

时间:2013-11-16 13:30:58




  烤松茸:roasted matsutake

  油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot

  莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rip soup

  酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root

  炸藕夹:deep-fried lotus root sandwich

  鱼头泡饼:bread soaked in fish head soup

  香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel

  酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili2



  Episode 1 Gift of Nature


  China have the world's most strange natural landscapes, plateaus,mountains and forests, lakes and rivers, coastline. Such kind of geographical3 span is very good for the growth and reserve of species, which any of other countries don't have a lot of potential raw of food like China. To get the gift of nature, people collect, pick, dig, catch all year round. This episode will show the story about man and nature behind the delicious.


  Shangri-la, in the nature hybrid4 forest of pine and oak tree, Zhuoma is looking for a sort of elf-like food——matsutake. Because the matsutake only have 2-day short fresh life, businessmen have to do with sophisticated processing with the fastest speed on the matsutake. Then, after 24hours a kind of this matsutake will soon appear in the markets in Tokyo.


  At 3 a.m. in the habitat of matsutake, Zhuoma' father took zhuoma and her mather in a motorbike. After passing through the village, mother and daughter would walk into the virgin5 forest 30 km away. Heavy rain made all kinds of wild mushroom grow crazily, however, every Tibetan has a pair of sharp eyes. After digging out the mushroom, Zhuoma covered the hole quickly with pine needles on the soil. Only in this way, can keep the organization of mushroom from destroy. To continue the gift of nature, Tibetans follow the rules of forests in mind.


  During 2-month period of mushroom pitching, Zhuoma and mom had made 5000 yuan back. This payment presents the reward of their hard work.


  In the mao bamboo grove6 of Laobao, who comes from Zhengjiang, there used to have a biggest winter bamboo shoot in Suichang. Winter bamboo shoots hide under the soil, just like noting from the surface of the earth. As watching the color of bamboo leaves can Laobao knows the exact position where bamboo shoots are. It totally relay on his rich experience.


  The way to retain freshness of bamboo is very hard. Bamboo shoots are only a kind of bud, which is the most vigorous part of the whole plant organism. Clever Laobao said it's very easy to protect winter bamboo shoots. Digging up the loose soil, covering the bamboo shoots in the holes again, preserving moisture. This way of covering makes use of nature and can retain freshness more than 2 weeks.


  Winter bamboo shoots can be found in four major Chinese cuisines7. Cooks prefer it also for its pure flavor, which is very easy to take in other taste. Lao Bao is now using the bamboo shoots to make a normal home dish of bamboo shoot soup. The main material of bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork should have to be spring bamboo shoots, however, Lao Bao put the Suichang winter bamboo into use, which is 20 times higher than the winter bamboo shoots. Because Lao Bao thought it is only a small kind of dishes in his home.


  In the northern part of mountain area of Dali in Yunnan province, many natural salt wells,which is an essential element of special food of mountain people, spread in the striking red sandstone. Lao Huang and his son is setting up a cooking range beside the brook8. The job of the cooking range is to boil salt every winter.


  In the market of Yunlong county in winter, Lao Huang and his son rushed to pick up the pork to make the ham. The pickle1 of ham began in the yard of old house. The pickle of Nuo Deng Ham is very easy. Lao Huang got rid of the extra pork, made the pork a kind of mellow9 and full ham, put liquor on it to kill bacteria, and then spread on the salt made home. During the pickle, rubbing and pressing are only be used in case the fiber10 is destroyed.


  Even use the modern standard to make a decision, Nuo Deng Well Salt is still the top of salt. Although the place used to be rich of salt in the ancient times, we still believe Nuo Deng Salt is a valuable present to the mountain people from nature.


  Shengwu and Maorong are twin brothers. Every September, they will come to the Jiayu county in Hubeing province, to pick up a kind of natural delicious food. This sort of plants live in the muds far away from the river. The root of what Maorong has dug is called lotus root, a kind of high produced vegetables in the lakes.


  As a professional of digging lotus roots, every year Shengrong and Maowu will be out for 7months. As soon as the season of lotus roots picking up, they will get to the place where is rich of lotus roots from their own home in Anhui province. The high payment make Shengrong and Maowu are willing to do the hard job. People who pick up lotus roots like cold weather, not because it's easy to pick up in cold weather but that people who buy the lotus roots or eat it will be more and the price will be high.


  There are still 5 months left to pick up a lake lotus roots. On the lake of Jiayu county, 300professionals keep working from sunset to sunrise every day. You will see the same picture year and year in every big province which is rich of freshwater lakes.


  Nowadays, when we have the power to be far away nature and enjoy delicious food, we should be grateful to the people who use their hands and brain to make so many delicious food.




1 pickle mSszf     
  • Mother used to pickle onions.妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。
  • Meat can be preserved in pickle.肉可以保存在卤水里。
2 chili JOlzm     
  • He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil.他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。
  • It has chocolate,chili,and other spices.有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。
3 geographical Cgjxb     
  • The current survey will have a wider geographical spread.当前的调查将在更广泛的地域范围內进行。
  • These birds have a wide geographical distribution.这些鸟的地理分布很广。
4 hybrid pcBzu     
  • That is a hybrid perpetual rose.那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。
  • The hybrid was tall,handsome,and intelligent.那混血儿高大、英俊、又聪明。
5 virgin phPwj     
  • Have you ever been to a virgin forest?你去过原始森林吗?
  • There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。
6 grove v5wyy     
  • On top of the hill was a grove of tall trees.山顶上一片高大的树林。
  • The scent of lemons filled the grove.柠檬香味充满了小树林。
7 cuisines 43f81cfb27ea2137d12801c0fe58128f     
n.烹饪( cuisine的名词复数 );菜肴;(通常指昂贵的饭店中的)饭菜;烹饪艺术
  • Could you tell me the different features of these cuisines? 能不能告诉我这些不同的烹调流派各自有哪些特点? 来自地道口语脱口SHOW 高中超越版
  • Ice sculptures are used as decorations in some cuisines, especially in Asia. 冰雕在某些菜肴中被当作装饰品,尤其在亚洲。 来自互联网
8 brook PSIyg     
  • In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。
  • The brook trickled through the valley.小溪涓涓流过峡谷。
9 mellow F2iyP     
  • These apples are mellow at this time of year.每年这时节,苹果就熟透了。
  • The colours become mellow as the sun went down.当太阳落山时,色彩变得柔和了。
10 fiber NzAye     
  • The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber.纤维是纱的基本结构单元。
  • The material must be free of fiber clumps.这种材料必须无纤维块。