
新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 8 On the town

时间:2012-12-14 03:33:51




[00:00.00]MODULE 8 On the town

[00:03.78]Unit 1 I was pleased to       see it.

[00:07.58]Vocabulary and listening

[00:09.92]2 Listen and answer the  questions. Use the  words to help you.

[01:06.20]3 Listen and read.

[01:10.06]Tony's mum:How was the           play?

[01:12.00]Tony:Well, I was pleased     to see it, but     three hours is a     long time to stay     still.

[01:18.95]Tony's mum:Was it in           English?

[01:20.22]Tony:Yes, it was acted     by the Beijing     English Theatre     Company.

[01:24.68]Tony's mum:What was the           best bit?

[01:26.45]Tony:The fight between     the two families     and their servants!

[01:30.57]And the actors whoplayed the roles ofRomeo and Juliet weresuperb! But it's sad atthe end,

[01:38.05]because Juliet lovesRomeo,

[01:40.79]but her father hasdecided she must marrysomeone else. So theyboth decide to killthemselves.

[01:48.28]Tony's mum:"A pair ofstar-crossed lovers1 taketheir life."

[01:52.08]Tony:OK, OK, I'm     impressed. Can you     recite any more     lines?

[01:56.61]Tony's mum:No, that'sall I can remember. Didyou have a good seat?

[02:00.51]Tony:Well, it was hardto see the play at theback. The best place tosit is in the front row.

[02:07.18]Tony's mum:Could you      hear the dialogue?

[02:09.12]Tony:I guessed what they     were saying, but     their voices     weren't very loud.

[02:13.62]Daming and Linglingfound their accentsreally difficult tounderstand.

[02:19.03]Tony's mum:The best way     is to read the play     before you see it.

[02:22.50]Tony:We tried to do     that, but there     wasn't time.

[02:25.97]Tony's mum:Did you haveanything to eat beforeyou went to the theatre?

[02:29.17]Tony:No such luck! I was     starving!

[02:32.50]4 Choose the best  answer.

[02:36.47]Now listen again andcheck.

[04:01.93]Pronunciation andspeaking

[04:04.25]6 Underline the words  you expect the speaker  to stress.

[04:09.80]Now listen and check. Asyou listen, say thepassage aloud.

[04:15.82]The fight between thetwo families and theirservants!

[04:20.70]And the actors whoplayed the roles ofRomeo and Juliet weresuperb!

[04:26.49]But it's sad at the end,because Juliet lovesRomeo,

[04:32.04]but her father hasdecided she must marrysomeone else. So theyboth decide to killthemselves.

[04:40.45]Unit 2 It's a wonderful       town!


[04:45.83]2 Read the passage.  Which paragraph  describes what you can  see in the photo?

[04:53.59]The city that neversleeps

[04:56.40]New York, New York, it'sa wonderful town!

[05:00.06]The Bronx is up and theBattery's down! (On theTown, by LeonardBernstein)

[05:06.50]New York is probably theentertainment capital ofthe world,

[05:11.14]and a great place to seethe2 big names and topstars in films,television, theatre andmusic.

[05:17.98]Sports fans have plentyof chances to watch somegreat sport, and the NewYork nightlife isworld-famous.

[05:26.29]Madison Square Gardenis the place to watchthe New York KnicksBasketball Team

[05:32.15]and the Golden Glovesboxing competition.

[05:35.26]To watch baseball, go tothe Yankee Stadium, homeof the New York Yankeesor Shea Stadium for theMets.

[05:43.45]At New York's finestarts cinema, the FilmForum, you can see thelatest foreign andAmerican movies.

[05:50.89]But New York itself isthe subject of manymovies by directors whocome from New York,

[05:56.57]such as Woody Allen andMartin Scorsese.

[06:00.09]The great names ofjazz have played in thejazz clubs of GreenwichVillage,

[06:04.65]and fans can listen tothe stars of today andtomorrow at theworld-famous Blue Note.

[06:10.33]The Metropolitan3 OperaHouse is the place to gofor opera lovers,

[06:14.71]but you have to booktickets a long timebefore you want to go.

[06:18.84]One of the mostimportant things tosee at Christmas

[06:21.82]is the Nutcracker by theNew York City Ballet atLincoln Centre.

[06:26.96]Carnegie Hall iswell-known for itsconcerts of all typesof music, classical andmodern.

[06:33.54]Broadway is not just astreet but an area ofNew York.

[06:38.27]There you can see someof the biggest and thebest plays and musicals,

[06:42.78]such as Evita, Cats andThe Phantom4 of theOpera.

[06:47.09]If you ever come to NewYork in summer,

[06:49.58]remember to spend a dayin Central Park watchinga play by Shakespeare inthe open air,

[06:55.52]with famous actors fromBroadway and Hollywood.

