
新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 3 Journey tospace

时间:2012-12-13 06:20:01





[00:00.00]MODULE 3 Journey tospace

[00:01.72]模块 3 太空之旅

[00:03.43]Unit 1 Has it arrivedyet?

[00:05.02]第一单元 已经到了吗?

[00:06.61]Listening and vocabulary


[00:08.74]1 Listen and number thewords as you hear them.

[00:25.35]1 听录音,标出你听到的单词的序号。

[00:41.95]3 Listen and read.

[00:45.14]3 听一听,读一读。

[00:48.32]Daming:Hi, Tony.What are you up to?


[00:50.94]Tony:Hi Daming,I've justmade this model of thespace station. What doyou think?


[00:56.28]Daming:It's great. Isthis for your spacetravel homework? Ihaven't started it yet.


[01:02.81]Tony:Don't panic1! MsJames wants it nextweek. Have you heard thelatest news?


[01:08.40]Some scientists havesent a spacecraft2 toMars. It has takenseveral months to getthere.


[01:15.52]Daming:Has it arrivedyet?Tony:Yes, it has. That'swhy it's on the news.


[01:21.23]Daming:And have theastronauts discoveredlife on Mars3?


[01:24.65]Tony:No, not yet. Therearen't any astronauts inthe spacecraft.


[01:28.94]Daming:But astronautshave already been to themoon.


[01:31.94]Tony:Yes, but no one hasbeen recently. But lotsof astronauts haveworked on the spacestation.


[01:38.51]They take the spaceshuttle, and go thereand back.


[01:42.14]Daming:You know a lotabout space travel. CanI show your spacestation to my parents?


[01:47.80]Tony:But I hear they'vegone to Shanghai onbusiness.


[01:50.99]Daming:Oh, they'recoming back thisevening. I'd like toshow it to them.


[01:55.09]Tony:All right, you canborrow it. But bring itback tomorrow.


[01:59.26]4 Answer the questions.Now listen again andcheck.

[02:38.67]4 回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[03:18.07]Pronunciation andspeaking


[03:23.36]7 Listen and underlinethe words the speakerstresses.

[03:26.31]7 听录音,在说话人重读的单词下划横线。

[03:29.25]1 I've just heard thenews.2 It's just reachedMars.

[03:32.63]1 我刚刚知道这个消息。2 它刚刚到达火星。

[03:36.00]3 We've already been tothe moon.


[03:39.66]4 We haven't been toMars yet.5 Has it reached Marsyet?

[03:43.35]4 我们还没有去过火星。5 它已经到达火星了吗?

[03:47.03]Unit 2 We haven't foundlife on other planetsyet.

[03:50.79]第二单元 我们还没有在其它星球上发现生命。

[03:54.56]Reading and vocabulary


[03:56.63]2 Read the passage andchoose the best title.

[03:59.24]2 阅读短文,选择最好的标题。

[04:01.84]Scientists think thatthere has been life onEarth for millions ofyears.


[04:06.95]However, we haven'tfound life on otherplanets yet. Why not?


[04:12.18]The Earth is a planetand it goes around theSun. Eight other planetsalso go around the Sun.


[04:19.78]None of them has anenvironment with air, sopeople and things cannotgrow.


[04:26.37]The Sun and its planetsare called the solarsystem. The solar systemis a small part of ourgalaxy.


[04:34.92]The stars we see atnight are the suns inother solar systems.


[04:40.44]There are more than 200billion stars in ourgalaxy, called the MilkyWay, and our Sun is onlyone of them.


[04:49.83]But scientists havediscovered many othergalaxies in theuniverse.


[04:54.63]They are a long way awayand their light hastravelled for many yearsto reach us.


[05:01.13]It is hard to understandhow large the universeis.


[05:05.69]Scientists have sentlots of spacecraft tolook at other planets5 inour solar system,


[05:11.73]and some spacecraft havegone beyond the solarsystem. However, no onehas discovered any lifein space yet.


[05:20.77]But why has no onefrom other planets sentus a message? Have theytried to sendinformation to us?


[05:29.02]With so many stars inthe universe, are wealone, or is there lifeout there in space? Wedon't know ... yet.


[05:39.39]Unit 3 Language in use

[05:42.72]第三单元 语言的运用

[05:46.05]Language practice


[05:47.82]8 Listen to thisinterview and choose thecorrect answers.

[06:29.23]8 听这段采访录音,选择正确的答案。

[07:10.63]WorkbookMODULE 3 Journey tospace

[07:12.85]练习册模块 3 太空之旅

[07:15.07]Listening, pronunciationand writing


[07:19.10]6 Listen and check (√)the true sentences.

[08:21.93]6 听录音,勾出正确的句子。

[09:24.76]7 Listen to theinterview again andchoose the correctanswers.


