
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 8 Photos

时间:2012-12-14 02:39:49




[00:00.00]MODULE 8 Photos

[00:02.07]模块八 照片

[00:04.14]Unit 1It's the band which getseveryone dancing.


[00:09.02]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check the  words in the box in  Activity 1 as you  hear them.

[00:37.00]听力和词汇活动2 听录音并对照活动1中方框内的单词。

[01:04.99]3 Listen and read.Lingling:There are a lot         of people here!

[01:08.72]活动3 听一听,读一读。这里人真多啊!

[01:12.46]Tony:Well,everyone wants     to come to     the school dance.


[01:16.85]The trouble is, I wantto get some good photos,but I can't see overpeople's heads.


[01:23.31]Daming:Are you going to       enter the photo       competition?


[01:26.30]Tony:You bet1!By the way,     is that He Zhong at     the front? What's     he doing here?Betty:Same as you!


[01:34.46]Daming:Who's He Zhong?Tony:He's the photogra-     pher who won the     photo competition     last time!


[01:40.42]Daming:The one who wonthe photo competitionlast summer?Tony:That's right.


[01:44.36]Lingling:Shh! It's theBlues Boys playing! It'sthe band which getseveryone dancing.


[01:50.33]Tony:Those drums are     really loud! Maybe     I'll go upstairs.


[01:54.83]Betty:OK, but look after      your camera!(Later ...)Betty:Hi, Tony. How did      you get on?


[02:04.91]Tony:Fine. I got somegreat shots3 of the boywho plays the guitar onthe left. Where is HeZhong?


[02:12.46]Betty:He left early.     There was something     wrong with his     camera.


[02:17.13]Tony:Great! Now I'm in     with a chance     to win!


[02:20.47]Lingling:But, Tony ...         where's your         camera?


[02:24.43]Tony:It's here, in my     bag. Oh no,     it's gone!Betty:You're kidding!


[02:31.31]Tony:But I had it a     minute ago. Perhaps     I left it     upstairs ...


[02:37.07]Betty: He's quite       unhappy.


[02:40.24]Lingling:His father is   the person who will   be most unhappy.Tony's dad:Hi, everyone!


[02:45.83]Betty:Oh! Mr Smith!Help! I mean ... hello!Tony? Er, we didn'texpect to see you!


[02:53.54]Tony's dad:I've just       come to pick Tony       up. Did he try       out my camera?


[02:59.22]4 Read the questions.Now listen again andanswer the questions.Write notes.

[03:59.24]活动4 阅读下列问题。再听一遍录音,回答问题。作记录。

[04:59.27]Pronunciation andspeaking7 Listen to thesentences.

[05:02.63]发音和口语活动7 听句子。

[05:05.99]1 Well, everyone wantsto come to the schooldance.

[05:08.86]1 是啊,大家都想参加学校  舞会。

[05:11.74]The trouble is, I wantto get some good photos,but I can't see overpeople's heads.


[05:20.15]2 It's the Blues2 Boysplaying! It's the bandwhich gets everyonedancing.

[05:24.68]2 爵士男孩乐队在演奏!  就是这支乐队可以让人  们都跳起舞来。

[05:29.22]Now say the sentencesaloud. Make sure youstress the underlinedwords.


[05:36.79]Unit 2Read on to find out whothe winners are.


[05:42.75]Reading and writing2 Read the passage andcheck your answers toActivity 1.

[05:46.42]读写活动2 阅读并核对活动1      的答案。

[05:50.09]Results of student photocompetition


[05:53.04]We were very pleasedwith the photo competi-tion. Compared withother years, we receiv-ed many more photos.


[06:01.54]Even though all of thephotos are excellent, wecan't give prizes toeveryone.


[06:07.56]There are four prizes,so read on to find outwho the winners are.


[06:13.08]The person who won theprize for the“MostBeautiful Nature”photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.


[06:20.51]Li took photos of themountains in XiangshanPark.


[06:24.58]The park isn't far fromhis home, about 500metres, and he knows itvery well.


[06:32.30]The photo which weliked best in the“Historic China?group was taken byZhao Min.


[06:39.51]Zhao is only 12 yearsold. Her photo is ofTian'anmen Square, thelargest public square inthe world.


[06:48.79]It's 880 metres fromnorth to south and 500metres wide at thenorthern end.


[06:57.20]Her photo shows the sizeand beauty of the squareperfectly.


[07:02.34]The best photo inthe“Music”category wastaken by He Zhong.


[07:07.90]His photo of this year'sbest band Crazy Feetshows the singer, BeckyWang,

[07:11.01]他的照片照的是今年最佳乐队Crazy Feet歌手贝基·王

[07:14.13]and the band playing ata concert in Shenzhen.


