
新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 6 A famous story

时间:2012-12-13 06:22:22




[00:00.00]MODULE 6 A famous story

[00:01.90]模块6 一个著名的故事

[00:03.80]Unit 1 She was sittingby the river.

[00:05.66]第一单元 她正坐在河边。

[00:07.51]Listening and vocabulary


[00:09.77]1 Listen and number thecharacters in the storyin the order you hearthem.

[00:27.51]1 听录音,按你听到的顺序标出段落的序号。

[00:45.25]2 Listen and read.

[00:48.61]2 听一听,读一读。

[00:51.98]Tony:How is it going,      Lingling?Lingling:Ssh!         I'm reading.Tony:Sorry!


[00:57.74]What's the book?Lingling:Sally sent itto me. It's about a girlcalled Alice.Tony:Go on!


[01:04.96]Lingling:One day she wassitting by the riverwith a book, but shewasn't reading it.


[01:10.88]Suddenly a white rabbitran past her. It waslooking at its watch.


[01:16.06]Tony:Why was it running?Lingling:Because it was         late.Tony:Where was it going?


[01:21.77]Lingling:To a tea partywith the Mad Hatter,the March Hare1 anda mouse.


[01:27.06]Tony:I see! Was therea King and a Queen?Lingling:Yes.Tony:And what were they     doing?


[01:34.69]Lingling:The Queen wasplaying in the gardenand the King was sittingon the grass.


[01:40.58]And the Cheshire Cat wassitting in a tree andwas smiling at everyone.


[01:45.45]Tony:And let me guess... then Alice fell downa rabbit hole and wentinto their strangeworld!


[01:54.14]Lingling:Tony! Do youknow the book?


[01:57.24]Tony:Yes, it's Alice'sAdventures inWonderland. Every boyand girl in Britain hasread it.


[02:04.24]3 Write notes about whatthe people in Activity 2were doing.Now listen again andcheck.

[02:49.11]3 记录下活动2中的人物正在做的事情。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[03:33.98]Pronunciation andspeaking


[03:39.77]6 Listen and repeat.

[03:41.83]6 听录音,跟读。

[03:43.88]1 Alice was sitting bythe river.  Yes, she was.

[03:47.48]1 爱丽丝坐在河边。是的,她坐在河边。

[03:51.08]2 She was reading herbook.  No, she wasn't.

[03:54.39]2 她在看她的书。不,她没有看书。

[03:57.69]3 The White Rabbit waslooking at its watch.  Yes, it was.

[04:01.47]3 白兔在看着它的手表。是的,它在看着手表。

[04:05.25]4 The Cheshire Cat wassitting on the grass.  No, it wasn't.

[04:09.06]4 切舍猫坐在草地上。不,它没有坐在草地上。

[04:12.86]Unit 2 The white rabbitwas looking at itswatch.


[04:21.22]Reading and vocabulary


[04:23.53]2 Read the start ofAlice's Adventures inWonderland and answerthe questions

[04:27.43]2 阅读《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的开头部分,回答问题。

[04:31.32]Alice was getting verytired. She was sittingwith her sister by theriver and her sister wasreading a book.


[04:39.44]Alice had nothing to do.Once or twice she lookedinto her sister's book,but it had no picturesor conversations in it.


[04:50.00]“And what is a bookfor,”thoughtAlice,“without picturesor conversations?”


[04:57.53]So she was thinking ofmaking a daisy chainwhen suddenly a whiterabbit with pink eyesran by her.


[05:06.56]There was nothingstrange about that. Andshe didn't think it wasstrange when she heardthe rabbit say,


[05:13.50]“Oh dear! Oh dear! I'llbe late!”But when therabbit took a watch outof its pocket and lookedat it, Alice got up.


[05:23.25]A rabbit with a pocketand a watch? She ranacross the field afterit.


[05:30.48]She saw it go down alarge rabbit hole underthe hedge2.


[05:35.02]Then Alice went downafter it and neverthought about how shewas going to get outagain.


[05:42.25]Unit 3 Language in use

[05:45.64]第三单元 语言的运用

[05:49.03]Language practice7 Listen and answer thequestions.

[06:35.49]语言练习7 听录音,回答问题。

[07:21.95]WorkbookMODULE 6 A famous story

[07:24.20]练习册模块 6 一个著名的故事

[07:26.44]Listening andpronunciation


[07:29.39]8 Listen and put thepictures in the correctorder.

[08:12.55]8 听录音,把图片按正确的顺序排列。

[08:55.71]9 Listen to theunderlined words inthese sentences. Arethey stressed3 orunstressed?


[09:06.89]1 He was very poor.2 They were singing  and dancing in their  new clothes.


[09:14.04]3 But who was it?4 They weren't wearing  any clothes!

[09:17.47]3 可是那是谁?4 他们没有穿任何衣服。

[09:20.90]Now listen againand repeat.


[09:41.51]Reading, speakingand writing


[09:48.25]10 Read about somepeople's favouritebooks. Match the titleswith the passages.


[09:57.00]a Harry4 Potter and the  Philosopher's Stoneb The Water-Babiesc Black Beauty


[10:08.13]My favourite book1 I love this book. It'sa sad story, but it hasa happy ending.


[10:18.35]It's about a beautifulblack horse. In thebeginning, he was happy.He lived with goodpeople.


[10:26.57]Then he went to manydifferent places, andsometimes people wereunkind to him.


[10:33.83]But in the end the horsewas living in his oldhome again.


[10:39.37]2 It's my favouritebook. At the beginningof the story, he wasliving with his aunt anduncle and cousin.

[10:44.20]2 这是我最喜欢的书。在故事的开始,他和他的叔叔婶妈还有堂兄弟姐妹生活在一起。

[10:49.02]He was getting ready togo to a new school, whensuddenly dozens ofletters started arrivingat the house.


[10:57.91]He didn't know how muchthese letters were goingto change his life! It'sa great book.


[11:05.19]3 It's the story of alittle boy called Tom.He worked for a bad mancalled Grimes.


[11:14.27]But one day he ran awayand went to live in ariver.


[11:18.81]The book is all aboutthe exciting things thathappened while he wasliving under the water.


[11:25.42]Words and expressionsModule 6








[11:52.26]under/'╘nd╓/prep.在……下面hedge/hed╜/n.树篱go off (灯)熄灭;停(电)




[12:06.75]wear/we╓/v.(wore, worn)穿;戴clap/kl╗p/v.鼓掌cheer/t╞i╓/v.欢呼





1 hare yeVxN     
  • The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.兔子正睡觉时,乌龟赢得了比赛。
  • I saw a hare in my backyard this morning.今天早晨我看见后院有一只野兔。
2 hedge JdLzk     
  • The gardener trimmed the hedge.那位园林工人修剪了树篱。
  • He squeezed through a gap in the hedge.他从树篱的缺口处挤过去。
3 stressed mhPzAJ     
  • Loud music makes me stressed out.大声的音乐让我很紧张。
  • He stressed that we should always be honest.他强调我们应该永远诚实。
4 harry heBxS     
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。

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