
2007年VOA标准英语-UN Closes Iraq Weapons Inspection Unit

时间:2007-07-04 07:06:05



By Peter Heinlein
United Nations
29 June 2007

The U.N. Security Council has closed down the agency charged with monitoring Saddam Hussein's illicit1 weapons programs. Correspondent Peter Heinlein reports from U.N. headquarters in New York.

U.N. Security Council
U.N. Security Council
Fourteen of the 15 Security Council members voted to immediately abolish the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection2 Committee, known as UNMOVIC. The 15th member, Russia, abstained3.

Russia's U.N. ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, objected that the inspectors4 had not fulfilled their mandate5 of officially certifying6 that Iraq, at present, has no weapons of mass destruction. But he said Russia is willing to accepts that UNMOVIC serves no further purpose.

"The fact that this issue has been with us for a very long time and some of those requirements have been taken into account did allow us not to block this resolution, but in a situation where some of the requirements have not been taken care of, we decided7 to abstain," he said.

Iraq's U.N. ambassador, Hamid Al-Bayati, hailed the decision to terminate UNMOVIC. He said it closes what he called "an appalling8 chapter in Iraq's modern history."

"We believe this is an overdue9 issue pending10 for over four years and this chapter has been closed today, which was costing Iraq around one million dollars every month," he said.

UNMOVIC was established in 1999 to oversee11 the dismantling12 of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction programs. The inspectors left Iraq in March 2003, shortly before the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam. They never returned, and have since been focusing on studying satellite photographs.

The U.N. inspectors did find significant evidence of Saddam's illicit weapons programs, including biological and chemical agents. The U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, also assisted in uncovering details of a planned nuclear weapons program.

But Washington's U.N. ambassador, Zalmay Khalilzad, told the Security Council Friday that concerns about Saddam's possession of nuclear weapons in 2002 and 2003 had proven to be unfounded.

"With regard to nuclear weapons, the Iraq Survey Group uncovered evidence of the maturity13 and intent of the pre-1991 Iraqi nuclear program," he said. "The government determined14, however, that the Iraqi ability to reconstitute a nuclear weapons program had progressively deteriorated15 after 1991 despite Saddam Hussein's interest in nuclear weapons and in retaining nuclear weapons scientists."

Speaking to reporters afterward16, Khalilzad said intelligence about Saddam's weapons programs had proven wrong both at the time of the first Gulf17 war, when it was underestimated, and again in 2003, when it was overestimated18.

"We've all learned lessons," he said. "In hindsight, one would have hoped to have had in both cases a more precise information, but you make decisions based on what you assume or analyze19 or are briefed or are told is the situation to the best of one's ability."

The United States and Iraq had been trying to have UNMOVIC shut down since 2005. Iraq's leaders had complained that financing UNMOVIC had been draining money from the Iraqi budget that would better have been used in rebuilding infrastructure20 in the war-ravaged country.



1 illicit By8yN     
  • He had an illicit association with Jane.他和简曾有过不正当关系。
  • Seizures of illicit drugs have increased by 30% this year.今年违禁药品的扣押增长了30%。
2 inspection y6TxG     
  • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.经抽查,发现肉变质了。
  • The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers.士兵们列队接受军官的日常检阅。
3 abstained d7e1885f31dd3d021db4219aad4071f1     
v.戒(尤指酒),戒除( abstain的过去式和过去分词 );弃权(不投票)
  • Ten people voted in favour, five against and two abstained. 十人投票赞成,五人反对,两人弃权。
  • They collectively abstained (from voting) in the elections for local councilors. 他们在地方议会议员选举中集体弃权。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 inspectors e7f2779d4a90787cc7432cd5c8b51897     
n.检查员( inspector的名词复数 );(英国公共汽车或火车上的)查票员;(警察)巡官;检阅官
  • They got into the school in the guise of inspectors. 他们假装成视察员进了学校。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Inspectors checked that there was adequate ventilation. 检查员已检查过,通风良好。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 mandate sj9yz     
  • The President had a clear mandate to end the war.总统得到明确的授权结束那场战争。
  • The General Election gave him no such mandate.大选并未授予他这种权力。
6 certifying fb18ddb0ac22a2a37ae82d54cdb1d1e7     
(尤指书面)证明( certify的现在分词 ); 发证书给…; 证明(某人)患有精神病; 颁发(或授予)专业合格证书
  • Signed Commercial in quintuplicate, certifying merchandise to be of Chinese origin. 签署商业发票一式五份,证明产品的原产地为中国。
  • Other documents certifying the truthfulness of the contents of the advertisements. (三)确认广告内容真实性的其他证明文件。
7 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
8 appalling iNwz9     
  • The search was hampered by appalling weather conditions.恶劣的天气妨碍了搜寻工作。
  • Nothing can extenuate such appalling behaviour.这种骇人听闻的行径罪无可恕。
9 overdue MJYxY     
  • The plane is overdue and has been delayed by the bad weather.飞机晚点了,被坏天气耽搁了。
  • The landlady is angry because the rent is overdue.女房东生气了,因为房租过期未付。
10 pending uMFxw     
  • The lawsuit is still pending in the state court.这案子仍在州法庭等待定夺。
  • He knew my examination was pending.他知道我就要考试了。
11 oversee zKMxr     
  • Soldiers oversee the food handouts.士兵们看管着救济食品。
  • Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work.请一位房产检视员或建筑师来监督并检查不同阶段的工作。
12 dismantling 3d7840646b80ddcdce2dd04e396f7138     
  • The new government set about dismantling their predecessors' legislation. 新政府正着手废除其前任所制定的法律。
  • The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday. 昨天拆除核后处理工厂引起了放射物泄漏。
13 maturity 47nzh     
  • These plants ought to reach maturity after five years.这些植物五年后就该长成了。
  • This is the period at which the body attains maturity.这是身体发育成熟的时期。
14 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
15 deteriorated a4fe98b02a18d2ca4fe500863af93815     
恶化,变坏( deteriorate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards. 她的健康状况急剧恶化,不久便去世了。
  • His condition steadily deteriorated. 他的病情恶化,日甚一日。
16 afterward fK6y3     
  • Let's go to the theatre first and eat afterward. 让我们先去看戏,然后吃饭。
  • Afterward,the boy became a very famous artist.后来,这男孩成为一个很有名的艺术家。
17 gulf 1e0xp     
  • The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。
  • There is a gulf between the two cities.这两座城市间有个海湾。
18 overestimated 3ea9652f4f5fa3d13a818524edff9444     
对(数量)估计过高,对…作过高的评价( overestimate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They overestimated his ability when they promoted him. 他们提拔他的时候高估了他的能力。
  • The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits. 财政部一贯高估预算赤字。
19 analyze RwUzm     
vt.分析,解析 (=analyse)
  • We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.我们应该分析这场事变的因果。
  • The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师设法分析我们失败的原因。
20 infrastructure UbBz5     
  • We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。
  • We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture.加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。

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