

时间:2013-11-13 13:42:31


This is by far the longest I’ve ever been on a production. And uh… it started in August of 20… 2009, when Ang came over, and he… he asked uh… whether a digital character looks better orworse in stereo. And, we all kind of said, “We don’t know. So why don’t we give it a shot?”


  So the… you know, the challenges for us were how to portray1 an ocean that’s as much acharacter as possible. And you know this is the first film in a while that’s really… right there in theocean, non-stop for over 3/5 of the running time.


  So we had to find the way to deal with the ocean and then the animals. Hmm… Even we

  did… even though we did use some practical tigers, there was no ways we’re putting… hmm… even the trained tiger on the life raft with the actual actor. Hmm… even on the tank, put it amongthis 26-foot boat would have uh… never flown with the insurance adjusters. So we had to make adigital tiger and make sure that it looked as real as the uh… back to back with the real thing.


  The whale breach2 — it has a slightly overcranked feel, a slight motion feel. And again to get thatweight into that animal is… is tricky3, and I think it works well. You know, for me, it was just reallyimportant that we could feel an animal weighing… tons of pounds. And that it was powerful enoughto breach out of the water to that height, just to fit the drama and to make it spectacular.


  We just pushed the height of the jump, and the whale comes out of the water completely, and itlooks cool.





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2 breach 2sgzw     
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  • He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。