
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 4Great inventions

时间:2012-12-14 02:35:00




[00:00.00]MODULE 4Great inventions


[00:07.38]Unit 1Paper and printing havebeen used for ages.


[00:12.75]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check  the words as you hear  them.

[00:41.63]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,勾出你听      到的单词。

[01:10.51]3 Listen and read.Tony:Dad, can I ask a    favour?Can I borrow    your digital1 camera?Tony's dad:Why?

[01:17.90]活动3 听一听,读一读Tony:爸爸,你能帮个忙吗?我可以借用一下您的数码相机吗?Tony's dad:做什么?

[01:25.29]Tony:I'd like to take     some photos on the     school visit to the     museum next week.

[01:27.67]Tony:我想在下周全校学生     参观博物馆的时候拍     些照片。

[01:30.04]Tony's dad:Is this for     your school     magazine? Has it     been published yet?

[01:31.85]Tony's dad:是为校刊拍    照片吗?校刊已经出    版了吗?

[01:33.66]Tony:Yes, two issueshave been published. Butit's going to be anonline magazine from nowon.

[01:37.09]Tony:是的,校刊已经发行     两期了。不过从现     在开始,我们打算出     网络杂志。

[01:40.52]Tony's dad:What's wrong       with an ordinary       magazine?

[01:41.86]Tony's dad:普通杂志有           什么不好?

[01:43.21]Tony:Do you mean usingpaper? It's tooexpensive. If themagazine is online,paper won't be needed.


[01:52.14]That's an importantadvantage. It'll bepublished on the schoolwebsite, and it can beread on screen.


[01:59.94]Tony's dad:Well, thatmakes me think. Paperand printing have beenused for ages.

[02:02.60]Tony's dad:噢,我要想一想。纸和印刷术的应用已有很长时间了。

[02:05.26]We once got informationfrom books, but now thesame information can beread or even listened toon computers.


[02:12.95]Tony:I wonder ... Can     books be replaced     by computers?

[02:15.56]Tony:我想……书可能被     电脑取代吗?

[02:18.17]Maybe I'll writesomething for themagazine! Anyway, aboutthe camera ...?


[02:24.06]Tony's dad:Here it is.The battery2 hasn't beencharged for a couple ofmonths.

[02:26.05]Tony's dad:给你相机。电池已经几个月没充电了。

[02:28.04]It's been turned offsince your mum'sbirthday party.


[02:31.40]Tony:It doesn't matter.     I'll see to that.

[02:32.73]Tony:没关系,我会给电池     充电的。

[02:34.06]Tony's dad:But you must       promise that it       won't be lent       to anyone,

[02:35.75]Tony's dad:但是,你必须保证不把相机借给别人,

[02:37.44]and it won't be left atschool! Just look afterit. Is that clear?Tony:Promise!


[02:43.80]4 Read the summary of  the conversation.  Underline the wrong  information.

[02:49.54]活动4 读这个对话的总结。在错误的信息下划线。

[02:55.27]Now listen again andcorrect the summary.


[04:24.70]Pronunciationand speaking


[04:31.31]7 Listen to the  sentences.

[04:33.58]活动7 听句子。

[04:35.85]1 If the magazine is  online,/paper won't  be needed.

[04:38.85]1 如果是网络杂志,就不  需要纸了。

[04:41.84]2 It'll be published/on  the school website,  /and it can be read  /on screen.

[04:46.05]2 校刊将出现在学校的网  站上,人们可以通过电  脑屏幕浏览。

[04:50.26]3 But you must promise  /that it won't be lent  to anyone,/and it  won't be left at  school!

[04:54.08]3 但是,你必须保证不把  相机借给别人,也不落  在学校!

[04:57.90]Now say the sentencesaloud.


[05:01.05]Unit 2Books could be producedmore quickly and cheaply3


[05:10.19]Reading and vocabulary2 Read the passage and  match the main ideas  with the paragraphs4.

[05:14.76]阅读和词汇活动2 读这段话,选择最能表达中心意思的句子。

[05:19.33]Can books be replaced bycomputers?By Tony Smith


[05:24.55]Every morning my fatherbuys a newspaper on hisway to work.


[05:30.18]Every day I open mybooks in class and startmy lessons.


[05:35.55]Every evening my motherlooks through magazinesat home.


[05:40.35]And every night,I lookat the posters withphotos of David Beckham

[05:46.31]and Yao Ming on mybedroom wall beforeI go to sleep.


[05:50.92]Can we imagine lifewithout paper or print?


[05:55.29]Paper was first createdabout 2,000 years ago,and has been made ofsilk,


[06:02.14]cotton, bamboo, and,since the 19th century,of wood. People learnedto write words on paperto make a book.


[06:12.99]But in those days, bookscould only be producedone at a time by hand.


[06:20.04]As a result, they wereexpensive and rare6. Andbecause there weren'tmany books, few peoplelearned to read.


[06:30.39]Then printing wasinvented in China.


[06:34.62]The first printed bookswere made by putting inkagainst a wooden blockand holding the paperagainst it.


[06:42.83]When printing wasdeveloped greatly at thebeginning of the 11thcentury,


[06:48.46]books could be producedmore quickly andcheaply. As a result,more people learned5 toread.


