
北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit9 les36-2

时间:2011-03-28 01:22:30



[00:00.00]2.2 Here is some advice for keeping your mind
[00:08.49]and body healthy.
[00:10.61]First of all,you should get enough sleep
[00:13.81]every night.
[00:15.67]If you go to bed late,
[00:17.93]you will feel tired in the morning
[00:20.86]and you won't be able to work well.
[00:23.87]Don't forget,
[00:25.46]you should also drink a lot of water.
[00:28.63]It's a good idea to drink at least
[00:31.73]one liter1 of water every day.
[00:35.04]Another thing-you shouldn't stay inside
[00:38.18]all the time.
[00:39.82]This is not good for you.
[00:42.34]You should go for a walk every day
[00:45.09]to get some fresh air.
[00:47.62]You should also keep your body clean
[00:50.68]and in this way you will avoid2 health problems
[00:54.37]and feel comfortable and confident.
[00:58.01]And don't forget to brush your teeth
[01:00.29]two or three times a day,
[01:03.09]especially after meals.
[01:06.18]Of course there are things
[01:07.79]that you shouldn't do.
[01:09.98]For example,you shouldn't drink wine;
[01:14.03]you shouldn't smoke,
[01:16.43]and you shouldn't take drugs3.
[01:19.94]All of these things harm4 the body,
[01:23.08]and they can cause serious health problems.
[01:27.54]Remember the old saying;
[01:29.97]Look after your body
[01:32.31]and it will look after you.



1 liter XxyyU     
  • The bottle holds a liter of beer.这个瓶子装一升啤酒。
  • I was so thirsty that I drank a liter of iced tea.我太渴了,竟然喝了一公升的冰茶。
2 avoid 4Pzyp     
  • You can avoid all kinds of trouble by letting well alone.随遇而安就能避免种种麻烦。
  • I wanted to avoid a meeting with her.我想避免与她会面。
3 drugs 8266cbec2295ae2c548563d169e3ee28     
n.药物( drug的名词复数 );药剂;麻醉药;毒品
  • Doctors have an armoury of drugs available. 医生都备有各种各样的药物。
  • the risks associated with taking drugs 与吸毒有关的危险
4 harm ceXxN     
  • His behaviour did more harm than good to himself.他的行为对他自己害多利少。
  • Never do anything to harm the interests of the people.决不能损害人民的利益。

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