
CCTV9英语新闻:Main purpose is to meet civilian demands

时间:2015-06-18 05:06:53


China's Foreign Ministry says that some of the land reclamation on the Nansha islands and reefs in the South China Sea will soon be completed. The Foreign Ministry reiterated China's stance on sovereignty of the islands, and stressed the main purpose of the construction activities is to meet civilian demands.


China has defended construction work on islands in the South China Sea, saying the country is firmly safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.


"The projects falls within the scope of Chinese sovereignty and is legitimate. It is lawful, reasonable and justified. The activities are not meant to target any other country and will not affect the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all countries in accordance with international law in the South China Sea, nor will it cause any harm to the environment. It's irreproachable," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said


The spokesman said although the construction work serves a defense purpose, the main reason is civilian in nature.


After the land reclamation finishes, China will put into place the infrastructure needed to carry out maritime search and rescue operations, disaster relief, meteorological observation, and environmental protection. The new facilities will also offer navigational assistance, as well as helping the local fishing industry.


Experts say the construction work will also benefit other countries.


"As the biggest economy in East Asia and the biggest country along the South China Sea, we have the responsibility and ability to make use of island building in the South China Sea, especially in the Nansha Islands. This is to provide more public security to this region. As long as the construction is completed, we will provide services to ourselves, to countries in the South China Sea, as well as ships passing by," Wu Shicun, head of National Institute Of South China Sea Studies, said.


In order to try and resolve the long-existing disputes in the South China Sea, China has prioritised joint development and cooperation with neighboring countries.


"We can put aside any disputes for the time being. Relevant countries can push forward joint development and maritime cooperation in the South China Sea. China pursues the path of peaceful development. The defensive nature of our national defense policy, and our good-neighborly policy have not changed," Wu said.


The Foreign Ministry says China will continue to advocate addressing disputes through a "dual-track" approach, to help uphold peace and stability in the region.
