
北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit8 les31

时间:2011-03-28 01:12:59



[00:02.83]Unit 8 Transportation1
[00:07.58]Lesson 31
[00:09.64]1.2 Rules for drivers
[00:15.36]Always wear a seat belt.
[00:18.36]Follow all traffic signs and rules.
[00:22.10]Be aware of pedestrians2 at the crosswalk.
[00:26.23]Drive according3 to the speed limit.
[00:29.66]Don't drive after drinking.
[00:32.64]Don't make phone calls while you are driving.
[00:36.68]Rules for motorcyclists
[00:40.48]Always wear a helmet4.
[00:42.99]Use a light on the front
[00:44.84]and back of your motorcycle5.
[00:47.49]Don't ride on the sidewalk.
[00:50.70]Check that your motorcycle
[00:53.02]is in good condition before riding it.
[00:55.80]Remember to obey traffic laws.
[01:00.20]Rules for cyclists.
[01:03.26]Check your brakes6 and tires often.
[01:07.24]Don't try to do dangerous tricks on it.
[01:10.67]Don't give rides to other people.
[01:13.85]Learn basic cycling skills-most importantly.
[01:18.59]know how to stop safely!
[01:21.53]Don't ride on the sidewalk.
[01:24.70]Lock it when you leave it in a public place.
[01:29.89]Rules for pedestrians
[01:33.47]Walk on the sidewalk.
[01:36.22]Walk on the right side of the street
[01:38.54]when there is no sidewalk.
[01:41.34]Cross the street at the crosswalk.
[01:44.59]Pay attention to traffic lights.
[01:48.03]Don't read when you are walking in the street.
[01:54.78]2.2 Welcome back to the show.
[01:58.68]Today we're talking with Mike Vernon
[02:01.35]about cycle safety.
[02:03.63]So,Mike,what advice do you have
[02:05.93]for our listeners7 about safe cycling?
[02:08.65]Well,one very important point is this--
[02:13.12]you must learn basic skills
[02:15.01]before you go out on your bike in the stresst.
[02:18.06]Most importantly,you have to know
[02:20.34]how to stop safely!
[02:22.30]Okay.What else?
[02:25.43]Another very important point--
[02:27.94]always check that your bike is in good condition
[02:31.78]You must check the brakes and the tires.
[02:35.12]Okay.Now,what about when you're out riding
[02:37.97]in the street?
[02:39.79]Right.First thing--you must wear a helmet.
[02:44.43]Next,you have to obey all traffic signs
[02:47.77]and rules and you must give way to pedestrians.
[02:52.03]What about riding on the sidewalk?
[02:55.36]Is that okay?
[02:57.12]No.You mustn't ride on the sidewalk.
[03:01.13]What about when you ride your bike at night?
[03:04.87]Ah,yes.There are some important things
[03:08.61]to remember.
[03:10.22]You have to have lights on your bike--
[03:12.77]in the front and at the back,
[03:16.02]and you also have to wear light-colored clothes.
[03:19.93]Okay.And other pieces of advice?
[03:23.36]Well,finally,let's talk about safety.
[03:28.18]You mustn't do tricks on your bike.
[03:31.09]That's dangerous.
[03:33.37]And you mustn't give rides to other people.
[03:37.00]That too can cause an accident.
[03:40.23]Also,when you leave your bike in a public place
[03:44.35]you must always remember to lock it.
[03:47.27]Otherwise,someone might steal it.



1 transportation 9mKwv     
  • The transportation of goods by air costs a lot.航空运输货物花费很高。
  • He finally solved the difficulty of transportation.他终于解决了运输的困难。
2 pedestrians c0776045ca3ae35c6910db3f53d111db     
n.步行者( pedestrian的名词复数 )
  • Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement. 几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Pedestrians keep to the sidewalk [footpath]! 行人走便道。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 according YzQztq     
  • According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.根据《圣经》所说的,我们都是亚当的后裔。
  • We must cut our coat according to our cloth this year.今年我们必须学会量入为出。
4 helmet jdOzf     
  • The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet.骑摩托车的人戴了一顶头盔。
  • Wear your safety helmet when you go down.戴上安全帽再下去。
5 motorcycle 1Fnxy     
  • Tom went there by motorcycle.汤姆乘摩托车去的那儿。
  • He was also the first person in town to buy a motorcycle.他也是镇里第一个买摩托车的人。
6 brakes d82221bf1331cbb270b1e49e46fc0d83     
  • He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt. 他猛踩刹车,汽车在剧烈震动中停下来。
  • It's no joke when your brakes fail on the motorway. 在快车道上行驶时刹车失灵的后果是非常严重的。
7 listeners 9f99697c78e088cb04e67afd7a9d1068     
n.倾听者,收听者( listener的名词复数 );听众
  • the demographics of radio listeners 电台听众统计数据
  • The singer's high notes jarred on the ears of her listeners. 那位歌手的高音让听众们觉得刺耳。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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