
北师大版高中英语模块4--Unit12CultureShock Lesson2-5

时间:2011-03-31 01:22:21



[00:01.95]dialogue 2(informal)
[00:04.87]So,what do you think we should do this weekend
[00:08.69]What about going canoeing1 again?
[00:10.83]Yeah,last time we went it was great!
[00:13.95]Oh,we should take our flashlights
[00:16.68]and explore taht cave.
[00:18.93]I'd rather not,thanks.
[00:20.86]I'd rather stay cozy2 and read my novel.
[00:23.86]All right,oh,how about going to the circus.
[00:29.21]dialogue 3(formal)
[00:31.76]Excuse me,Mrs Davis?
[00:33.76]Do you think I could speak to you?
[00:37.48]Would you mind giving me
[00:38.90]and my schoolmate a lift to school?
[00:41.49]We need to see the headmaster.
[00:43.29]Of course not.In about ten minutes,OK?
[00:46.83]We can go on the jeep.
[00:48.83]Thanks a lot.That's very kind of you.
[00:51.53]It's no trouble.Any time.
[00:55.31]dialogue 4(informal)
[00:58.29]Hi,Christina.Have you got the blankets
[01:00.37]and sheets you borrowed?
[01:01.92]Oh,I've forgotten them!I'm really sorry.
[01:04.44]That's OK,bring them tomorrow.
[01:06.70]I need them for a campaign train.
[01:08.60]Yes,I will,I promise.
[01:11.96]Exercise 5 Listen to the dialogues
[01:15.31]and complete the Function File.
[01:26.37]Exercise 6 Listen and repeat the expressions.
[01:32.21]1 Excuse me? Could you pass the salt,please?
[01:41.02]2 You're welcome. 3 I'd rather not,thanks.
[01:52.08]4 Do you think I could have a word with you?
[01:58.19]5 Would you mind giving me a lift to school?
[02:06.96]6 Thanks a lot. That's very kind of you.
[02:14.60]7 Oh,I've forgotten it! I'm really sorry.



1 canoeing 3f02ea2dd38e03e1eb8c6652d9d238d3     
  • We were canoeing in the lake. 我们在湖中划独木舟。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching. 你可以参与从划独木舟到观鸟等各种活动。 来自辞典例句
2 cozy ozdx0     
  • I like blankets because they are cozy.我喜欢毛毯,因为他们是舒适的。
  • We spent a cozy evening chatting by the fire.我们在炉火旁聊天度过了一个舒适的晚上。

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