

时间:2015-06-17 05:13:40


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has reiterated the need for innovation to improve manufacturing capacity in China.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang inspects China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. in Beijing, capital of China, June 15, 2015. Li had an inspection tour to China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Monday.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang inspects China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. in Beijing, capital of China, June 15, 2015. Li had an inspection tour to China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Monday.

During an inspection of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Monday, Li reviewed the 10-year ‘Made in China 2025’ national plan, which is designed to transform China to a more innovative manufacturing economy with high-end production.

Li called on the nation to embrace technology such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and 3D printing. He vowed to deepen reforms of state-owned enterprises and provide more assistance to small businesses.

On the same day, Li also visited China's biggest nuclear power company, in Beijing. Li stressed the need for China to develop forms of green energy like nuclear energy, which only currently accounts for only 2 percent of China's electricity sources.

hinese Premier Li Keqiang (front) inspects the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in Beijing, capital of China, June 15, 2015. Li had an inspection tour to China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Monday.

hinese Premier Li Keqiang (front) inspects the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in Beijing, capital of China, June 15, 2015. Li had an inspection tour to China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Monday.

Meanwhile, Li urged the company to always put safety first, and called on the company to follow the highest international standards in terms of design, construction and management.

He also called on the company to strengthen international cooperation with firms in production capacity and bring in cutting-edge technology and experiences, to diversify domestic development.
