
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 6Save our world

时间:2012-12-14 02:38:39




[00:00.00]MODULE 6Save our world


[00:04.22]Unit 1It's wasteful1 to throwaway paper and metal.


[00:09.91]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen to the descrip-  tion of the photos.  Check the words as you  hear them.

[00:44.84]听力和词汇活动2 听对这些照片的      描述。勾出你听到      的单词。

[01:19.77]3 Listen and read.

[01:21.75]活动3 听一听,读一读。

[01:23.74]Betty:Hey, you guys!Guess what! We've justgot an email2 from areader of our NewStandard!


[01:31.43]Lingling:Great!      What does it say?Betty:It's from      Zhao Ming.

[01:34.05]Lingling:太好了!邮件里      说什么?Betty:是赵明发过来的。

[01:36.66]He says,“I saw yourenjoyable onlinemagazine while I wasdoing my homework onFavourite Books.”


[01:45.61]Daming:He read Mr     Jackson's article!

[01:47.15]Daming:他读了杰克逊先生       的文章。

[01:48.70]Betty:He says,“When areyou going to write aboutenvironmental education?I'm at a green school inDalian ...”


[01:58.47]Daming:What's a green       school?

[01:59.64]Daming:什么是      “绿色学校”?

[02:00.81]Betty:“... and everyoneagrees we must becareful about theenvironment.


[02:05.65]In fact, there arethousands of greenschools in China.


[02:10.51]It's wasteful to throwaway glass, paper andmetal,

[02:15.33]so every class collectsreusable waste, sells itfor recycling ...”


[02:21.64]Tony:Nice idea!Betty:“... and raises      money to help      students in poor      areas.

[02:24.52]Tony:好主意!Betty:“……得来的钱      可以用来帮助贫困      地区的学生。

[02:27.40]But it's not just atschool, it's also athome that we save energyand recycle ...”Daming:Such as ...?


[02:35.56]Betty:“... such asturning lights off, sowe don't wasteelectricity.”

[02:37.99]Betty:“……比如随手关       灯,这样我们就不       会浪费电。”

[02:40.41]And he finishes,“I'mhopeful that if everyonethinks about pollutionand recycling,


[02:47.50]we can protect the airand the oceans, and helpsave our world. If wedon't, the future ishopeless.”


[02:56.34]Tony:Let's ask Zhao Ming     to write something.

[02:57.97]Tony:我们请赵明写点     什么吧。

[02:59.61]4 Listen again and  complete the table  with the notes below.活动4 再听一遍录音,并      完成下面的表格。

[04:41.80]Pronunciationand speaking


[04:44.45]8 Say the sentences  aloud. Make sure you  link the sounds.Now listen and check.

[04:49.77]活动8 大声读这些句子。      一定要连读。现在听录音,并核对。

[04:55.09]1 When are you going to  write about environ-  mental education?

[04:58.29]1 你们打算什么时候写关  于环境教育的文章?

[05:01.49]2 It's wasteful to throw  away glass, paper and  metal, so every class  collects reusable3  waste.

[05:06.74]2 扔掉玻璃、纸张和金属是  很浪费的,所以每个班都  收集可再利用的废品。

[05:11.99]Unit 2Remember three words:Reduce, reuse4 andrecycle.


[05:20.56]Reading and vocabulary3 Read the passage and  answer the questions in the first paragraph5.

[05:25.25]阅读和词汇活动3 读这段话,并回答第      一段中的问题。

[05:29.94]How to be green    by Zhao Ming


[05:33.95]How green are you?Do youcare about protectingthe environment andsaving energy? Try thesequestions and see.


[05:43.08]·Do you try to walk or  ride a bike to school?·Do you buy new clothes  just because they are  the latest fashions?

[05:47.69]·你步行或骑车上学吗?·你买新衣服会不会仅仅  因为它们是最新款式?

[05:52.31]·Do you open a window  instead of turning on  air conditioning6?

[05:55.05]·你会不会开窗户而不开  空调?

[05:57.80]·Do you buy things  produced locally  instead of made  abroad?

