
新标准初中英语第一册--MODULE 10 Computers

时间:2012-12-04 06:25:14





[00:00.00]MODULE 10 Computers

[00:01.65]模块 10 计算机

[00:03.30]Unit 1How do I write myhomework onthe computer?

[00:05.81]第一单元 我怎样在计算  机上写我的家庭作业?

[00:08.32]Vocabulary and listening1 Listen and number thewords as you hear them.


[01:16.53]4 Listen and read.Lingling:How do I writemy homework on thecomputer?

[01:20.89]4 听一听,读一读。玲玲:我怎样在电脑上写家庭作业?

[01:25.25]Daming:First, open a newdocument. So, use themouse and click“newdocument”.


[01:34.90]Lingling:What's themouse? Is this it?


[01:38.28]Daming:Yes. Next, youwrite your homework inthe new document. Usethe keyboard.


[01:48.28]Lingling:What do I donext? How do I save thedocument?


[01:53.11]Daming:Youclick“save”, and writea name for it.


[01:57.98]Lingling:Where do Iwrite the name?


[02:00.19]Daming:Write it in thebox. OK, thenclick“save”again.


[02:07.76]Lingling:OK. Finally,how do I print it?Daming:Click“print”and“OK”.


[02:17.87]Lingling:Where's theprinter?Daming:It's behind you!


[02:22.12]Pronunciationand speaking8 Listen and repeat.  /t╞/ switch

[02:27.52]发音和说话8 听录音并跟读。  /t╞/ 开关

[02:32.93]9 Listen and repeat  the questions.

[02:35.72]9 听录音,跟读问题。

[02:38.52]1 How do I write myhomework on thecomputer?2 What's the mouse?3 What do I do next?


[02:51.68]4 Where do I write thename?5 Where's the printer?


[03:00.25]Unit 2How often do you usea computer?

[03:02.58]第二单元 你多长时间使用一次计算机?

[03:04.92]Reading and vocabulary1 Match the questionswith the people whoanswer them.

[03:09.19]阅读和词汇1 把问题和回答问题的人连接起来。

[03:13.46]1 When do you use acomputer?2 What do you usually doon your computer?

[03:18.09]1你什么时候使用电脑?2你通常在电脑上做什么 事情?

[03:22.71]3 How many emails do yousend?4 What games do youplay?

[03:27.00]3 你发多少电子邮件?4 你玩什么游戏?

[03:31.28]5 Do you have a computerat home?6 Do you usually use acomputer at school?

[03:36.39]5 你家里有电脑吗?6在学校你通常用电脑吗?

[03:41.49]7 Do you often goonline?8 Do you make travelplans on the Internet?

[03:46.08]7 你经常上网吗?8 你在因特网上制定旅行计划吗?

[03:50.67]People and theircomputers


[03:53.54]A “I usually play gamesand I download musicfrom the Internet. Idon't sendemails.”Satoshi, Tokyo


[04:05.19]B “Two or three in theevening. Ourgrandchildren live inAustralia and we don'toften see them.

[04:09.44]B 两到三个晚上。我们的孙子生活在澳大利亚,我们不经常看到他们。

[04:13.70]So we send emails andphotos.”Panos andElena, Athens


[04:20.21]C “I sometimes playCounter Strike and FinalFantasy. I never playTomb Raider1.”Jack,Sydney


[04:29.03]D “No, I don't. I don'tuse the Internet or sendemails.


[04:34.51]I'm a writer and I writemy novels on mycomputer.”Nam Da,Vietnam


[04:41.92]E “Yes, I check thetrain timetable. I don'tusually buytickets.”Karl Heinz,Berlin


[04:53.82]F “Yes, we do. We havetwo, a computer and alaptop. We don't oftenuse them.”Marcella andBruno, Buenos Aires


[05:10.04]G “Usually at home inthe evening and at theweekend. I visit mywebsite at theweekend.”Becky, London


[05:22.05]H “Yes, I'm a teacher,and I use my laptop formy lessons.


[05:28.83]I also get informationfor my lessons on theInternet. I don't playgames on it.”Xiao Mei,Shanghai


[05:38.19]Words and expressionsModule 10





[05:57.88]switch on接通;开(电灯、机器等)finally/'fain╓li/adv.最后first/f╔:st/adv.首先









[07:06.63]Proper names

[07:08.63]Names of peopleAlex/'╗liks/阿里克斯(男名)Beckham/'bek╓m/贝克汉姆(姓)










[07:55.63]Names of placesAthens/'╗╙╓nz/雅典(希腊首都)Berlin/'b╔:lin/柏林(德国首都)

[08:02.91]Buenos Aires/,bwein╛s 'ai╓rez/布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)

[08:06.03]London/'l╘nd╓n/伦敦(英国首都)Los Angeles/l╛s'╗nd╜ili:z/洛杉矶(美国西部城市)

[08:11.03]South America/,sau╙ ╓'merik╓/南美洲Sydney/'sidni/悉尼(澳大利亚城市)


[08:20.60]OthersCounter Strike/'kaunt╓ ,straik/“反恐精英”(游戏名称)

[08:25.53]Final Fantasy/'fain╓l ,f╗nt╓si/“最终幻想”(游戏名称)

[08:28.79]Harry Potter/'h╗ri ,p╛t╓/《哈里·波特》(英国作家J.K.罗琳写的书)

[08:31.77]Manchester United/'m╗nt╞ist╓ ju:'naitid/曼彻斯特联队(英国足球队)


[08:37.36]Tomb Raider/'tu:m ,reid╓/“古墓丽影”(游戏名称)UK (=United Kingdom)英国

[08:43.75]USA (=the United Statesof America)美国




1 raider AkJz05     
n. 袭击者, 侵入者
  • The raider, cornered at length, will overwhelm one weak vessel and escape. 袭击舰即便最后被它们团团围住,它也会摧毁其中一艘较弱的巡洋舰,突围而出。
  • The Raider stays on the air. 《突击队员》还要继续联播。

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