
新标准初中英语第一册--Revision module B

时间:2012-12-04 06:32:50





[00:00.00]Revision module1 B

[00:01.10]复习模块 B



[00:03.50]14 Listen and completethe table. What doesHarry like (√) and whatdoesn't he like(×)?

[00:48.60]14 听录音,完成表格。在哈利喜欢的东西后面打√。在哈利不喜欢的东西后面打×。



[01:35.38]15 Read the email2 fromTony's friend, John.Check (√) the truesentences.


[01:44.08]Dear Tony,I'm at a new school inCambridge now. I like itvery much. Lessons startat half past eight.


[01:55.64]I get up at half pastseven and havebreakfast. We have threelessons in the morning.


[02:04.23]At break, I usually playgames with my friends inthe playground, likefootball, table tennisor basketball.


[02:14.16]Lunch is at one o'clock,in the dining hall. Inthe afternoon we havethree lessons.


[02:22.62]School finishes at halfpast three. I do sportsor have music lessons atschool, at half pastthree.


[02:32.19]It's a busy day, but Ilike my new school!


[02:36.78]Write and tell me aboutyour school in China!Best wishes,John


[02:43.75]1 John's school is inChina. □2 He gets up at halfpast seven. □

[02:48.63]1 约翰的学校在中国。□2 他七点半起床。□

[02:53.51]3 He doesn't play gamesat his school. □4 School finishes athalf past three. □

[02:58.52]3 在学校他不做游戏。 □4 三点半学校放学。 □

[03:03.53]5 John doesn't likeschool. □

[03:05.85]5 约翰不喜欢学校。□

[03:08.16]Words and expressionsRevision module B

[03:10.86]单词和短语复习模块 B





1 module iEjxj     
  • The centre module displays traffic guidance information.中央模块显示交通引导信息。
  • Two large tanks in the service module held liquid oxygen.服务舱的两个大气瓶中装有液态氧。
2 email email     
n.电子邮件(Electronic mail),透过电脑网路传送邮件的方式
  • You can send me an email.你可以给我发一份电子邮件。
  • It's Interesting to read your email.读你的电子邮件很有趣。

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