[06:00.54]·你会不会买当地生产的  而不买国外生产的?

[06:03.29]·Do you take your own  cloth bag when shopp-  ing instead of using  plastic bags?

[06:06.74]·你买东西的时候会不会  带着自己的布袋而不用  塑料袋?

[06:10.18]·Do you sort7 the waste  before throwing it  away?

[06:12.49]·你把垃圾扔掉之前分类  吗?

[06:14.81]We all need a healthyenvironment, but weproduce waste every dayand it does harm8 to ourenvironment.


[06:24.39]Though we are young, wecan still do somethingto help.


[06:28.92]In fact, even thesimplest everydayactivities can make areal difference to theenvironment.


[06:35.97]Here are some ideas foryou.Remember these threewords:Reduce, reuse andrecycle.


[06:45.83]ReduceReduce means“useless”. Don't wastethings.


[06:53.50]This saves money andreduces pollution andwaste going into theenvironment.


[06:59.28]Before we buy somethingnew, think whether it isreally necessary—ormaybe the old one willbe just as good!


[07:09.56]When we do buy things,choose local products ifpossible, and try not tobuy too many things fromabroad.


[07:18.63]It may cost a lot ofmoney to bring them tous.

[07:22.89]ReuseReuse means“useagain”. Use things foras long as possible.


[07:31.83]When we buy things, makesure that they last along time.


[07:36.82]We should look afterthem so that they willlast,


[07:40.59]and we should repairthem if we can insteadof throwing them awayand buying new ones.


[07:46.68]Don't use a paper cup ora paper bag. It's betterto use a china cup and alunch box because youcan use them again.


[07:56.90]RecycleRecycle means“changethings into somethingelse”.


[08:04.51]Although it takes energyto change something intosomething else,


[08:08.95]it's better thanthrowing things away orburning them.


[08:13.27]Find out what can berecycled in yourneighbourhood and takepart in recyclingprogrammes.


[08:20.14]We should also buyproducts made fromrecycled materials, suchas recycled paper, tohelp save trees.


[08:29.45]Unit 3Language in use


[08:34.20]Language practice6 Read the ideas on pro-tecting the environment.Put them in the correctcolumn in the table.

[08:39.83]语言练习活动6 读关于保护环境的想      法。把它们放进表格      中正确的栏中。

[08:45.45]Now listen and check.


[10:29.85]7 Listen again and  answer the questions.

[11:22.78]活动7 再听一遍,并回答      问题。

[12:15.72]WorkbookMODULE 6 Save our world

[12:20.89]Listening andpronunciation9 Listen and number the  sentences in the  correct order.

[14:06.65]10 Work in pairs.   Read the sentences.Now listen and repeat9.

[14:15.47]1“Isn't it wonderful?”  said Simon happily.

[14:21.23]2 I've learnt all about  recycling. It's very  important.

[14:28.15]Reading, writing andspeaking11 Read the letter.   Match the main ideas   with the paragraphs10.

[14:38.91]Dear neighbours,We are writing thisletter to you becauseour school

[14:44.63]has started a“Help theEnvironment”group thatworks to look after theenvironment.

[14:50.37]Here are someinteresting facts thatour group has learnt:

[14:54.05]●Most things that we  throw away can be  reused or recycled.

[14:59.07]●Some Europeancountries, for example,Germany,already recyclehalf of their waste.

[15:06.63]●Nine out of ten people  in the country would  like to recycle more.

[15:11.96]We think that mostpeople would agree withthese statements12:

[15:16.01]●We need to recycle our  waste, not use up the  world's resources13.

[15:22.03]●It is better to  recycle waste than to  burn it or to bury14 it  in the earth or the  sea.

[15:29.29]Our environment grouphas decided15 that one ofthe best things we cando is collect reusablewaste.

[15:36.59]We will sell this wasteto recycling companiesand give the money toFriends of the Earth.

[15:43.45]We would like peopleliving near the schoolto bring theirrecyclable waste to theschool.