[11:33.57]8 Underline4 the wordsthat the speaker willstress.

[11:37.82]8 在说话者将要重读的单词下划横线。

[11:42.07]Now listen and check.As you listen, say thewords aloud.


[11:47.30]1 I have wanted to go up  into space since I was  a little girl.2 No women have ever  gone into space.

[11:51.90]1 从我还是小姑娘的时候起我就一直想进入太空。2 没有女性曾经进入过太空。

[11:56.50]3 But you see I have  made it!4 I've only been there  for a short time.

[12:00.36]3 可你看到我已经做到了。4 我只在那呆了很短的一段时间。

[12:04.21]Reading and speaking


[12:09.06]10 Read the passage andchoose the best title.

[12:11.95]10 阅读短文,选择最好的标题。

[12:14.84]A One day in historyB The moon missionsC Yuri Gagarin,the first man in space

[12:20.15]A 过去的一天B 月球飞行C尤里·加加林 ,太空第一人

[12:25.45]People have looked atthe moon and writtenpoems about it forthousands of years,


[12:31.03]but nobody expected togo there until 1961 whenYuri Gagarin made thefirst manned spaceflight.


[12:40.58]Then the Americansdecided to send a man tothe moon. Apollo 11 tookoff on 16 July, 1969.


[12:50.48]The moon is 238,900miles from Earth and thejourney took four days.


[12:59.42]On 21 July, NeilArmstrong became thefirst man to walk on themoon.


[13:06.52]The astronaut in thepictures of the firstmoon landing7 isn't NeilArmstrong.


[13:11.95]The photos show thesecond man to walk onthe moon, Buzz8 Aldrin.That's because Armstrongtook the photos!


[13:20.57]There were six mannedmissions to the moonbetween 1969 and 1972,and 12 people havewalked on the moon.


[13:29.56]No astronauts have beento the moon since 1972.We've learnt a lot aboutthe moon because ofthese missions6.


[13:37.89]For example, we knowthat there's no lifethere.


[13:41.98]Nothing has ever livedon the moon, but somescientists think thatpeople will live on themoon one day.


[13:49.22]Life on the moon won'tbe easy. It will be adifficult and dangerousplace to live.


[13:56.29]Words and expressionsModule 3

[13:57.58]单词和短语模块 3


[14:03.75]model/'m╛dl/n.模型station/'stei╞n/n.站;所;局;车站space station太空站;宇宙空间站



[14:14.50]recently/'ri:sntli/adv.最近space shuttle 航天飞机show/╞╓u/v.(showed,shown)展示;给……看

[14:20.97]over/'╓uv╓/prep.多于(某时间、数量、花费等)planet/'pl╗nit/n.行星solar system/'s╓ul╓ 'sist╓m/太阳系


[14:27.93]environment/in'vair╓nm╓nt/n.环境air/e╓/n.空气grow/gr╓u/v.(grew, grown)生长;种植




[14:44.71]cost/k╛st/v.(cost, cost)价钱为;花费prefer/pri'f╔:/v.(preferred, preferred)更喜爱






1 panic C48zD     
  • There was a panic when the building caught fire.大楼起火时,人们一片惊慌。
  • She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.她突然惊慌失措起来,于是停住了车。
2 spacecraft TwowV     
  • There're three astronauts in the spacecraft.在这艘宇宙飞船里有三名宇航员。
  • The spacecraft rounded the moon.宇宙飞船环绕月球飞行。
3 Mars 4oSz63     
  • As of now we don't know much about Mars.目前我们对火星还知之甚少。
  • He contended that there must be life on Mars.他坚信火星上面一定有生物。
4 underline wkEwt     
  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
5 planets f4ebb228cedc38a86b9e60ec64484492     
行星( planet的名词复数 ); 地球(尤指环境)
  • Does life exist on other planets? 其他行星上有生命吗?
  • the planets of our solar system 太阳系的行星
6 missions 9547c4df6d7db2c859a25f3e6b1c69f9     
n.代表团( mission的名词复数 );使命;官方使命;布道所
  • The enemy airmen kicked up at the orders to fly more missions. 敌方飞行员开始对执行更多飞行任务的命令表示不服。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • During the spring of 1943, the British missions were strengthened. 在一九四三年春季,英国代表团加强了。 来自辞典例句
7 landing wpwz3N     
  • Owing to engine trouble,the plane had to make a forced landing.由于发动机出了毛病,飞机不得不进行迫降。
  • When are we landing?我们什么时候着陆?
8 buzz aSiyO     
  • My brain was in buzz.我的脑袋嗡嗡响。
  • A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.拥挤的法庭里响起了一片乱哄哄的说话声。

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