
新目标初中英语八年级上--Unit 1 How often do you e

时间:2011-04-11 07:36:06



Unit 1  How often do you exercise?
[00:06.69]SECTION A
[00:09.53]1b Listen and write the picture above next to the words and phrases1 below.
[00:50.10]2a Listen.Chung is talking about how often he does different activities.
[00:58.25]Number the activities you hear [1-5]
[01:41.33]2b Listen again.How often does Chung do the activities above?
[01:48.77]Match his activities with the number of times he does them.
[02:31.75]3 Read the magazine article.
[02:36.71]Use the information in the "Activity Survey"and "Vocabulary2 Key"
[02:42.77]to fill in the blanks3 in the article.
[02:46.61]What Do Students Do at Hilltop High School?
[02:51.76]Here are the results activity survey at High School.
[02:58.70]__students exercise three or four times a week.
[03:04.63]Some students exercise once of twice a week.
[03:10.09]__students exercise every day.
[03:14.95]As for homework,___ students do homework every day.
[03:21.01]__students do homework three or four times a week.
[03:26.68]__students do homework once or twice a week.
[03:32.14]The results for"watch TV" are interesting.
[03:37.29]__students watch TV once or twice a week,
[03:42.56]some students watch TV__ __ __ __ a week,
[03:48.21]but most students watch TV __  __.
[03:53.67]SECTION B
[04:01.03]2a Listen.Then circle your answer to each question.
[05:37.68]2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey.
[07:13.35]3a Read part of Katrina's letter to a pen pal4 and answer the questions....
[07:21.60]but I'm pretty healthy.
[07:24.94]I exercise every day,usually when I come home from school.
[07:32.10]And my eating habits are pretty good.
[07:36.36]I try to eat a lot of vegetables, usually ten to eleven times a week.
[07:43.52]And I eat fruit every day and I drink milk every day.
[07:49.16]Of course,I love junk5 food too,but I try to eat it only once a week.
[07:56.21]Oh,and I sleep nine hours every night.
[08:01.38]So you see , I look after my health.
[08:05.64]And it makes a big difference to my grades.
[08:10.29]Good food and exercise help me to study better.
[08:15.46]3b Now fill in the blanks in Paul's letter....
[08:22.52]and I think I'm kind of unhealthy.
[08:26.64]I hardly ever exercise, I eat__twice a week,but I never eat__.
[08:35.92]And I __ to drink __.
[08:39.76]Yuck! I love__ and eat it__ __ __ a week.
[08:47.31]So maybe I'm not very healthy,
[08:51.67]although I do have one healthy habit I __for __ every nitht.
[08:59.82]Words and expressions6 in unit 1
[09:09.49]how often            hardly               ever                 twice
[09:18.12]多久一次             adv.几乎不;几乎没有  adv.曾;曾经          adv.两次;两倍
[09:26.75]once                 time                 internet             program
[09:34.93]adv.一次             n.次;次数  ;互联网        n.节目单;(电脑)程序
[09:43.11]hilltop              vocabulary           key                  result
[09:50.84]n.山顶               n.词汇表,词汇        n.提示,线索,关键字   n.结果,成果
[09:58.57]as for               translate            song                 junk
[10:07.44]至于,关于            v.翻译               n.歌曲               n.废弃的旧物
[10:16.31]junk food            milk                 interviewer          habit
[10:25.33]垃圾食品             n.牛奶               n.采访者             n.习惯,习性
[10:34.36]eating habit         of course            look after           difference
[10:43.03]饮食习惯             当然                 照顾,照看            n.不同,差异,区别
[10:51.70]make a difference    grade                unhealthy            yuck
[11:00.24]使...不同,有重要性   n.分数,成绩,年级     adj.不健康的,不益健康int.呸,啐
[11:08.79]although=though      do                   skateboarding        start with
[11:19.51]conj.虽然,即使,纵然  表强调(实义动词前)   n.溜滑板运动         以...开始



1 phrases 5a1969515ab7b523d913732d256e644a     
n.短语( phrase的名词复数 );成语;说法;乐句
  • Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 体育解说员翻来覆去说着同样的词语,真叫人腻烦。
  • Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 电视体育解说员说来说去就是那么几句话,令人厌烦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 vocabulary 8hVw0     
  • How can I widen my vocabulary?怎样扩大自己的词汇量?
  • You can find all the new words in the vocabulary of the text.你能在课文的词汇表中找到所有的生词。
3 blanks 2887cf079533c95f1fab81089f1c5ac2     
n.(纸等的)空白(尤指表格的空白)( blank的名词复数 );空地;(书正文前后的)空白页;空白表格(或证件)
  • Fill in the blanks with verbals. 用动词的非谓语形式填空。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks with proper prepositions and adverbs. 用适当的冠词和副词填空,完成下列句子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 pal j4Fz4     
  • He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
  • Listen,pal,I don't want you talking to my sister any more.听着,小子,我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。
5 junk G3gxJ     
  • I bought this old table in a junk shop.我在旧货店里买了这张旧桌子。
  • They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny beds.他们将废品间清理用作小卧室。
6 expressions 1476dfb963d54c697399a79fafa90151     
n.表情( expression的名词复数 );表示;(数学)表达式;词
  • ritualized expressions of grief 以例行的方式表达悲伤
  • The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话往往变成明天的陈词滥调。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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