

时间:2017-01-03 02:33:56



   “We need to talk.”

  “It’s not you, it’s me.”
  “I want a divorce.”
  “Oh, and I’ll need the chequebook back.”
  If, through a series of drunken misunderstandings in a Mayfair/Los Angeles/Newcastle nightclub, you find yourself the new husband or civil partner of whichever reality TV star currently adorns1 Heat magazine’s cover, there is a statistical2 risk that you will hear these words at some point within the next 12-18 months.
  And had you wed3 on Valentine’s Day or a “numerically special” date, such as 01/02/03, the probability of being asked for a divorce increases, according to University of Melbourne economists4 Jan Kabátek and professor David Ribar. They have found that marriages starting on a special date are 18-36 per cent more likely to fail than those beginning on an ordinary day.
  同时,根据墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)经济学家贾恩·卡巴迪克(Jan Kabátek)和戴维·里巴尔(David Ribar)教授的研究,如果你在情人节或是某个“特殊数字”日期(如2003年2月1日)结婚,那么被要求离婚的概率就会增加。他们发现,从特殊日期起步的婚姻,失败可能性比普通的结婚日期高出18%-36%。
  But one person you would never suspect of uttering such heartbreaking phrases is your private banker. After so many tête-à-têtes, intimate dinners, tokens of appreciation5 and impassioned phone calls, yours is surely a relationship that no one could put asunder6.
  Yet, increasingly, private banks around the world have been packing the Louis Vuittons, proffering7 the hankie and telling their wealthiest clients: “I’m sorry, darling — it’s over.”
  然而,全球越来越多的私人银行都在收拾他们的路易威登(Louis Vuitton)行李箱,递上一块手绢并告诉他们最富有的客户们:“抱歉,亲爱的——是时候分手了。”
  Just last month, HSBC’s Monaco private bank broke the news to accountholders that it just could not go on. It said it was “strategic” — nothing personal — and promised to take care of them, and their $9bn. It also offered to set them up with a new partner: CFM Indosuez Wealth Management.
  前一阵子,汇丰(HSBC)摩纳哥私人银行向账户持有人宣布,无法继续提供服务。该行称此举是出于“战略”——而非针对个人,并承诺将善待客户和他们的90亿美元资产。汇丰还提出为他们引荐新的合作伙伴:CFM Indosuez财富管理(CFM Indosuez Wealth Management)。
  If you don’t think it could happen to you, think again. HSBC’s Monaco break-up was just its latest. It has also wound down, part-sold or ended wealth management relationships in Japan, Panama, Switzerland, Israel, Bermuda, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey.
  Nor is HSBC the only one. Earlier this year, Barclays let its Hong Kong and Singapore wealth management customers go to Oversea-Chinese Banking8 Corp, taking $18bn with them.
  而且汇丰不是唯一这么做的银行。今年早些时候,巴克莱(Barclays)将其香港和新加坡的理财客户转给华侨银行(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp),眼睁睁看着他们带走180亿美元资产。
  More recently, ANZ announced the sale of retail9 operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Taiwan and Indonesia, with $16bn in assets, to DBS. For those clients who only fell into ANZ’s embrace when Royal Bank of Scotland dumped them in 2009, it represented a second divorce in nine years. Surely, their own reality TV series beckons10.
  What, though, should private bank customers do if they find themselves cruelly cast aside? Other wealth managers’ advice is not unlike that of magazine agony aunts. Put yourself first, says Roddy Buchanan, head of wealth management at WHIreland, the financial services firm.
  “You have to treat this situation as an opportunity to reappraise what you need in terms of managing your wealth, initially11 asking the question as to whether a ‘one-stop shop’?.?.?.?still serves your best interests,” he says.
  “要把自己放在第一位。”金融服务公司WHIreland的理财部门主管罗迪·布坎南(Roddy Buchanan)说,“你得把这件事看作是一个机会,重新评估自己在理财方面的需求,首先要问自己‘一站式服务’……是否仍然符合你的最大利益?”
  Then use your support network to help you get back out there. “Ask your friends and contacts for introductions to new potential wealth management partners, someone they know they’ve received high levels of service from and can trust,“ Buchanan adds.
  然后,利用你的社交支持网络帮你重返江湖。“请你的朋友和熟人介绍新的潜在的理财合作伙伴,那些他们熟知、得到过高水平服务并且可以信赖的合作伙伴,” 布坎南补充说。
  Above all, find a good listener, says Sunaina Sinha, managing partner of Cebile Capital. “The client-banker relationship is built on trust and understanding,” she says. “The priority for any new banker should be to spend time listening to the client and understanding their idiosyncrasies.”
  Cebile Capital的管理合伙人苏奈娜·辛哈(Sunaina Sinha)表示,最重要的是找到一个好的倾听者。“客户-银行家之间的关系是建立在信任和理解之上的。” 她表示:“任何一个接手新客户的银行家,都应该花时间聆听客户,理解他们的风格偏好。”
  Ultimately, though, you need someone who recognises that sometimes, it’s complicated, says Mark McMullen, chief executive of the family office division at Stonehage Fleming. He says: “[It] requires a considerable investment of time to ensure that he or she develops an adequate understanding of the client’s affairs.”
  然而,据Stonehage Fleming家族理财室部门首席执行官马克·麦克马伦(Mark McMullen)介绍,最终而言,你需要的那个人要能够认识到,有时候情况是复杂的。他说:“(这)要求大量的时间投入,来确保他或她形成对客户事务的充分了解。”
  As indeed is the case for news editors on those celebrity12 magazines.



