32]a bag of flour,a bottle of cooking oil,
[00:56.59]a dozen eggs ,a bar of soap,
[01:00.64]and a box of cookies.
[01:11.30]Exercise 4.1
[01:13.75]Hi.What do you need ?
[01:16.81]Hello.How much are the sausages?
[01:19.54]It's one dollar and fifty cents a kilogram.
[01:22.71]I'll have half a kilogram.
[01:24.85]That's 75 cents.
[01:26.89]Here is one dollar.
[01:28.72]Here's your change,thank you.
[01:32.60]Good morning .Can I help you ?
[01:35.76]Hi.How much are the oranges?
[01:39.32]They are 2 dollars a kilogram.
[01:41.98]That's expensive.I will take 2 kilograms2.
[01:46.75]Four dollars, please.
[01:48.46]Here's the money.



1 kilogram l2Ixw     
  • Apple costs five dollars a kilogram.苹果每千克5美元。
  • The kilogram is the international standard of weight.公斤是国际通用的重量标准。
2 kilograms d7334fe36f9adb03e1f30ff1f4ef1832     
n.千克( kilogram的名词复数 )
  • 2 kilograms of rice 2公斤大米
  • Every tonne of coal contains,on average,30 kilograms of nitrogen. 每吨煤平均含30公斤氮。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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