
北师大版高中英语模块4--Unit12CultureShock Lesson3-1

时间:2011-03-31 01:23:01



[00:03.22]Unit 12 Culture Shock Lesson 3 Living Abroad
[00:09.05]When I first arrived in San Francisco,
[00:11.79]I had a difficult time understanding certain
[00:14.50]aspects of the American way of doing things.
[00:17.80]Once I went to visit an American friend.
[00:20.79]After a splendid evening,
[00:22.41]I finished my cocoa and got ready to leave.
[00:25.54]As soon as we said goodbye,
[00:27.25]my friend went back to his room
[00:28.96]closing the door behind him.
[00:31.13]It made me feel that I was not really welcome.
[00:33.97]Jin Li

[00:36.10]I've always been outgoing
[00:37.57]but since an embarrassing1 experience
[00:39.73]in a New York restaurant
[00:41.39]I've been much more cautious2.
[00:43.10]I was enjoying my dessert and talking
[00:45.31]to my American friend Janice at the table
[00:47.97]when I noticed people staring at us.
[00:50.54]I asked Janice what was wrong
[00:52.42]and she told me that I was talking to loudly.
[00:55.58]She said that to some American people,
[00:57.74]it sounded like I was shouting.
[01:00.20]I whispered for the rest of the evening.
[01:02.68]Wang Lei

[01:04.46]What did I learn about Chinese customs
[01:06.81]from my exciting exchange to China?
[01:09.10]Well, the Chinese are extremely welcoming.
[01:12.19]One evening,
[01:13.00]I was invited to a Chinese family dinner,
[01:15.90]I had a good appetite
[01:17.68]and the food was yummy.



1 embarrassing ut4ztI     
adj.使人尴尬的,令人为难的v.(使)窘迫,(使)局促不安( embarrass的现在分词)
  • His jokes didn't even raise a smile, which was embarrassing. 听了他讲的笑话,都没人笑一下,真是太尴尬了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I was in the embarrassing position of having completely forgotten her name. 当时我完全忘记了她的名字,很是尴尬。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 cautious dUHyv     
  • We should not only be bold,but also be cautious.我们不仅要大胆,而且要谨慎。
  • He was cautious about his work.他对工作非常谨慎。

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