
新标准初中英语第六册--MODULE 9 English for you and me-Workbook

时间:2012-12-14 03:36:10





[00:02.87]MODULE 9 English for you and me


[00:08.69]7 Work in pairs.  Check(√) the things  you can do in an  English club.

[00:16.15]Now read the passage.Which things do thesestudents do?

[00:21.84]Come and join ourEnglish club!

[00:24.89]This is what we do:  We meet once a week,in the library. We eachchoose some books toread.

[00:33.67]Then the next time, wetell each other aboutthe books, in English.

[00:39.22]If two or three peoplechoose the same book,they can each say whatthey liked, or didn'tlike about it.

[00:47.41]We have recordings1 ofsome books, so we canlisten and read at thesame time

[00:54.01]We watch films inEnglish together. We tryto understand what thepeople say.

[01:00.97]We watch the same sceneseveral times, and thenwe act it out.

[01:06.39]That's good speakingpractice, and it's greatfun.

[01:11.35]We have email2 penfriends and we write tothem once a month.

[01:16.67]We feel that we know ourpen friends well,although we've nevermet.

[01:21.77]We also use Internetchat rooms to talk tostudents in othercountries.

[01:27.73]We make an Englishnewspaper, but we don'tprint it--we put it onour website3.

[01:35.23]We can all read thenewspaper, and we canwrite articles, too.

[01:40.24]We've got a digitalcamera, so we can alsoput photographs in ournewspaper.

[01:46.11]We play games. To helpus remember vocabulary,we've made vocabularycards.

[01:53.12]On one side, we have apicture. On the otherside, we have theEnglish word.

[01:59.76]We play a vocabularygame with them. We lookat the picture, and saythe English word.

[02:07.04]If we're correct, wekeep the card. Theperson with the mostcards is the winner.

[02:14.09]Listening, pronunciationand speaking

[02:17.82]9 Listen and number the  advice in the order  you hear it given.

[04:37.10]10 Listen and write   these words in the   correct columns4.





1 recordings 22f9946cd05973582e73e4e3c0239bb7     
n.记录( recording的名词复数 );录音;录像;唱片
  • a boxed set of original recordings 一套盒装原声录音带
  • old jazz recordings reissued on CD 以激光唱片重新发行的老爵士乐
2 email email     
n.电子邮件(Electronic mail),透过电脑网路传送邮件的方式
  • You can send me an email.你可以给我发一份电子邮件。
  • It's Interesting to read your email.读你的电子邮件很有趣。
3 website website     
  • Do you have the address of our website?你有我们的网址吗?
  • A strange website turns up.出现了一个奇怪的网站。
4 columns columns     
n.柱( column的名词复数 );纵队;栏;(舰队的)纵列
  • The temple is supported by marble columns. 这座庙宇由大理石柱支撑。
  • There are two columns on each page of this dictionary. 这本词典每一页有两栏。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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