

时间:2009-11-30 02:48:56



[00:25.29]2 Making friends
[00:31.32]Do you smoke?
[00:34.48]No,thanks.I'm trying to stop.
[00:39.21]Yes,I should too.I'm sorry,what's your name again?
[00:46.05]Danko.And yours?
[00:49.82]Caroline.Hi,so where are you from,Danko?Croatia.
[00:57.18]Oh yes?Whereabouts exactly? Zagreb?
[01:03.24]No,Split1.It's on the coast2.Do you know it?
[01:10.82]I've heard of it,but I've never been there.
[01:16.17]There was a tennis player from there,wasn't there? What's his name?
[01:22.34]Goran lvanisevic.
[01:26.18]Yes,that's the one.He was lovely.
[01:31.14]Yes,well,you should come to Split.
[01:36.50]There are lots of lovely people there.It's a beautiful city.
[01:43.16]I'd love to go one day.So how long have you been here in Britain?
[01:50.52]Almost six monts now.I came here in September.
[01:56.79]Right.When are you going back to Croatia?
[02:02.04]In May.I've got to go back then.
[02:08.21]Why?What do you do back home?
[02:13.07]Oh,I'm a student.I'm at university.I have to take some exams in June.
[02:21.71]Oh right.What are you studying?
[02:26.47]English language and culture.That's the main reason I'm here
[02:32.82]Right,right.Well,you speak English very well.
[02:39.69]Thanks.I hope so. No,really.
[02:45.15]4 Pronunciation:getting the stress3 right
[02:56.61]1.It's quite a BIGTOWN on the SOUTH COAST,about SIXTY MILES from LONdon.
[03:05.44]2.It's a BIG CIty RIGHT in the CENtre of ENgland.
[03:13.78]3.It's NICE little SEAside4 TOWN on the NORTH-EAST COAST.
[03:22.84]4.It's a SMALL TOWIN JUST outside LONdon.
[03:30.91]5.It's FAmous OLD Clty in the SOUTH-WEST of ENgland.
[03:39.45]6.It's a SMALL TOWN RLGHT up in the NORTH of SCOTland5.
[03:48.41]7.Its an ARea in the NORTH-WEST of ENgland.
[04:03.91]I'm from Tunisia.I came to London when I got married6 to Faisal.
[04:11.04]I met him in Tunisia.
[04:14.59]He was born in London,but his family used7 to go to Tunisia
[04:20.83]every year on holiday to stay with his uncle,who lived in Tunis.
[04:27.00]My father knew his uncle,so that's how we got to know each other.
[04:33.76]We went out together every summer when he was there.
[04:38.73]I really like it here most of the time,
[04:43.30]but I miss the food  in my country and the people.
[04:48.44]Back home in Tunisia,
[04:52.70]we visit each other's houses more than people do here in the UK.
[04:58.95]We cook for each other and share things more.
[05:03.67]I think we're more friendly and generous8.
[05:07.93]Anyway,two of my sisters also now live here in London,
[05:13.81]and my children go to school here and they have lots of British friends.
[05:20.16]It's good and of course they grow up knowing another language.
[05:29.06]I'm from Vietnam9 originally10.
[05:35.12]I came over here about 25 years ago to escape11 the problems in my country.
[05:43.90]Back home in Vietnam,I was a doctor.
[05:50.15]But when I wanted to work here,they told me i had to get a British degree.
[05:57.90]The problem was,I lost everything when I came here.
[06:04.56]I didn't have enough money to study and I needed to support my wife and children.
[06:13.21]To begin with,I worked in two different places-
[06:19.87]I did cleaning jobs during the day and at night I worked in a pizza take-away.
[06:29.02]I hated it,but after a few years,
[06:34.66]I saved up enough money to do a nursing12 course
[06:40.01]and now I work in a big local hospital.
[06:49.63]I was born in the north of England and grew up there.
[06:55.27]The factory I was working in closed down and so I lost my job.
[07:01.15]I couldn't find another job-
[07:05.09]there was a lot of unemployment13 in my town at the time.
[07:10.13]So I decided14 to come here to look for work.
[07:14.86]I moved doewn to London around ten years ago.
[07:19.93]I got a job painting people's houses and l've been doing that since then.
[07:26.17]Five years ago,I started doing a part-time degree.
[07:31.74]I work during the day and go to classes in the evenings.
[07:37.09]I'm going to finish in June this year.
[07:41.35]I hope I can get a better job after I graduate.
[07:46.21]3 While you listen
[07:57.26]Excuse me,is this the right bus stop for Burlington?
[08:03.60]Yes,it is,but I'm afraid you're too late.
[08:08.36]You've missede the last bus.It went an hour ago.
[08:13.71]Oh no!I'll have to walk.It's just down this road,isn't it?
[08:20.66]Yes,but it's a long way to go with that heavy bag.
[08:26.23]I'll drive you there,if you like.
[08:30.30]My car's just round the corner.
[08:34.46]Really? Could you?
[08:37.69]Yes,of course.I'm going that way,anyway.
[08:43.15]I have a bed and breakfast place just outside the village.
[08:48.43]Really? Wow!That's great.What a great place to live.
[08:56.08]You must love it here.It's so quiet and peaceful.
[09:01.94]It's OK.It's not so guiet in the summer.There are a lot of tourists.
[09:09.20]Sure,well,that's why I'm here.It's so beautiful.
[09:14.87]I've been in London for the last two weeks,so I'm glad to be out in the country.
[09:22.00]I mean,I liked London-there's so much to see and do
[09:27.56]but it's a big crowded,you know.
[09:31.22]It's nice to be away from the crowds.
[09:35.66]Oh,I know.And dwhereabouts are you from in America?
[09:41.54]I take it you ARE from the States?
[09:45.98]Yes,I'm from Washington15 DC.
[09:50.73]Oh,really?And what's it like there?
[09:55.59]It's very different to here,I can tell you.
[10:00.03]There's so much crime16 and violence17.
[10:04.71]It's not safe to go out at night.
[10:08.78]We have crime here too,you know.
[10:12.73]Oh yes.Several tourists have disappeared18 recently.
[10:19.21]The police think they've been murdered.
[10:23.65]They found one girl dead near here.
[10:27.91]Oh,yes? Well,I'm sure I'll be all right.
[10:34.28]I don't think it can be that dangerous.
[10:38.43]Maybe not.Do you have anywhere to stay,by the way?
[10:44.28]No,I'm just going to try to find a place when I get there.
[10:49.85]Well,why don't you stay at my guest house?
[10:54.68]Sure,why not? I guess it's not too expensive.
[11:01.52]Not at all.We're the cheapest place around.
[11:06.67]So do you run the place on your own?
[11:10.93]More or less.My mother owns the place,
[11:16.00]but she's old now and she can't do very much.
[11:21.25]Ah,here's my car.
[11:25.64]Shall I put my bag in the back of the car?
[11:29.76],there's something in there already.
[11:35.33]Just put it on the back seat.
[11:38.98]You can move those clothes and the big knife,just put them on the floor.
[11:45.44]They're dirty anyway.
[11:48.91]Oh,OK.By the way,what's your name.
[11:53.87]George.Hi,George.I'm Norman.Norman Bates.
[12:11.43]5 Pronunciation:



