
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 2Great books

时间:2012-12-14 02:33:36




[00:00.00]MODULE 2Great books


[00:03.52]Unit 1Confucius' works2 areread by many people.


[00:08.92]Listening andvocabulary


[00:11.13]2 Listen and check youranswer to Activity 1.

[00:50.57]活动2 听录音,核对活动1的答案。

[01:30.01]3 Listen and read.Mr Jackson:Hello, Betty.   What's up? What are   you doing in   the library?

[01:35.80]活动3 听一听,读一读。Mr Jackson:你好,贝蒂。   忙什么啊?你在图书馆   做什么呢?

[01:41.58]Betty:I was looking forsome old copies of theschool magazine. If I'vegot it right, it wascalled New Standard3.


[01:50.27]Mr Jackson:That's right.   As far as I remember,   it was started by   Becky Wang.

[01:53.59]Mr Jackson:对。凭我记忆,   它是由贝基·王创协的。

[01:56.91]We don't have a schoolmagazine any more. It'sa pity.


[02:00.85]Betty:Well, I'm thinking4      about starting      it again.

[02:02.50]Betty:哦,我正在考虑重新      办校刊的事。

[02:04.15]Mr Jackson:Sounds like           a good idea!           Go on.Mr Jackson:这个想法听起   来不错!继续说。

[02:07.41]Betty:I was also looking      for something by      Confucius1 and by      Shakespeare.

[02:10.24]Betty:我刚才还在找有关      孔子和莎士比亚的      材料。

[02:13.07]Mr Jackson:Really?That's   a bit difficult for   the school magazine.

[02:15.24]Mr Jackson:是吗?这些材料   对校刊来讲有点高深了   吧。

[02:17.41]Betty:Well, I'd like      a monthly5 article      called“Great      Books”-you know,

[02:20.10]Betty:我想每月有一篇      文章叫《名著欣赏》      --你知道,

[02:22.79]someone reads afavourite work ofliterature and writesan article about it.


[02:27.70]Mr Jackson:I see.   Confucius' works are   still read by many   people today,

[02:30.75]Mr Jackson:我明白了。   现在,仍然有许多人研读   孔子的论著,

[02:33.81]and we're still influen-ced by his thoughts. AndShakespeare's plays areseen by millions ofpeople every year.


[02:41.55]But how about an Amer-ican writer, Mark Twain,for example?


[02:46.46]Betty:I don't know. MarkTwain was an importantwriter, but he isn'tknown as a great thinkerlike Confucius.

[02:50.43]Betty:我不太清楚。      马克·吐温是一位      重要的作家,但不是      像孔子那样作为伟大    的思想家而闻名于世。

[02:54.40]Mr Jackson:No, but hisbooks are still popular.In fact, he wrote myfavourite book The Adve-ntures of Tom Sawyer.

[02:58.67]Mr Jackson:对,但他的著作   仍然很受欢迎。事实上,   我最喜欢的小说《汤姆   ·索亚历险记》就是他   写的。

[03:02.95]Perhaps that's whatmakes“GreatBooks”—they're stillread today.


[03:07.83]Betty:So why don't you      write the first      article on“Great      Books”?

[03:11.13]Betty:那么你何不为这个      专栏写第一篇文章      呢?

[03:14.42]4 Answer the questions.Now listen again andcheck.

[04:09.33]活动4 回答问题。现在再听一遍并核对答案。

[05:04.24]Pronunciation andspeaking7 Listen and repeat6.

[05:08.28]发音和口语活动7 听录音,并跟读。

[05:12.33]Confucius' works arestill read/by manypeople today,/and we'restill influenced/by histhoughts.


[05:21.32]/And Shakespeare's playsare seen/by millions ofpeople every year.


[05:28.99]Unit 2It's still read andloved.


[05:35.22]Reading and vocabulary2 Read the passage  and check your answers  to Activity 1.

[05:39.41]阅读和词汇活动2 读这段话,核对活动1的答案。

[05:43.61]The Adventuresof Tom Sawyer


[05:46.64]Our monthly article on afavourite great book.This month, our guestwriter is Mr Jackson.


[05:54.58]My favourite great bookis The Adventures7 of TomSawyer by Mark Twain.


