
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 3Sporting life

时间:2012-12-14 02:34:20




[00:00.00]MODULE 3Sporting life


[00:03.17]Unit 1When will the matchbe held?


[00:07.15]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check  the words you hear.

[00:31.48]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,核对你听到的单词。

[00:55.80]3 Listen and read.Lingling:Hi, Tony.         You look tired.

[00:60.00]活动3 听一听,读一读。Lingling:你好,托尼!你看         起来很疲劳。

[01:04.19]Tony:Yes. I'm training    with BIG,the Beijing    International    Globetrotters,

[01:07.22]Tony:是的。我正在和BIG,     北京国际周游世界者     队,

[01:10.24]for the School'sBasketball Competition.It's the big match nextweek.


[01:15.01]Betty:Who's it against?Daming:HAS.Lingling:What does HAS         stand for?Tony:Haidian All Stars.


[01:22.96]Betty:Oh, yes. You were      defeated last      time.Lingling:What was         the score?

[01:25.52]Betty:噢,是的。上次比赛      你们被打败了。Lingling:比分是多少?

[01:28.09]Betty:All Stars 98points to Globetrotters52. So when will thematch be held?

[01:31.72]Betty:全明星队以98比52      战胜周游世界者队。      你们之间的比赛什么      时候举行?

[01:35.35]Daming:Next Saturday.       Are you coming?


[01:37.85]Betty:Yes. It's going tobe a tough match. I'mgoing to write a reportfor New Standard.

[01:40.91]Betty:来。那将会是一场      艰苦的比赛。我打算      给《新标准》写篇报      道。

[01:43.97]Lingling:I agree.         Are you in the         team, Daming?

[01:45.73]Lingling:我赞成。大明,         你上场吗?

[01:47.48]Daming:No, I wasn't       chosen this time.       Why are you       smiling, Betty?

[01:50.05]Daming:不,这次我没被选       上。你为什么笑啊,       贝蒂?

[01:52.61]Betty:Well,I've seen HASplay several times thisseason, and they'rebrilliant! And if youwant my opinion ...

[01:57.17]Betty:唔,这个赛季我看过      好几场海淀全明星队      的比赛,他们打得棒      极了!如果你想听听      我的意见的话……

[02:01.72]Tony:No, I don't ...Betty:... you've got      no chance! What      do you reckon1,      Lingling?

[02:04.47]Tony:不,我不想听……Betty:……你们没有取胜      的机会。你怎么认      为,玲玲?

[02:07.21]Lingling:I think you're         right, Betty.

[02:08.44]Lingling:贝蒂,我同意你的         看法。

[02:09.67]Daming:Well, you won'tbe allowed to watch withour fans if that's whatyou think!

[02:11.97]Daming:那好,如果你们那么       想,就不许和我们的       球迷一起看比赛。

[02:14.27]Betty:It's true, Daming.Tony:Well,I don't agree.    We're playing really    well this season.

[02:17.57]Betty:那是事实,大明。Tony:嗯,我不同意。这个     赛季我们打得真的是     很好。

[02:20.86]I think we're so goodthat we'll be asked toplay in the OlympicGames.


[02:25.67]Daming:Don't let them       get to you, Tony!(They leave)Lingling:Hee hee! Nice         work, Betty!

[02:28.78]Daming:不要让她们影响你,       托尼!Lingling:嘿嘿!干得好,         贝蒂!

[02:31.88]Betty:Of course. They'reso mad with us thatthey'll try harder towin, just to show we'rewrong!

[02:37.14]Betty:当然。他们真生气      了,所以会更加努力      去赢得这场比赛来      证明我们错了。

[02:42.40]4 Complete the table.Now listen again andcheck.

[03:38.43]活动4 完成表格。现在再听一遍录音,并核对答案。

[04:34.45]Pronunciationand speaking


[04:38.28]7 Listen and repeat.Make sure you pausebetween each sensegroup.

[04:42.23]活动7 听录音,并跟读。一定要在每个意群之间停顿。

[04:46.17]Yes./I'm training/withBIG,/the BeijingInternationalGlobetrotters,


[04:54.27]/for the School'sBasketballCompetition./It's thebig match/next week.


[05:01.84]8 Say the sentence.Now listen and check.

[05:05.93]活动8 读句子。现在听录音,并核对。

[05:10.03]Well, you won't beallowed to watch withour fans if that's whatyou think!


[05:16.09]Unit 2Liu Xiang was trainedfor gold.


[05:20.54]Readingand vocabulary


[05:22.65]2 Read the passage andchoose the sentencewhich best expresses themain idea.

[05:26.51]活动2 读这段话,选择最能表达中心意思的句子。

[05:30.37]Liu Xiang—trained forgold Sports yearbook2004


[05:37.63]For Liu Xiang, life as asporting hero has justbegun.


[05:43.41]First of all, he'll beinvited to competitionsaround the world.


[05:48.43]He'll be chosen torepresent China at theOlympic Games.


[05:53.02]He's a symbol of China'sinternational sportingsuccess.


[05:57.71]And now that he's wellknown all over theworld,

[06:00.93]Liu Xiang will also beasked to appear inadvertisements andfilms, and even torecord music.


[06:08.29]But his coach SunHaiping is making surethat he trainsregularly.


[06:14.52]Liu Xiang will beadvised by his coach howto be a great sportsman,and by his manager howto be a star.


[06:24.02]Liu Xiang is not anovernight success. Hewas born in Shanghai onJuly 13, 1983 and,


[06:33.68]like many Olympic sportsstars, he startedtraining when he wasvery young.


[06:38.82]In Grade Four, he wentto the Junior SportsSchool of Putuo Districtof Shanghai.


[06:45.63]Liu was encouraged atfirst to train as a highjumper.


