
新标准初中英语第四册--Module 6 Entertainment

时间:2012-12-13 07:06:57




[00:00.00]Module 6 Entertainment

[00:02.03]模块六 娱乐

[00:04.05]Unit 1She said China was avery exciting place.


[00:09.47]Listening and vocabulary


[00:11.56]1 Listen and  write notes.

[00:36.76]1 听录音,做笔记

[01:01.95]2 Answer the questions.  Use the words in the  box to help you.  Now listen again  and check.

[01:29.91]2 回答问题,使用方框中的单词做提示。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[01:57.88]3 Listen and read.

[01:59.85]3 听一听,读一读

[02:01.83]Daming:Hi, were youawake at 10 o'clockyesterday evening?


[02:06.34]Betty:No, I was too      sleepy. Why?


[02:10.29]Daming:It was Sally's       interview.Tony:What did she say?


[02:14.19]Daming:She wasfantastic! She said thatshe was with someclassmates from London,


[02:19.79]and that she wasstudying Chinese.


[02:22.53]Tony:Did she talk about     her friends?


[02:24.78]Daming:She said shemissed her parents butshe had some closefriends here.Tony:That's us!


[02:31.15]Daming:And she saidChina was a veryexciting place. But shedidn't like theword“foreigner”.


[02:37.63]She explained that hervisit was about makingfriends.


[02:41.06]Betty:Ah, that's nice!Tony:Was that it?


[02:44.31]Daming:Yes, that was theend of the interview,but Chen Huan then saidSally played the violinreally well.


[02:51.99]He said their concertswere excellent andeveryone loved themusic.


[02:56.84]And finally, he playedthe recording1 of Sally'smusic. She wasexcellent. I wanted toclap and cheer!


[03:05.08]Betty:So she knows      that she's among      friends. Good.


[03:09.06]But I'm worried abouther because she'sunhappy. We must lookafter her.


[03:18.30]4 Answer the questions.  Now listen again and  check.

[03:59.73]4 回答问题。现在再听一遍,检查答案。

[04:41.16]Pronunciationand speaking


[04:43.72]6 Listen to the  sentences.

[04:45.68]6 听句子。

[04:47.63]1 She said/that she was with some classmates/from London.

[04:50.70]1 她说她和几个从伦敦来的朋友在一起。

[04:53.76]2 Chen Huan then  said/Sally played the  violin really well.  Now say the sentences  aloud.

[05:00.18]2 陈欢后来说,萨利的小提琴拉得非常好。现在,大声说出句子。

[05:06.60]Unit 2He said it was on at thestudent cinema.


[05:11.23]Reading and vocabulary


[05:13.26]2 Read the passage and  complete the table.

[05:15.85]2 阅读课文,完成表格。

[05:18.43]Good morning. I'm ChenHuan. Here's my culturereport for today,Monday:


[05:24.85]A new film startstonight at the studentcinema at eight o'clock.The film is Pirates2 ofthe Caribbean.


[05:32.52]It's a fantasticadventure film. JohnnyDepp and Orlando Bloomare the stars.


[05:38.65]They are both verypopular and famous, andthey both act well inthis film,


[05:44.48]and make theircharacters believable.


[05:47.16]The story is about anold ship. It sailsaround the Caribbeanislands.


[05:52.92]Depp and Bloom3 try tofind some lost gold.


[05:57.08]Then they come face toface with some terriblemen, and have to fightthem.


[06:02.40]There's lots of action,and the fighting looksreally dangerous. Theyalso save KeiraKnightley.


[06:09.58]She plays Elisabeth, thedaughter of a rich man.The scenes withKnightley and Bloom arebeautiful and romantic4.


[06:17.59]The film isn't true tolife, but it's veryexciting, and some of itis very funny.


[06:24.32]It's an enjoyable film,although in my opinionthere's too muchfighting.


[06:29.88]But except for that,it's an excellent film.


[06:33.92]If you didn't see itwhen it first came out,I advise you to go andsee it now.


[06:39.47]I'm sure you'll enjoyit. It's showing allweek.


[06:46.84]Unit 3Language in use


[06:50.62]Language practice


[06:52.57]6 Listen and choose the  best answer.

[07:26.06]6 听录音,选择最好的答案

[07:59.55]Words and expressions







[08:33.74]lost/l╛st/adj.丢失的;迷路的face/feis/n.脸face to face 面对面的action/'╗k╞n/n.动作;行动




[08:55.62]in one's opinion以某人的观点,某人看来except/ik'sept/prep.除了……之外



[09:09.57]plenty of 许多winner/'win╓/n.获胜者,赢家



1 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
2 pirates cbb038d74db4fd0e22ac501524f92158     
n.海盗( pirate的名词复数 );剽窃者;侵犯版权者;非法播音的人(或组织)
  • Children dressed (themselves) up as pirates. 孩子们假扮成海盗。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The pirates treated their captives with barbarity. 海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 bloom lofyX     
  • The park is a picture when flowers are in bloom.当鲜花盛开时,这个公园的景色美极了。
  • The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom.花园里的花盛开。
4 romantic jXPx0     
  • She thinks it will be romantic to be an actress.她认为当个女演员会很浪漫。
  • Her husband is very romantic.她丈夫非常浪漫。

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