[06:00.95]Tom lives with his auntPolly in the quietstreets of StPetersburg, Missouri.


[06:07.25]He's a lively and cleveryoung boy, and he findshimself in many excitingadventures.


[06:14.07]He runs away with histwo friends, Huck Finnand Joe, to an island inthe middle of the Missi-ssippi River for days.


[06:23.06]With Huck he goes look-ing for treasure8, withBecky he gets lost ina cave9, and finally,they find a box of gold.


[06:33.18]My favourite scene inthe book is wheneveryone thinks Tom isdead.


[06:39.26]He decides to go to hisown funeral10. He hidesand watches for a time,and then suddenly heappears.


[06:48.88]Everyone is surprisedto see him but they'realso pleased to see himalive.


[06:55.50]Tom is the hero of thestory, but there areother importantcharacters.


[07:01.46]Huck is an outsider andeveryone is afraid ofhim.


[07:05.29]Becky is pretty withfair hair, Joe is Tom'sbest friend, and InjunJoe is the bad man ofthe story.


[07:15.15]The themes11 of the storyare to do with childrengrowing up and becomingmore serious.


[07:22.04]It describes howstrangers are seen insmall towns of America.


[07:27.19]Finally, it talks aboutfreedom, social rulesand how people arepunished for badbehaviour.


[07:35.28]Why do I think TomSawyer is a great book?Mark Twain wrote thestory in 1876,


[07:43.71]but it's still read andloved by people all overthe world today.


[07:48.87]And although it's onlya story,


[07:51.63]Twain wrote it in theeveryday English of thesouthern states of Amer-ica in the 19th century,so it sounds very real.


[08:01.39]Today it's thought to beone of the greatestbooks in Americanliterature.


[08:06.92]Go on—read it! I knowyou'll enjoy it, too.


[08:13.27]Unit 3Language in use


[08:18.51]Language practice6 Listen and check (√)  the statements12 that  Betty and Daming agree  with.

[09:05.56]语言练习活动6 听录音,勾出贝蒂和大明都同意的陈述。

[09:52.61]Now check the statementsyou agree with.


[09:58.34]WorkbookMODULE 2 Great books

[10:03.00]Listening andpronunciation9 Listen and check (√)the true sentences.

[11:47.21]10 Listen and repeat.1 My parents think thateveryone is tooinfluenced bytelevision.

[11:59.01]2 Really! Would you liketo have a TV? I meanit's watched by so manypeople.

[12:08.38]Reading, writing andspeaking11 Read the conversationand answer thequestions.

[12:16.96]Vicky:I know thatCharles Dickens isconsidered tobe a great Englishwriter,

[12:22.16]but that's all I knowabout him. Can you tellme something more abouthim?

[12:27.41]Dave:Yes, he's veryfamous not only inBritain, but also inmany other countries inthe world.

[12:34.56]He was born in 1812 andhe lived in London. Hewrote a lot of books,and he also likedacting.

[12:43.61]Vicky:He was an actor!That's interesting.Maybe that's why hisbooks were so good.

[12:50.92]Dave:Maybe it is.He gavepublic readings13 of hisstories that were verypopular.

[12:57.24]Vicky:Did he? So did hebecome famous veryquickly?

[13:02.27]Dave:Yes, he did. Hisstories first appearedin a magazine, in parts.People always wanted thenext part.

[13:11.01]Vicky:What is his most      famous book?Dave:Well, he wrote alot, and most of themare popular.

[13:18.12]There are films andplays of them aswell:OliverTwist became a famousmusical play,

[13:25.01]and Great Expectationswas a wonderful film.

[13:28.79]Vicky:Have you read his      books?Dave:Yes, I've read someof them. My favouritewas Bleak14 House.

[13:36.91]Vicky:And what aboutDickens' life? Did hemarry? Did he havechildren?

[13:43.60]Dave:Dickens' early lifewas very hard.

[13:46.95]His family was poor, andhis mother sent him outto work in a factorywhen he was 12.

[13:54.11]He hated it, but he usedhis experiences in hiswriting.

[13:59.67]He married15 CatherineHogarth and they had abig family.

[14:04.05]Vicky:Did he continue      to write until he      died?

[14:07.42]Dave:Yes, he did. When     he died in 1870,     he was writing     a story.

