
北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit8 les29-1

时间:2011-03-28 01:11:25



[00:00.00]Unit 8 Transportation1
[00:06.23]Lesson 29
[00:08.67]1.2 Before the invention of trains and cars,
[00:14.71]people could use three basic types
[00:16.95]of transportation.
[00:18.92]They could travel on horseback
[00:21.09]or ride on the back of another animal
[00:23.76]such as a donkey2,
[00:25.14]a camel etc,
[00:27.91]or they could ride in a cart3 pulled by a horse.
[00:31.85]For a person who could not afford a horse
[00:34.35]or a donkey,
[00:35.73]the only choice waste travel on foot,that is,
[00:40.25]to walk.
[00:42.44]In ancient times,rivers were difficult to cross
[00:46.94]People could not cross wide rivers
[00:49.50]unless they had some sort of boat.
[00:52.91]However,if a river was not too wide,
[00:56.67]people could build a bridge across it.
[00:59.62]In places where the river was not very deep,
[01:02.98]people could walk across.
[01:05.94]In the past,
[01:07.70]roads were very different from today.
[01:10.97]They were just dirt tracks4.
[01:13.20]So,in the winter the rain
[01:16.18]and sonw made these tracks full of mud5.
[01:19.82]Sometimes,the roads were so bad
[01:23.17]that heavy cars could not pass.
[01:26.36]Even in good weather,
[01:27.99]travelling by road was slow.
[01:30.73]It could take many days
[01:32.38]to travel a few hundred kilometers.



1 transportation 9mKwv     
  • The transportation of goods by air costs a lot.航空运输货物花费很高。
  • He finally solved the difficulty of transportation.他终于解决了运输的困难。
2 donkey 3kNzk     
  • This donkey can carry two sacks of grain.这头驴能驮两袋粮食。
  • "I'll buy your donkey,"said the two.“我想要买你的驴子”两人异口同声说。
3 cart XTpyK     
  • We use this to cart the goods.我们用这个来拉运货物。
  • Let's go over and help them pull the cart.咱们过去帮他们拉车。
4 tracks f1e904ac93744cc1ce244dfc191fc2a1     
n.小路( track的名词复数 );跑道;路径;轨道v.跟踪( track的第三人称单数 );跟踪摄影;留下(脏)足迹;追随(潮流等)
  • Tracks led up the mountainside. 小径沿着山坡向上延伸。
  • All the tracks have been digitally remastered from the original tapes. 所有的曲子都已经从原始录音带转录到了数码母带上。
5 mud V6kzE     
  • The swimming pool is filled up with mud.游泳池里全是泥。
  • A car ran past,spotting my coat with mud.一辆汽车驶过,给我的外衣溅上了泥点。

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