[06:49.63]Then, in 1998, his skillat hurdling2 was noticedby his coach SunHaiping.


[06:57.39]Liu Xiang was helpedby a special programme.It was set up in 2001 tohelp young sportsmen3 andsportswomen.


[07:07.44]Liu's races wererecorded, and hisperformance was comparedwith the world's bestsports stars.


[07:15.00]Sun Haiping used theinformation to changeLiu's trainingprogramme.


[07:20.58]In 2002 he won his firstinternational 110mhurdles event inSwitzerland,


[07:29.03]and in the same year, agold medal at the AsiaGames in Korea4.


[07:34.55]In 2004, Liu won thefirst Olympic gold medalin the same event forChina in Athens5, Greece.


[07:43.45]So what's next for LiuXiang? Has he found outthat there's more tolife than training?


[07:49.50]Will he be encouraged tospend more time awayfrom sport?


[07:53.56]No, Liu Xiang will gofor more medals forChina because he wastrained for gold!


[08:02.49]Unit 3Language in use


[08:07.71]Language practice6 Listen and check (√)  the true statements6.

[09:00.54]语言练习活动6 听录音,勾出正确的陈述。

[09:53.38]7 Listen again andchoose the correctanswer.

[10:46.20]活动7 再听一遍,选择正确的答案。

[11:39.01]WorkbookMODULE 3 Sporting life

[11:43.64]Reading9 Read the passage andanswer the questions.

[11:49.93]The 2004 Olympic GamesThe 2004 Olympic Gameswere held in Athens inAugust and lasted 17days.

[12:00.87]The Games were watchedby four billion peopleall over the world.

[12:05.76]This was the biggestnumber of people ever towatch a sports event.

[12:10.71]More than 11,000sportsmen andsportswomen from 202countries took part inthe Games,

[12:18.48]with a larger number ofsportswomen than everbefore.

[12:22.66]The largest number ofmedals was won byAmerica, with 35 goldmedals.

[12:29.38]China came second with32 gold medals. Russiawas third, with 27 goldmedals.

[12:37.68]When the ChineseOlympic sportsmen andsportswomen returned toChina after the Games,

[12:43.69]many people came to seethem at the airport.They were very proud oftheir heroes.

[12:49.68]The sportsmen andsportswomen were alsovery proud.

[12:54.34]“My country, I loveyou!”said Liu Xiang,the winner of thehurdling gold medal.

[13:01.28]“We were soencouraged when welearnt about ourcountry's hopes for ourteam,”

[13:06.29]said Chen Zhonghe, thecoach for the women'svolleyball team.

[13:11.13]The basketball starYao Ming said,“We needto learn from theseOlympic Games.

[13:17.62]Now we will startpreparing for the 2008Olympics in China.”

[13:23.03]At the end of the 2004Olympic Games,

[13:26.75]the Olympic flag wastaken to Beijing for the2008 Games. The Games donot stop!

[13:36.81]Listening,pronunciation, speakingand writing

[13:43.19]10 Listen to theconversation and answerthe questions.

[15:46.85]11 Listen and say if theunderlined words arestressed.

[15:55.27]A:Was he very big and  strong?

[15:58.00]B:I don't know. Maybe he  was ... but maybe he  was little and thin.  But he was much faster  than the Greek7 in 1896

[16:08.25]A:His diet was probably  a lot better.B:Probably it was.Now listen again andrepeat.

[16:40.43]Words and expressionsModule 3

[16:44.79]allow/╓'lau/v.允许defeat/di'fi:t/v.打败stand for 代表train/trein/v.训练            n.火车

[16:50.29]tough/t╘f/adj.艰苦的;强硬的chance/t╞a:ns/n.机会reckon/'rek╓n/v.估计get to 到达



[17:06.08]set up 建立yearbook/'ji╓,buk/n.年鉴represent/,repri'zent/v.代表,象征



[17:19.22]sportswoman/'sp╛:ts,wum╓n/n.女运动员race/reis/n.比赛finishing line 终点线


[17:27.66]turn/t╔:n/n.跑道so far 截至目前为止champion/'t╞╗mpi╓n/n.冠军




1 reckon VAwzK     
  • Don't reckon upon your relatives to help you out of trouble.不要指望你的亲戚会帮助你摆脱困境。
  • I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大,不太适于再婚。
2 hurdling fd64b39e97edd8b05a49fb7364851507     
  • The running and hurdling competitions make up the track events. 径赛项目有跑步和障碍两种。 来自互联网
  • Hurdling events are dashes in which competitions must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles. 在跨栏项目中,运动员需要跨过十个栏。 来自互联网
3 sportsmen bdcd6a803a47750c9c009510180479ab     
运动员( sportsman的名词复数 )
  • He is one of this country's top professional sportsmen. 他是本国的顶级职业运动员之一。
  • He is one of this country's top professional sportsmen. 他是本国的顶级职业运动员之一。
4 Korea dpXzcH     
  • Korea lies to the east of China.韩国位于中国东面。
  • Korea and China are separated by only the Yalu River.朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江。
5 Athens Dyazl9     
  • Athens is often called the queen of the Aegean.雅典时常被人称为爱琴海上的皇后。
  • China did very well in the last Olympics in Athens.中国在上届雅典奥运会上取得了优异的成绩。
6 statements f52ceeba305a64ab1e3b59fcd77fbf53     
n.声明( statement的名词复数 );(思想、观点、文章主题等的)表现;(文字)陈述;结算单
  • We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements. 我们面前这两种说法显然是矛盾的。
  • The report is inconsistent with the financial statements. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。
7 Greek 7flxN     
  • The Greek seaman went to the hospital five times.这位希腊海员到该医院去过五次。
  • Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.δ是希腊字母中的第四个字母。

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