1 adorns e60aea5a63f6a52627fe58d3354ca7f2     
装饰,佩带( adorn的第三人称单数 )
  • Have adornment, the building adorns the product of material. 有装饰,就有建筑装饰材料的制品。
  • In this case, WALL-E adorns every pillar. 在这段时间,Wall-E占据了各个显要位置。
2 statistical bu3wa     
  • He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.他用统计表显示价格的波动。
  • They're making detailed statistical analysis.他们正在做具体的统计分析。
3 wed MgFwc     
  • The couple eventually wed after three year engagement.这对夫妇在订婚三年后终于结婚了。
  • The prince was very determined to wed one of the king's daughters.王子下定决心要娶国王的其中一位女儿。
4 economists 2ba0a36f92d9c37ef31cc751bca1a748     
n.经济学家,经济专家( economist的名词复数 )
  • The sudden rise in share prices has confounded economists. 股价的突然上涨使经济学家大惑不解。
  • Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister's initiative. 外国银行家和经济学家对部长的倡议反应谨慎。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 appreciation Pv9zs     
  • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
  • I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
6 asunder GVkzU     
  • The curtains had been drawn asunder.窗帘被拉向两边。
  • Your conscience,conviction,integrity,and loyalties were torn asunder.你的良心、信念、正直和忠诚都被扯得粉碎了。
7 proffering bb5743f9a89c53e1d4727ba5f1e36dbf     
v.提供,贡献,提出( proffer的现在分词 )
8 banking aySz20     
  • John is launching his son on a career in banking.约翰打算让儿子在银行界谋一个新职位。
  • He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.他具有广博的银行业务知识。
9 retail VWoxC     
  • In this shop they retail tobacco and sweets.这家铺子零售香烟和糖果。
  • These shoes retail at 10 yuan a pair.这些鞋子零卖10元一双。
10 beckons 93df57d1c556d8200ecaa1eec7828aa1     
v.(用头或手的动作)示意,召唤( beckon的第三人称单数 )
  • He sent his ships wherever profit beckons. 他将船队派往赢利的那些地方。 来自辞典例句
  • I believe history beckons again. 我认为现在历史又在召唤了。 来自辞典例句
11 initially 273xZ     
  • The ban was initially opposed by the US.这一禁令首先遭到美国的反对。
  • Feathers initially developed from insect scales.羽毛最初由昆虫的翅瓣演化而来。
12 celebrity xcRyQ     
  • Tom found himself something of a celebrity. 汤姆意识到自己已小有名气了。
  • He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself. 他常和名人在一起, 希望借此使自己获得名气。

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