

时间:2014-01-28 08:16:29


China and the European Union (EU) wraps up three-day talks here Thursday on an investment agreement aimed at further tearing down barriers to their two-way economic cooperation. 

The 4th China-EU strategic dialogue is underway in Brussels. It's being co-chaired by China’s State Councillor Yang Jiechi and the EU's High Representative of Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton. Since it was first established nine years ago, the political dialogue has tackled a wide range of issues, including foreign policy, economic cooperation, and climate change. For more, we are now joined live by our correspondent Jack1 Barton in Brussels.

Q1: Monday is the opening day of the strategic dialogue. Tell us what’s been discussed so far and what’s more on the agenda?

Q2: This will be the first time foreign policy takes a prominent role in the talks. What will the leaders be discussing on that front?



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