
北师大初中英语七年级上--Unit 5-17-1

时间:2011-03-26 03:20:32



[00:02.45]Unit 5 Sports and Games
[00:07.48]Lesson 17
[00:12.21]Exercise 1.1
[00:15.21]For boys ,there are ten events over two days.
[00:19.46]On the first day there is the 100-meter race,
[00:23.77]the long jump, the shot put, the high jump and
[00:27.59]the 400-meter run.
[00:29.97]on the second day ,there is the 110-meter
[00:33.93]hurdles1 race,200-meter run , the 800-meter run,
[00:39.25]the 1500-meter run, and the 3000-meter run .
[00:44.53]The girl's competition has ,
[00:46.57]seven events over two days.
[00:49.24]The events are the 100-meter hurdles,
[00:52.97]the shot put,the high jump ,the long jump,
[00:56.46]the 200-meter run ,the 800-meter run
[01:00.44]and the 100-meter run.
[01:11.27]Exercise 1.2
[01:15.11]So,Gary,what do you think?
[01:18.63]Hey, it's easy! I can do it all.
[01:24.43]Sure! I'm good at running ,right ?
[01:27.77]I run 100-meter race in 12 seconds.
[01:31.49]That's fast.What about 400-meter run?
[01:35.44]I can run that ,too.
[01:37.89]Okay ,but what about the other events?
[01:40.77]Can you do the high jump?
[01:42.93]Yes,I can .And I can do the long jump,too.
[01:48.16]Do you know how to run the 110-meter hurdles?
[01:52.74]Well...not really. You know, it's not easy...
[01:58.78]And the shot put,Gray?



1 hurdles ef026c612e29da4e5ffe480a8f65b720     
n.障碍( hurdle的名词复数 );跳栏;(供人或马跳跃的)栏架;跨栏赛
  • In starting a new company, many hurdles must be crossed. 刚开办一个公司时,必须克服许多障碍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • There are several hurdles to be got over in this project. 在这项工程中有一些困难要克服。 来自辞典例句

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