
新标准初中英语第一册--MODULE 9A trip to the zoo

时间:2012-12-04 06:24:10





[00:00.00]MODULE 9A trip to the zoo


[00:03.59]Unit 1Does the tiger eat meat?

[00:05.38]第一单元 老虎吃肉吗?

[00:07.16]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check.

[00:25.95]听力和词汇2 听录音,检查答案。

[00:44.75]3 Listen and read.

[00:47.06]3 听一听,读一读。

[00:49.36]Guide:Welcome to BeijingZoo. Sixteen thousandpeople visit it everyday.


[00:58.02]The zoo has fivethousandanimals-kangaroos, polarbears, zebras, pandasand many more.


[01:06.99]The kangaroo comes fromAustralia,the polar1 bearfrom the Arctic2, and thewolf from Europe. Let'sgo and see a tiger.


[01:17.73]Daming:Does the tigercome from Europe?


[01:20.52]Guide:No, it doesn't. Itcomes from Asia. Thetiger eats meat.Lingling:Does the polarbear eat meat?


[01:29.12]Guide:Yes, it does. Iteats meat and it likesto swim.


[01:34.16]Daming:Is there a panda?The panda is myfavourite animal.


[01:39.03]Guide:It's my favouriteanimal, too. Would youlike to see Lingling?Lingling:I'm here!


[01:45.57]Guide:No, Lingling thepanda! Look, there sheis. She lives in Chinaand she eats bamboo.


[01:55.93]Pronunciationand speaking5 Listen and repeat./i╓/ here/e╓/ bear  there

[02:06.59]发音和说话5 听录音并跟读/i╓/ 这儿/e╓/ 熊  那儿

[02:17.26]6 Listen and repeat  the questions and  answers.


[02:24.11]-Does the panda eat bamboo?-Yes, it does. It eats bamboo.


[02:31.49]-Does the tiger come from Europe?-No, it doesn't. It comes from Asia.


[02:39.07]Unit 2Is it anAfrican elephant?


[02:43.46]Vocabulary and reading4 Read the passage andchoose the correctanswers.

[02:47.64]词汇和阅读4 阅读文章,选择正确的答案。

[02:51.81]The animalsThere are camels fromAfrica and Asia. This isan African camel.


[02:59.18]It lives in the desertand eats grass. Itdoesn't often drink.


[03:05.26]There are elephants fromAfrica and India. Thisis an Asian elephant. Itlives in India.


[03:13.58]In Asia, some elephantswork in the forest.Elephants like water.


[03:20.32]The kangaroo comes fromAustralia. It'sAustralian. The kangaroolives in grassland3.


[03:28.48]It eats grass andleaves. It doesn't eatmeat.


[03:33.22]The monkey comes fromSouth America. It'sSouth American. Themonkey lives in thejungle and eats fruit.


[03:42.23]There are snakes inAsia, America, Africa,Australia and Europe.


[03:49.16]This snake comes fromAmerica. It eats meat.It doesn't like water.


[03:56.22]This is a European wolf.It lives in the forest.It eats meat. It doesn'teat vegetables.


[04:06.37]1 Does the camel eatfruit?2 Is the camel African?3 Does the elephant likewater?

[04:13.19]1 骆驼吃水果吗?2 骆驼是非洲的吗?3 大象喜欢水吗?

[04:20.02]4 Is the elephant Asian?5 Is the kangarooAustralian?6 Does the monkey livein the desert?

[04:27.64]4 大象是亚洲的吗?5 袋鼠是澳大利亚的吗?6 猴子生活在沙漠中吗?

[04:35.27]7 Is the snake from theArctic?8 Does the snake eatmeat?

[04:40.22]7 蛇来自北极吗?8 蛇吃肉吗?

[04:45.17]9 Is the wolf European?10 Does the wolf eatfruit?

[04:49.85]9 狼是欧洲的吗?10狼吃水果吗?

[04:54.53]Words and expressionsModule 9

[04:56.79]单词和短语模块 9




[05:23.72]wolf/wulf/n.狼polar bear/,p╓ul╓ 'be╓/北极熊guide/gaid/n.导游














1 polar 524zU     
  • It's very cold in the polar regions.南北极地带是很寒冷的。
  • Love and hatred are polar feelings.爱与恨是完全相反的感情。
2 Arctic czLzw     
  • They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic.他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。
  • The sort of animal lived in the Arctic Circle.这种动物生活在北极圈里。
3 grassland 0fCxG     
  • There is a reach of grassland in the distance.远处是连绵一片的草原。
  • The snowstorm swept the vast expanse of grassland.暴风雪袭击了辽阔的草原。

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