
Module 10 Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round

时间:2015-03-18 08:22:41



[00:00.00]The US is a very big country.美国是一个非常大的国家。

[00:03.71]It is about 3,000 miles1 from the east coast2 to the west coast,从东海岸到西海岸长约3,000英里,

[00:08.05]so choose carefully3 the places to see and the time to go.因此去那里游玩的话,要认真选择去的地方和时间。

[00:12.90]Bring a map because you may want to travel4 around.带上一张地图,因为你也许想要四处走走。

[00:16.79]New York and Washington5 DC are good places to visit in May or October,纽约和华盛顿是五月和十月旅行的好去处,

[00:22.47]but in winter there is a lot of snow.但是在冬天有很多雪。

[00:25.78]The best time to visit New England is in September.九月是去新英格兰浏览的最佳时间。

[00:29.61]The weather gets cooler,天气变得凉爽,

[00:31.33]and the green leaves6 start to turn gold, then brown.绿叶开始变成金色,继而变成棕色。

[00:35.29]Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees.带上你的照相机,这样你就可以拍拍秋天的树木了。

[00:39.53]California is on the Pacific7 coast,加利福尼亚在太平洋海岸线上,

[00:42.54]and the weather is fine all year round.这里的天气全年都很好。

[00:45.66]Take your swimming clothes带上你的泳衣,

[00:47.56]because you might8 want to go swimming in the sea,因为你可能想在大海里游泳,

[00:50.18]even in December.即使是在12月。

[00:52.00]In Seattle,in the northwest9,在西北方向的西雅图

[00:55.02]it is not very cold but it rains a lot,它不是很冷,但是下雨很多,

[00:58.22]so bring an umbrella.所以带着一把雨伞。

[01:00.52]In Alaska,the days are long and warm in summer,阿拉斯加夏季的白天很长且很温暖,

[01:03.94]but may be cool in the evening.但是晚上会有点儿凉。

[01:06.47]In winter,Alaska can be very very cold.在冬天,阿拉斯加可能非常非常冷。

[01:10.61]If you want to visit Alaska,如果你想去阿拉斯加游览,

[01:12.62]you had10 better go in summer.你最好在夏天去。

[01:14.22]Do not forget to bring a warm sweater with you.不要忘了随身带一件暖和的毛衣。

[01:18.27]In Texas and the southeast11,在德克萨斯州和东南部,

[01:20.44]it is usually very hot and sunny compared12 to other places.它相比其他地方,通常天气炎热,阳光灿烂。

[01:24.57]There are storms13 from time to time in summer and autumn.在夏季和秋季有时有暴风雨。

[01:28.37]So when is the best time to visit the US?所以,什么时候是游览美国的最佳时间?

[01:31.78]Any time you like!任何时候你喜欢!



1 Miles aoczUD     
n.英里( mile的名词复数 );很多;一英里赛跑;大面积
  • Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里约等于五英里。
  • a fortress town enclosed by four miles of ramparts 由四英里长的城墙围着的设防城镇
2 coast EXKzJ     
  • They're holidaying on the west coast.他们正在西海岸度假。
  • There are thousands of villages on the coast.在沿海有上千座村庄。
3 carefully FTDyE     
  • If you watch carefully you will see how to do it. 如果你仔细观察,你就会看出如何做此事了。
  • Now listen carefully everybody.请大家仔细地听。
4 travel omLwp     
  • We can now travel by air.现在我们可以坐飞机旅行。
  • Autumn is the best season for travel.秋天是旅行的最好季节。
5 Washington OeAzjC     
  • His birthplace is Washington,but he lives in San Francisco.他出生于华盛顿,但住在旧金山。
  • They, together with my father,have gone to Washington.他们和我父亲一起去华盛顿了。
6 leaves b1xxm     
n.树叶,花瓣; leaf 的复数; leave 的单数第三人称现在式
  • The walk was covered with leaves.这人行道上满是树叶。
  • Will you check on the time the train leaves?请你核对一下火车开出的时间好吗?
7 pacific NKexe     
adj.和解的,平静的;[P-]太平洋的;n.[the P -]太平洋
  • China lies on the east of the Pacific.中国位于太平洋东部。
  • He is serving on a warship in the Pacific.他在太平洋海域的一艘军舰上服役。
8 might BDmxl     
  • It looks as if it might snow.看起来好像要下雪了。
  • Might I ask a question?我能问个问题吗?
9 northwest zHDxc     
n.西北,西北方;adj.西北的,在西北的,来自西北的;adv. 向西北
  • He was born in the northwest.他出生于西北部。
  • The wind is blowing from the northwest.风从西北方吹来。
10 had FeBxb     
  • I just had a good idea!我有个好主意!
  • The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand.这个男孩手上拿一条小树枝。
11 southeast IwpwO     
n.东南,东南地区;adj.东南的,向东南的,来自东南的; adv.往东南,来自东南
  • A southeast wind was blowing.开始刮东南风。
  • Austria lies to the southeast of Germany.奥地利位于德国东南。
12 compared d43c0405fc29d5767f5ab31bba43e533     
  • Life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas. 比起海外那种更富有刺激的生活方式来,现在的生活显得了无生气。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Overall industrial production was up compared with last year. 与去年相比,整个工业产值上升了很多。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 storms ce25aa0e58c554e06268b813d7b1463f     
n.暴风雨[雪]( storm的名词复数 );(因激动或兴奋而爆发出的)暴风雨般的声音;强烈如暴(风)雨般的东西;(群情迸发的)浪潮
  • Storms have caused structural damage to hundreds of homes. 几场暴风雨毁了成百上千所住宅,连结构都破坏了。
  • Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根。 来自每日一句

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