
CCTV9英语新闻:Mainland, Taiwan should consolidate common political foundation

时间:2016-04-28 08:17:55


This Friday will mark the 11th anniversary of the "Common Prospects for Peaceful Cross-Strait Development", released by the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang. It also marks the 23th anniversary of the "Wang-Koo meeting", which laid the foundation for the peaceful development of relations between the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan. Spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, An Fengshan, says the cross-strait ties enter a crucial time.


"Practice has proved that to maintain the direction of peaceful development and the good momentum of cross-Straits relations, it is crucial to consolidate common political foundation -- which is opposing against Taiwan 'independence' and persisting on the '1992 Consensus'. If the foundation is undermined, the cross-Straits relations will return to the old, turbulent path, and we will lose the peaceful development we have obtained," said an fengshanspokesman, State Council Taiwan affairs office.


An said that with such a foundation, the cross-Straits relations could continue to move forward and the rights, interests and well-being of the people across the Straits could be maintained and enhanced. An said since 2008, both the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan, as well as cross-Straits compatriots have been pushing forward to implement the "common prospects for peaceful cross-Straits development" and have achieved fruitful results.