[06:58.60]For lovers ofpainting, the best planis to go to the Museumof Modern Art or theGuggenheim Museum.

[07:05.33]Restaurants can befound everywhere, andare open at all times ofthe day or night.

[07:11.34]There has always been ahuge number of Italian,Chinese and Japaneserestaurants,

[07:17.17]but now you can eat foodfrom Thailand, Vietnam,India, Burma or thePhilippines.

[07:24.14]Try the Oyster5 Bar inGrand Central Stationfor the best seafood6 inManhattan.

[07:29.73]New York's nightlifeincludes discos, likethe Limelight, and nightclubs.

[07:35.63]In fact, it's easy tosee why they call it"the city that neversleeps".

[07:42.03]Unit 3 Language in use

[07:45.73]4 Listen and choose the  correct answer.

[09:20.41]5 Listen again and  complete the ticket.

[10:55.06]6 Read the passage and  find:

[11:00.05]Liverpool is a greatplace to visit!

[11:03.84]The most enjoyable wayto discover Liverpool isby boat.

[11:08.62]The first thing to do isto take a ferry acrossthe River Mersey.

[11:13.70]It's the best way tofind out about thiscity's long andinteresting history.

[11:19.09]The Liverpool Ferry,which is the oldestferry service in Europe,started more than 800years ago.

[11:26.81]In the 18th centuryLiverpool became animportant city for inte-rnational trade acrossthe Atlantic Ocean.

[11:34.67]Ships sailed fromLiverpool to the UnitedStates and Africa.

[11:39.59]The place to learn moreabout Liverpool'simportance is theMaritime Museum.

[11:45.18]Liverpool wasimportant because of itsindustry and trade inthe 18th century.

[11:51.11]In the 20th century itbecame famous for music.

[11:55.51]The boys in the rockgroup, the Beatles, allcame from Liverpool.

[12:00.36]The city is very proudof them.

[12:03.03]It named its airport,John Lennon Internat-ional Airport, afterone of the Beatles.

[12:09.40]Tourists can take a bustour to visit some ofthe places the Beatlesmention in their songs,

[12:15.37]like Penny Lane7 andStrawberry Fields.

[12:18.86]They can also visit theCavern Club--the groupfirst played there in1961.

[12:25.23]The Beatles Story is amuseum and gallery. Hereyou can find out moreabout these world-famousmusicians.

[12:34.45]But there's more tosee and do in Liverpool.

[12:37.90]At the Walker ArtGallery you can see thebest art in the North ofEngland.

[12:43.42]If you like modern art,the place to visit isthe Tate Gallery.

[12:48.20]But above all, it's thefriendly and welcomingpeople of Liverpool

[12:52.91]who make this a city youshould visit when youcome to Great Britain.

[12:56.77]Words and expressionsModule 8



[13:08.58]servant/'s╔:v╓nt/n.仆人bit/bit/n.(事物的)一部分,一段play the role of扮演……角色



[13:23.11]in the open air在露天(或户外)

[13:25.46]Japanese/,d╜╗p╓'ni:z/adj.日本的;日语的;    日本人的n.日语;日本人




1 lovers 8dae58e3f282b974328d53f96753f4c1     
爱好者( lover的名词复数 ); 情人; 情夫; 情侣
  • They were off-screen lovers. 他们是真实生活中的情侣。
  • Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧和朱丽叶这一对莎士比亚笔下命运多舛的恋人
2 seethe QE0yt     
  • Many Indians continue to seethe and some are calling for military action against their riotous neighbour.很多印度人都处于热血沸腾的状态,很多都呼吁针对印度这个恶邻采取军事行动。
  • She seethed with indignation.她由于愤怒而不能平静。
3 metropolitan mCyxZ     
  • Metropolitan buildings become taller than ever.大城市的建筑变得比以前更高。
  • Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm.大都市的居民习惯于快节奏。
4 phantom T36zQ     
  • I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.我发现自己瞪大眼睛看着她,好像她是一个幽灵。
  • He is only a phantom of a king.他只是有名无实的国王。
5 oyster w44z6     
  • I enjoy eating oyster; it's really delicious.我喜欢吃牡蛎,它味道真美。
  • I find I fairly like eating when he finally persuades me to taste the oyster.当他最后说服我尝尝牡蛎时,我发现我相当喜欢吃。
6 seafood 7j6zUl     
  • There's an excellent seafood restaurant near here.离这儿不远有家非常不错的海鲜馆。
  • Shrimps are a popular type of seafood.小虾是比较普遍的一种海味。
7 lane i2kxH     
  • There is a shop at the end of this lane.这条胡同的顶头有一家商店。
  • The champion is running in lane five.冠军跑在第五跑道上。

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