[07:18.22]He Zhong manages to showthe movement and thesounds of this great newband,


[07:24.30]and the fun which theirfans are having.


[07:27.54]A collection of photoscalled the“Many Facesof Our City”

[07:32.00]which features Beijingwon the prize for the“Most Unusual”category.


[07:37.33]Three pupils at the sameschool worked on thisentry.


[07:41.54]It includes photos ofdifferent parts of thecity, old and new.


[07:46.95]It successfully4 showsthe rich culture whichmakes Beijing so famous.


[07:53.29]Congratulations to ourwinners and thanks toeveryone who entered thecompetition.


[07:59.86]We are very lucky thatthe famous photographerJohn William is in Chinato talk about his newbook.


[08:07.52]He has agreed to presentthe prizes at the prizegiving ceremony at theend of this month.


[08:15.29]Unit 3Language in use


[08:18.75]Language practice9 Listen and choose  the best answer.

[09:10.72]语言练习活动9 听录音,选择最佳答案。

[10:02.69]WorkbookMODULE 8 Photos

[10:07.32]Listening, pronunciationand speaking7 Listen and check (√)the true sentences.

[12:10.76]8 Listen and repeat.1 Do you remember ...2 Do you remember that  photo ...

[12:23.47]3 Do you remember thatphoto which I took ofyou ...

[12:28.95]4 Do you remember thatphoto which I took ofyou by the sea ...

[12:34.87]5 Do you remember thatphoto which I took ofyou by the sea lastyear?

[12:41.54]Reading and writing10 Read the passage andchoose the best answer.

[12:49.60]ANIMAL PHOTO COMPETITIONRules of entry

[12:54.63]1 Those who enter thecompetition must beunder the age of 18.

[13:00.87]2 To enter thecompetition you mustsend in threephotographs of animals

[13:07.63]which you have takenyourself.

[13:10.00]Both you and a parentmust sign the form belowwhich states that youand no one else hastaken the photograph.

[13:18.66]3 Below each photographmust be a sentence thatdescribes the photo.

[13:26.14]4 The last date forphotographic entries is31st August of thisyear.

[13:33.76]5 All photos must be  in colour.6 Photos must not be  more than 21×21  centimetres in size.

[13:46.54]7 Photos should be sentto:The Danford Mirror,Mirror Newspapers, 45Wingate Street, Danford,RBW2 5XT.

[14:04.19]The winning5 photographs●The winner of thecompetition will be theperson who sends in thebest photographs

[14:12.95]and the bestdescriptions of thephotos.

[14:16.07]●The winner willreceive an Olympic 500camera.

[14:20.71]He/She will also beinvited to take picturesfor The Danford Mirrorfor a period of threemonths.

[14:29.00]He/She will be paid forthis.

[14:32.92]●Second prize is an  Olympic 200 camera.●Third prize is an  Olympic 100 camera.

[14:41.49]●The winning photographswill be announced on31st October of thisyear at Longbridge Sch-ool in Danford at 7 pm.

[14:51.76]●The winner of lastyear's photographiccompetition will presentthe prizes.

[14:57.54]●The winning photoswill be shown on screenand Mike Bronson,

[15:02.42]a top photographer forMirror Newspapers, willdiscuss them.

[15:06.54]Words and expressionsModule 8

[15:09.21]drum/dr╘m/n.鼓bet/bet/v.(bet,bet)打赌by the way 顺便说一下shot/╞╛t/n.抓拍kid/kid/v.开玩笑

[15:17.04]historic/hi'st╛rik/adj.有历史意义的even though 即使square/skwe╓/n.广场




[15:29.42]show ... around带……参观store/st╛:/v.储藏



1 bet ddZy8     
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
2 blues blues     
  • She was in the back of a smoky bar singing the blues.她在烟雾弥漫的酒吧深处唱着布鲁斯歌曲。
  • He was in the blues on account of his failure in business.他因事业失败而意志消沉。
3 shots aca10ece993488f9b58b7f392c45b205     
射手( shot的名词复数 ); 开枪; 发射; 注射
  • The man fired several shots from his pistol. 那个男人用手枪开了几枪。
  • When the shots rang out, everyone hit the deck. 就在枪声传来的时候,大伙都躺倒在地。
4 successfully jsrwd     
  • The meeting passed off successfully.会议开得很成功。
  • At last we successfully put through the business deal.最终我们成功地完成了这桩交易。
5 winning ieLzBt     
  • Team A has no chance of winning.A队没有获胜的可能。
  • They have great hopes of winning.他们获胜的希望极大。

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