
影视英语:Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(精讲之五)

时间:2007-07-11 01:20:25



Linus: You're here.

Mack: So are you.

Linus: I want you to call Seattle and Tokyo and tell them to stop construction. Then get the Rons and Tysons and tell them there's an emergency meeting on the merger1 here at noon. And take this Paris ticket that was in my name and transfer it to the name of David Larrabee. I need to see my mother.

David: Linus!

Linus: Need to see my mother as soon as she gets in.

Mack: Good morning, David. Can I get you some coffee? No? OK.

Linus: I got a surprise for you. 

David: Yeah. I got one for you, too. I've watched you do business for years, but I thought there was a limit to how sick you could... How could you, Linus? How could you do what you did to me and her? How could you go that far ? What the hell makes you think you have the right?

Linus: Habit. Listen, David, I tried something and it didn't work, I mean it worked, but it didn't really work. I want you to go to Paris today, with Sabrina.

David: What?

Linus: This whole thing was a business tactic2, I let it get out of hand. Somehow I lost my focus. I screwed up everything. But I know it can be fixed3. I manipulated her, I confused her. But she's loved you all her life. You're what she really wants. You're what she's always wanted. Go with her, it's not too late. Things will work out. She'll make you happy. I don't want her to have to leave here alone.

David: What about Patrick and the merger? You'd blow a billion dollars for this? I see.

Linus: Get going. Go on. Don't miss the plane.

David: Ms. McCartle I want to see you in my office right away. Where is it?


1. in one's name

“以某人的名字……”的意思。例如:This book is published in my name. (这本书是以我的名字出版的。)

2. there is a limit to

“有一个限度”。例如:He knows his own limits.(他自知能力有限。)

3. go that far

“做得过分”的意思。它是由词组 go too far 变化而来,表示行为“不可理喻,过火”;例如:Insulting your teacher is going too far. (侮辱老师真是太过分了。)本文中的 How could you go that far? 意思就是“你太过分了。”

4. blow a billion dollars

在这里要简单提一下 blow 的用法。首先大家先看一下例句,You'd blow a billion dollars for this? 按照上下文的意思,这里blow 应译为“放弃可以赚 a billion dollars 的机会”。在日常生活当中我们最常用的是 blow it ,例如:我们搞砸了某个项目,就可以说 we blow it!


这一段是本影片的最精彩之处,原来的一个工作狂终于被 Sabrina 感动,感悟到生活的真谛,原来生活不只是工作和赚钱。原来生活也会如此的美好,原来他也会有真正的感情,也会去爱,也懂得了生活,更懂得爱情和婚姻。Sabina 拯救了 Linus。而当初的花花公子 David 也成为一位真正有责任心的男人,生活中除了爱情游戏之外,还有工作,有责任,要做一个真正的男人。



1. 以国王的名誉让他停下来。

2. 别太过分!每个人的忍耐都有限度。

3. 比赛之前我们战术要达成一致。

Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(精讲之四)考考你 参考答案

Between you and me, though, it's been awful for business.

They do not want to expend4 energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.

We'll look in on him tomorrow, he is sick.



1 merger vCJxG     
  • Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger.对这项提议的赞同是合并的第一步。
  • Shareholders will be voting on the merger of the companies.股东们将投票表决公司合并问题。
2 tactic Yqowc     
  • Reducing prices is a common sales tactic.降价是常用的销售策略。
  • She had often used the tactic of threatening to resign.她惯用以辞职相威胁的手法。
3 fixed JsKzzj     
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
4 expend Fmwx6     
  • Don't expend all your time on such a useless job.不要把时间消耗在这种无用的工作上。
  • They expend all their strength in trying to climb out.他们费尽全力想爬出来。