
新标准初中英语第三册--MODULE 8 Around town

时间:2012-12-13 06:24:08




[00:00.00]MODULE 8 Around town

[00:01.75]模块 8 小镇周围

[00:03.49]Unit 1 How do I get tothe Forbidden1 City?


[00:07.48]Listening and vocabulary2


[00:09.65]1 Listen and match thewords and expressionswith the pictures.

[00:39.96]1 听录音,将单词短语和图片搭配起来。

[01:10.26]3 Listen and read.

[01:13.69]3 听一听,读一读。

[01:17.12]Sally:So show me your      map of Beijing,      Lingling.


[01:20.80]Lingling:OK, here'sTian'anmen Square.On the left, over there,is the Great Hall ofthe People.


[01:28.97]And on the right arethe Museum of ChineseHistory and the Museumof Chinese Revolution3.在右边的是中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆。

[01:35.25]Sally:And how do I getto the Forbidden City?


[01:38.69]Lingling:Go straightahead. It's oppositeTian'anmen Square.


[01:42.92]Sally:I see. And whereis the Chairman5 MaoMemorial Hall?


[01:48.06]Lingling:It's here,between the Great Hallof the People and theMuseums.


[01:53.19]Sally:And can you tellme the way to a park?


[01:56.37]Lingling:Yes, BeihaiPark is my favourite.It's kind of quiet.Go across the square.


[02:03.96]Turn left into Chang'anJie and then turn rightinto Chang Jie.


[02:10.21]I think there's anentrance on the cornerof Chang Jie and WenjinJie.


[02:15.27]Sally:And where can I do      some shopping?


[02:17.83]Lingling:Everyone asksabout the shopping!The best place isWangfujing Dajie.


[02:23.81]Go across Tian'anmenSquare, turn right, andgo along Dongchang'anJie, and turn left intoWangfujing Dajie.


[02:33.79]4 Match the numbers onthe map with the places.Now listen again andcheck.

[03:16.96]4 把地图上的数字和地点搭配起来。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[04:00.13]Pronunciation andspeaking


[04:05.53]6 Listen and repeat6.1 How do I get to the  Forbidden City?

[04:09.25]6 听录音并跟读。1 去紫禁城怎么走?

[04:12.97]2 Go straight ahead4.  It's opposite  Tian'anmen Square.3 Can you tell me the  way to a park?

[04:17.29]2 直接向前走,它就在天安门广场对面。3 你能告诉我去公园的路吗?

[04:21.60]4 Turn left into  Chang'an Jie and  then turn right into  Chang Jie.

[04:25.21]4 左转进入长安街,然后再右转进入长街。

[04:28.83]Unit 2 The London Eye ison your right.


[04:36.32]Reading and vocabulary


[04:38.54]1 Read the tour of London and follow it on the map.

[04:41.12]1 阅读伦敦之旅,在地图上找出路线。

[04:43.70]Tour of London Welcome to this shorttour of London.


[04:48.57]In this square we arestanding in the middleof London.


[04:52.54]Opposite is the NationalGallery, a museum withlots of famouspaintings.


[04:58.74]Go along the red streetto Buckingham Palace.The Queen7 lives here.


[05:02.87]Turn left and go tothe Houses of Parliamentand Big Ben. Oppositeyou can see the London Eye.


[05:12.61]It takes you 135 metresabove the River Thames.You can see most ofLondon on a clear day.


[05:21.08]When you are tired,the best way to seeLondon is by boat. Youcan get the boat nearBig Ben.


[05:28.97]As you go along theriver, the London Eye ison your right.


[05:33.60]Get off the boat atTower Bridge. There youcan see the Tower ofLondon next to thebridge.


[05:40.91]The Tower of London isthe city's oldestpalace. It is 900 yearsold.


[05:47.74]Take the boat backalong the river. Get offthe boat and go past thestation and walk alongthe street.


[05:55.39]Opposite is the oldfruit and vegetablemarket. They don't sellfruit and vegetablesnow.


[06:02.30]There are stores andrestaurants, and lots ofstreet musicians. Turnleft into King's Street,and go past the church.


[06:11.98]You're now back whereyou started, at thesquare. Now you finishyour tour.


[06:18.60]Unit 3 Language in use

[06:22.14]第三单元 语言的运用

[06:25.68]Language practice


[06:27.47]5 Listen and label8 theplaces.

[07:06.78]5 听录音,标注出地方的名称。

[07:46.09]6 Listen again andanswer the questions.

[08:27.44]6 再听一遍,回到问题。

[09:08.80]WorkbookMODULE 8

[09:11.17]练习册模块 8

[09:13.55]Listening, pronunciationand speaking


[09:17.99]6 Listen to theseconversations and check(√) the true sentences.