[15:49.71]But if you are too busy,we will collect it fromyou once a week.

[15:54.69]We very much hope thatyou will agree to this.

[15:58.85]If you do, please signthe statement11 below andwe will return in a fewdays to collect thisletter.

[16:06.06]Yours sincerely,John Cooper (for“Helpthe Environment”)

[16:12.31]I,__, agree to bringwaste to your school orallow the “Help theEnvironment” group

[16:19.02]to collect waste once aweek.

[16:21.73]Words and expressionsModule 6

[16:25.22]metal/'metl/n.金属pollution/p╓'lu:╞n/            n.污染ocean/'╓u╞n/n.海洋reader/'ri:d╓/n.读者





[16:47.63]air conditioning 空调cloth/kl╛╙/n.布sort/s╛:t/v.挑拣/n.种类harm/ha:m/n.伤害do harm to 对……造成伤害


[16:57.05]make a difference to对……有影响/很重要product/'pr╛d╘kt/n.产品

[16:59.68]cost/k╛st/v.(cost,cost)花费last/la:st/v.维持,持续           adj.最后的

[17:04.31]china/'t╞ain╓/n.陶瓷take part in 参加made from 由……制造material/m╓'ti╓ri╓l/n.材料




1 wasteful ogdwu     
  • It is a shame to be so wasteful.这样浪费太可惜了。
  • Duties have been reassigned to avoid wasteful duplication of work.为避免重复劳动浪费资源,任务已经重新分派。
2 email email     
n.电子邮件(Electronic mail),透过电脑网路传送邮件的方式
  • You can send me an email.你可以给我发一份电子邮件。
  • It's Interesting to read your email.读你的电子邮件很有趣。
3 reusable ujhzw0     
  • Waste treatment by ion exchange produces a reusable water.用离子交换处理废水可产生回用水。
  • It became the first reusable vehicle in space.它成为第一个能重复使用的宇宙交通工具。
4 reuse tjLzwI     
  • There are some ways to reuse the wastes.有很多废品再利用的方法。
  • The use and reuse of urban land.城市土地利用与再利用。
5 paragraph yKsxW     
  • Each paragraph begins on a new line.每段都另起一行。
  • There's a paragraph on the matter in the paper.报纸对这件事有一短篇报道。
6 conditioning CvZzvk     
  • Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society, or are we born with it? 个性是受父母和社会熏陶的结果,还是我们生而有之?
  • Some people think that ventilation is the same thing as air conditioning. 有些人以为通风和空调是一回事。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 sort qw7wK     
  • She was a strange sort of person.她这个人有些古怪。
  • I don't much care for that sort of man.我不太喜欢那种人。
8 harm ceXxN     
  • His behaviour did more harm than good to himself.他的行为对他自己害多利少。
  • Never do anything to harm the interests of the people.决不能损害人民的利益。
9 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
10 paragraphs d070fd4ebb68ed9399034d1a708e978c     
n.段落( paragraph的名词复数 );短篇报道
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The text falls into three paragraphs. 这篇课文共分3段。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
11 statement 5uzwf     
  • The government will put out a new statement tomorrow.政府将于明天发布一项新声明。
  • Put down your statement in black and white.把你的话用白纸黑字写下来。
12 statements f52ceeba305a64ab1e3b59fcd77fbf53     
n.声明( statement的名词复数 );(思想、观点、文章主题等的)表现;(文字)陈述;结算单
  • We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements. 我们面前这两种说法显然是矛盾的。
  • The report is inconsistent with the financial statements. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。
13 resources wkJzZz     
n.勇气;才智;谋略;有助于实现目标的东西;资源( resource的名词复数 );[复数]物力;办法;来源
  • The world's resources are rapidly diminishing. 世界资源正在迅速减少。
  • a policy to equalize the distribution of resources throughout the country 使资源在全国分布均衡的政策
14 bury yS5yJ     
  • Bury the old world and build a new one. 埋葬旧世界,建设新世界。
  • She willed herself to bury her past.她努力使自己忘记过去。
15 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。

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