
新标准初中英语第四册--Revision module A

时间:2012-12-13 07:20:53




[00:00.00]Revision module1 A


[00:03.02]Listening and speaking


[00:05.01]10 Listen and choose the   best answer.


[01:07.55]Reading and writing


[01:09.75]14 Choose the best title   for the passage.


[01:15.72]Do you want to be a TVnews reporter? Peopleoften ask me why I lovemy job.


[01:22.21]Well, it's veryexciting. I'm the firstto know about importantnews stories.


[01:28.06]I travel around theworld and I talk topeople. I find out whatis happening indifferent2 places.


[01:34.73]I talk to some importantand famous people.


[01:37.91]I've talked to people inthe government, as wellas famous sportsmen3 andsportswomen and filmstars.


[01:44.40]I ask people to tell meabout their lives. Iwant to know how theyfeel.


[01:49.45]A lot of people wantto work in TV news, soyou have to be energeticand creative.


[01:55.41]You have to show thatyou can do it.


[01:57.85]You must learn how touse a video camera, towrite reports, and tospeak to the camera.


[02:03.53]What's the best way tolearn? Your school orcollege TV station is agood place to start, butyou have to get a job!


[02:11.76]Most people start withan unpaid4 job, so theycan learn. The bestplace to learn is at asmall station.


[02:19.70]There aren't manypeople, and as a result,you get betterexperience.


[02:24.74]I had an unpaid job ata small station,


[02:27.63]and one night, wheneveryone else was ill, Iread the news on air.


[02:32.39]I did well, and as aresult, I got my firstpaid job!


[02:40.90]Words and expressions






1 module iEjxj     
  • The centre module displays traffic guidance information.中央模块显示交通引导信息。
  • Two large tanks in the service module held liquid oxygen.服务舱的两个大气瓶中装有液态氧。
2 indifferent N86xO     
  • Her English is indifferent.她的英文很一般。
  • His manner was cold and indifferent.他的态度既冷淡又无动于衷。
3 sportsmen bdcd6a803a47750c9c009510180479ab     
运动员( sportsman的名词复数 )
  • He is one of this country's top professional sportsmen. 他是本国的顶级职业运动员之一。
  • He is one of this country's top professional sportsmen. 他是本国的顶级职业运动员之一。
4 unpaid fjEwu     
  • Doctors work excessive unpaid overtime.医生过度加班却无报酬。
  • He's doing a month's unpaid work experience with an engineering firm.他正在一家工程公司无偿工作一个月以获得工作经验。

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