[09:58.97]6 听听这些谈话,勾出正确的句子。

[10:39.95]7 Listen and repeat.1 The supermarket  is next to the  bakery(面包房).

[10:45.52]7 听录音并跟读。1 超市紧靠着面包房。

[10:51.10]2 The museum is between  the palace and the  tower.3 The chemist9 is  opposite the cinema.

[10:57.04]2 博物馆在宫殿和塔之间。3 药店在电影院对面。

[11:02.98]4 The restaurant is  on the corner of High  Street and Church  Street.

[11:06.74]4 饭店在高街和教堂街的拐角处。

[11:10.51]Reading and speaking


[11:15.62]9 Plan a day at Hampton  Court. Discuss these  questions.1 How can people get  there?

[11:21.59]计划在汉普顿宫一天。讨论这些问题。1 去那的路怎么走?

[11:27.56]2 What's the most  interesting thing  to see?3 Where can people eat?

[11:32.08]2 看什么东西最有趣?3 人们在哪吃饭?

[11:36.60]4 How can people  remember the day?

[11:39.01]4 大家这样记住这一天?

[11:41.42]Hampton Court Palace  Hampton Court Palacewas King Henry VIII'shome in 1528.


[11:49.99]It's a very interestingplace to visit when yougo to London.


[11:54.31]A very easy way to getthere is by train: takethe train to HamptonCourt station,


[12:01.32]and walk across thebridge, and you arethere. But the mostinteresting way to getthere is by boat.


[12:10.09]You can take a boat fromWestminster Bridge.Along the way, you cansee many of the famousbuildings in London.


[12:18.96]You can buy a ticketat the ticket office.One place you mustn'tforget to visit is thekitchen.


[12:26.64]Everything in the oldkitchen is just the sameas it was in 1600 so youcan learn about food andcooking in the past.


[12:36.92]Then go to the ChapelRoyal. This was theKing's church.


[12:42.76]After that, go upstairsand see the King's andQueen's rooms.


[12:48.86]There are many oldpaintings in theserooms.


[12:52.73]At the end of your visitinside the Palace, gointo the large andbeautiful gardens.


[12:59.59]You can eat in the TeaRoom, or you can have apicnic on the grassopposite the restaurant.


[13:06.64]Finally, go to one ofthe four shops.


[13:10.37]You can buy books,postcards or presents tohelp you remember yourtrip to this wonderfulplace.


[13:19.07]Now compare your ideaswith another pair.


[13:23.08]Words and expressionsModule 8

[13:24.46]单词和短语模块 8


[13:28.52]supermarket/'su:p╓,ma:kit/n.超市pool/pu:l/n.水池,池塘swimming pool 游泳池


[13:35.67]right/rait/adv.向右adj.右边的;正确的 n.右边revolutionary/,rev╓'lu:╞n╓ri/adj.革命的






[13:55.77]off/╛f/prep.下(飞机、车、船等)tower/'tau╓/n.塔tourist/'tu╓rist/n.游客 adj.旅游的;游览的




1 forbidden OsOzlK     
adj.不允许的,被禁止的;禁用的v.禁止( forbid的过去分词)
  • She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers. 已经明确禁止她动我的文件。
  • Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum. 博物馆内严禁摄影。
2 vocabulary 8hVw0     
  • How can I widen my vocabulary?怎样扩大自己的词汇量?
  • You can find all the new words in the vocabulary of the text.你能在课文的词汇表中找到所有的生词。
3 revolution kBLzX     
  • The earth makes a yearly revolution around the sun.地球每年绕太阳一周。
  • This volume records the history of the country's revolution.这卷书记载了这个国家的革命历史。
4 ahead fKhyM     
  • We have to go ahead to find a garage.我们得到前边找个修车厂。
  • Youth looks ahead and age backward.青年人向前看,老年人向后看。
5 chairman lU0y3     
  • The chairman asked us to vote on the plan.主席要我们对计划进行表决。
  • He acted as chairman of the meeting.他担任大会主席。
6 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
7 queen WS2xH     
  • She sounds like a queen!她听起来像是一个王后!
  • The evil queen is very angry.邪恶的皇后非常生气。
8 label d2vxe     
  • The label is on the inner side of the box.标签贴在盒子内侧。
  • He has been given the label of "playboy".他被起了个“花花公子”的绰号。
9 chemist HUxyT     
  • He is a clever chemist.他是一个聪明的化学家。
  • The chemist mixed up some medicine for me.药剂师给我配了些药。

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