[14:13.92]Vicky:That's sad. We'll      never know how it      ended, will we?Dave:No, we won't.

[14:22.96]Words and expressionsModule 2


[14:32.75]thought/╙╛:t/n.思想;思考wise/waiz/adj.睿智的What's up? 什么事?

[14:39.12]copy/'k╛pi/n.(一)册           v.拷贝as far as 就……来说;至于

[14:43.84]not ... any more 不再……monthly/'m╘n╙li/adj.每月的

[14:47.73]literature/'litr╓t╞╓/n.文学millions of 数百万的adventure/╓d'vent╞╓/n.冒险




[15:08.41]treasure/'tre╜╓/n.宝藏,财宝at the end of 在……结尾clever/'klev╓/adj.聪明的run away 潜逃,逃跑


[15:23.34]alive/╓'laiv/adj.活着的grow up 成长,长大成人talk about 谈论punish/'p╘ni╞/v.惩罚








1 Confucius uzhzc     
  • Confucius was one of the wisest teachers of all times.孔子是有史以来最为博学的教师之一。
  • Confucius's many words are wisdom.孔子的很多话都是至理名言。
2 works ieuzIh     
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
3 standard 9rKyK     
  • He wrote in standard English.他用标准英文写作。
  • Their standard of living is very low.他们的生活水平很低。
4 thinking ggzz2u     
  • All thinking men will protest against it.凡是有思想的人都会抗议这件事。
  • Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols.思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。
5 monthly 7EixE     
adj.每月的,持续一个月的,每月发生的;adv.每月,按月; n.月刊;(复数)monthlies:月经
  • The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense.他的房租是每个月最大的开支。
  • The monthly rent is $15,inclusive of light and water.每月租金15美元,包括水电费在内。
6 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
7 adventures 2472c977217c9574690c15a5fe0f7343     
冒险活动( adventure的名词复数 ); 冒险经历; 奇遇
  • her adventures travelling in Africa 她在非洲旅行时的冒险经历
  • She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa. 她讲述她在非洲的历险来使他们开心。
8 treasure 5mBwm     
  • They went to the island to hunt the buried treasure.他们到岛上去寻找埋藏的宝物。
  • I certainly treasure the friendship between us very much.我当然非常珍视我们之间的友谊。
9 cave eUDyu     
  • Where's the entrance to the cave?这个洞穴的入口在哪里?
  • They opened the door and a great cave opened out before them.他们打开门,看到了一个大洞穴展现在面前。
10 funeral BhFx7     
  • Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral.她那身鲜艳的衣服不适合参加葬礼。
  • A funeral is a somber occasion.葬礼是个忧郁的场合。
11 themes fe021943dcda87150f590b3475afaded     
n.(演讲、文章或艺术作品的)题目( theme的名词复数 );主题;(乐曲的)主题;(学生的)作文
  • The poem encapsulates many of the central themes of her writing. 这首诗是对她许多著作的核心主题的概括。
  • One of writer's favourite themes is the fraternity of mankind. 作家最喜欢写的一个主题是人类的博爱。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
12 statements f52ceeba305a64ab1e3b59fcd77fbf53     
n.声明( statement的名词复数 );(思想、观点、文章主题等的)表现;(文字)陈述;结算单
  • We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements. 我们面前这两种说法显然是矛盾的。
  • The report is inconsistent with the financial statements. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。
13 readings 24ce06bed20ba5337cf43074075d4008     
n.阅读( reading的名词复数 );读书;读物;读数
  • As part of the celebrations they staged a big,open-air multimedia event,with music,videos,poetry readings,dance and improvisations. 在庆典中,他们举行了大型的露天多媒体活动,其中有音乐、录像、诗朗诵、舞蹈和即兴表演。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They have compiled a collection of Elementary Readings on the Natural Scieces to help young people in their studies. 为了便于青少年学习,他们编了一套《自然科学小丛书》。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
14 bleak gtWz5     
  • They showed me into a bleak waiting room.他们引我来到一间阴冷的会客室。
  • The company's prospects look pretty bleak.这家公司的前景异常暗淡。
15 married HBbx9     
  • I heard John got married.我听说约翰结婚了。
  • They got married last autumn.他们在去年秋季结婚。

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