[06:56.83]After that, knowledgeand ideas spreadquickly,


[07:01.22]in a way that can becompared with theintroduction of theInternet in the 20thcentury.


[07:07.93]But will books beneeded in the future?Today information can bereceived online,


[07:15.78]downloaded from theInternet rather thanfound in books,


[07:20.53]and information can bekept on CD-ROMs ormachines such as MP3players.


[07:28.28]These machines aresmaller and lighter7 thanbooks so that they canbe carried very easily.


[07:35.71]Computers are alreadyused in classrooms, andnewspapers and magazinescan already be readonline.


[07:45.58]So will books bereplaced by computersone day?


[07:50.84]No,I don't think the YaoMing poster on my bed-room wall will ever bereplaced by a computertwo metres high!


[08:04.11]Unit 3Language in use


[08:07.57]Language practice6 Work in pairs. Listen  and say where the spe-  aker is. Give reasons  for your answer.

[08:50.95]语言练习活动6 两人一组。听录音,并说出说话人在哪里。并给出你的理由。

[09:34.33]7 Listen again and  answer the  questions.

[10:16.85]活动7 再听一遍录音,      并回答问题。

[10:59.37]WorkbookMODULE 4Great inventions

[11:09.17]Listening andpronunciation8 Listen and complete  the sentences.

[13:23.28]9 Read the sentences.  Which words are  stressed most?

[13:33.73]Now listen and check.

[13:36.75]Borrow it! It can neverbe allowed to leave thishouse! In fact, it mustnever be allowed toleave this room!

[13:45.56]Reading, speaking andwriting

[13:51.48]10 Work in pairs. Read   the passage and   complete it with the   words in the box.

[13:58.83]although  cancentury   coloursdictionariesfound     invented

[14:01.09]knowledge  pageprinted    sawthought    timeuntil

[14:04.33]The history of printing

[14:07.48]Wood-block printing wasinvented sometimebetween the fourth andthe seventh century inChina.

[14:14.03]The earliest book thatwe have was (1)__ in 868and was found inDunhuang cave.

[14:21.64]Wood-block printing tooka long (2)__ because anew block was needed forevery (3)__ in a book.

[14:28.61]By the 11th centuryprinted books could be(4)__ all over China.

[14:34.51]They included books ofConfucius' thoughts,(5)__, and books onmathematics.

[14:41.58]In 1340, books could beprinted using two (6)__,black and red.

[14:48.49](7)__ the Chineselearnt about printing soearly,

[14:52.10]printing was notintroduced in otherparts of the world forhundreds of years.

[14:57.52]It is (8)__ that whenthe great Italiantraveller Marco Polovisited China in the13th century,

[15:04.20]he (9)__ printed books.It is possible thatMarco Polo brought that(10)__ to Europe.

[15:10.80]But printed books didnot come to Europe(11)__1450 when a Germancalled Johann Gutenberg(12)__a printing machine

[15:20.88]Twenty-four years later,in 1474, an Englishmancalled William Caxtonprinted the first prin-ted book in English.

[15:30.58]His second book wasabout the game of chess.

[15:33.81]Caxton printed about ahundred books, and some(13)__ still be foundtoday in museums.

[15:40.54]Words and expressionsModule 4






[16:07.24]a couple of 几个see to 负责,注意create/kri'eit/v.创造made of 用……制造cotton/'k╛tn/n.棉花

[16:16.80]wood/wud/n.木材produce/pr╓'dju:s/v.生产at a time 一次by hand 手工(制造)

[16:23.20]ink/i╕k/n.墨水against/╓'geinst/prep.靠,依;与……相对,相反at the beginning of在……的开始


[16:32.64]in a way 从某种程度上讲introduction/,intr╓'d╘k╞n/n.传入;介绍receive/ri'si:v/v.收到

[16:37.70]rather than 胜于CD-ROM/,si: di: 'r╛m/只读光盘one day 某天feather/'fe╖╓/n.羽毛


[16:47.16]steel/sti:l/n.钢,钢铁fountain8 pen自来水笔,钢笔

[16:49.64]popularity/,p╛pju'l╗r╓ti/n.普及,流行ballpoint pen 圆珠笔



1 digital KvtxY     
  • There's a digital watch on the table.桌子上有一块数字式手表。
  • The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。
2 battery guozO     
  • He is charging a storage battery.他在为蓄电池充电。
  • The battery has run down.电池用完了。
3 cheaply NwYzeK     
  • Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.旧自行车很便宜就能买到。
  • This apartment rents cheaply.这套公寓租价便宜。
4 paragraphs d070fd4ebb68ed9399034d1a708e978c     
n.段落( paragraph的名词复数 );短篇报道
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The text falls into three paragraphs. 这篇课文共分3段。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 learned m1oxn     
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
6 rare lANze     
  • It is rare to see a man over 160 years old.很少见到一个人能活到160岁。
  • The zoo has a lot of rare animals in it.这个动物园有许多珍奇的动物。
7 lighter 5pPzPR     
  • The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。
  • The lighter works off the car battery.引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。
8 fountain lfRzw     
  • At the centre of the park there is a fountain.公园正中有一个喷泉。
  • Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.古希腊是智慧和哲学的发源地。

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