
奥巴马 美古关系迈入新时代

时间:2016-03-24 00:15:12



 After a tour of the old city of Havana, a ceremonial wreath-laying and warm handshakes, Barack Obama’s historic visit to Cuba quickly shifted to the issue that has divided the two countries for most of the last six decades — a sharp disagreement over political values.

在访问哈瓦那旧城、参加敬献花圈仪式和热烈握手之后,美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)对古巴的历史性访问很快转向在过去60年的大部分时间里导致两国分道扬镳的问题——政治价值观上的严重分歧。
Mr Obama yesterday met Cuban president Raúl Castro in Havana, the first official talks between the leaders and the culmination1 of the announcement 15 months ago that diplomatic relations were to be restored.
奥巴马昨日会晤了古巴总统劳尔?卡斯特罗(Raúl Castro),这是两位领导人之间的第一次正式会谈,为15个月前两国宣布即将恢复外交关系所开启的进程画上了句号。
The American president declared a “new day” in relations with Cuba and insisted that the “embargo will end”, referring to the restrictions2 that still prevent some US companies from doing business with Cuba.
However, the differences over democracy and human rights also quickly rose to the surface. Asked by a member of the US press about political prisoners in Cuba, Mr Castro gave a defiant3 response.
“Provide me the list. What political prisoners?” MrCastro asked. “Give me a name or names or when after this meeting is over, you can give me a list of political prisoners, and if we have those political prisoners, they will be released before tonight ends.”
Mr Castro went on to defend a version of human rights that places much more emphasis on access to healthcare and education接着,卡斯特罗为更加注重医疗和教育方面权利的人权观进行了辩护。
Mr Obama, on the other hand, went out of his way to try to bridge the differences. “We had a very frank conversation around issues of democracy and human rights. Our starting point is we have two different systems, different systems of government, of economy. And we have decades of differences,” he says.
Mr Obama’s visit comes 15 months after announcing his plan to normalise relations with Cuba following more than five decades of diplomatic estrangement4. The visit is part of a broader gamble by the president that direct engagement from the US can help cajole the Cuban government to open its society, politics and economy more quickly.
“Change is going to happen [in Cuba] and I think that Raúl Castro understands that,” Mr Obama said, shortly after arriving.



1 culmination 9ycxq     
  • The space race reached its culmination in the first moon walk.太空竞争以第一次在月球行走而达到顶峰。
  • It may truly be regarded as the culmination of classical Greek geometry.这确实可以看成是古典希腊几何的登峰造级之作。
2 restrictions 81e12dac658cfd4c590486dd6f7523cf     
约束( restriction的名词复数 ); 管制; 制约因素; 带限制性的条件(或规则)
  • I found the restrictions irksome. 我对那些限制感到很烦。
  • a snaggle of restrictions 杂乱无章的种种限制
3 defiant 6muzw     
  • With a last defiant gesture,they sang a revolutionary song as they were led away to prison.他们被带走投入监狱时,仍以最后的反抗姿态唱起了一支革命歌曲。
  • He assumed a defiant attitude toward his employer.他对雇主采取挑衅的态度。
4 estrangement 5nWxt     
  • a period of estrangement from his wife 他与妻子分居期间
  • The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family. 这一争吵使她同家人完全疏远了。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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