
CCTV9英语新闻:Beijing, Prague to become sister cities

时间:2016-03-28 08:08:58


During President Xi's visit to the Czech Republic, he will attend a ceremony in which Beijing and Prague will become "sister cities". The mayor of the Czech capital Adriana Krnacova has prepared a special gift for the Chinese president.


A gift for friendship.


The Prague mayor is going to give a replica of the city gate key to President Xi. She says it represents the warm welcome the city has extended to China.


"The key represents deeper friendship and shows to those whom the key is given, that that they are welcome in the city of Prague and they should feel at home. This is the replica of one of the keys of the Prague gates. It means that the door is open to a friend," she said.


Prague City Council passed a bill last month so the city would enter a "sister-city" relationship with the Chinese capital.


Under the agreement, the two cities will enhance cooperation in many fields including tourism, culture and education...


"This is a big event for us, because the friendship with Beijing is very important for us. First of all I think this is a big opportunity to make educational exchange, for students to travel back and forth and learn from each other. The second is last year we opened flight direct line to Beijing. And beside this fact I think also in other areas we can expect cooperation. For example, in culture, healthcare. Not only Prague will benefit from this friendship but also Czech Republic," she said.


Krnacova said she would like to see cooperation in many other areas...and she hopes the new level of friendship can be beneficial to both cities.


"I'm very much looking forward to visit China and Beijing. I'm happy that a country with this huge tradition and heritage is having closer relations with Czech Republic. We can learn from each other, and this is the most important thing, to be friends and learn from each other," she said.