1 split avXwG     
  • Who told you that Mary and I had split up?谁告诉你玛丽和我已经离婚了?
  • The teacher split the class up into six groups.老师把班级分成6个小组。
2 coast EXKzJ     
  • They're holidaying on the west coast.他们正在西海岸度假。
  • There are thousands of villages on the coast.在沿海有上千座村庄。
3 stress oUbzu     
  • The roof couldn't bear the stress of the snow.屋顶受不了积雪的压力。
  • My parents lay great stress on honesty.我的父母十分注重诚实。
4 seaside tZcxD     
  • Let's go to the seaside and take a walk.我们去海边走走吧。
  • I lived in the seaside all summer.整个夏天我住在海边。
5 Scotland CjtzPw     
  • He has been hiking round Scotland for a month.他围着苏格兰徒步旅行了一个月。
  • Scotland is to the north of England.苏格兰在英格兰之北。
6 married HBbx9     
  • I heard John got married.我听说约翰结婚了。
  • They got married last autumn.他们在去年秋季结婚。
7 used ajBwV     
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。
8 generous mgTxq     
  • She was kind and generous.她心地善良,宽容大量。
  • She was generous with her money.她很乐于仗义疏财。
9 Vietnam Ne1zxZ     
  • Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。
  • Laos is on the west of Vietnam.老挝在越南西面。
10 originally dJCxl     
  • Originally I didn't want to go.我本意不想去。
  • After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed.他们讨论了很久,然后确定了原来提出的那个计划。
11 escape Uijzi     
  • We had to break the door out to escape from the fire.我们不得不把门砸开以逃避火灾。
  • He didn't allow any word to escape his lips.他守口如瓶。
12 nursing dmKzyp     
  • She takes up nursing as a career.她以看护为职业。
  • They trained her for nursing.他们培训她做护理工作。
13 unemployment cknwe     
  • The government will look into how to reduce unemployment.政府将研究如何降低失业率。
  • He gave a talk on the theme of teenage unemployment.他就青少年失业的主题作了一次报告。
14 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
15 Washington OeAzjC     
  • His birthplace is Washington,but he lives in San Francisco.他出生于华盛顿,但住在旧金山。
  • They, together with my father,have gone to Washington.他们和我父亲一起去华盛顿了。
16 crime SzkxN     
  • You'll have to pay for your crime.你得为你的罪行付出代价。
  • Crime in our big cities is on the increase.在我们大城市里犯罪率正在增长。
17 violence 0hewn     
  • It was an absolutely senseless act of violence.这是毫无意义的暴力行为。
  • They attacked with violence.他们猛烈攻击。
18 disappeared ccd27e1ada33c756eb39272e0d30fc1d     
v.不见,消失( disappear的过去式和过去分词 );不复存在;奭
  • The plane disappeared behind a cloud. 飞机消失在云层里。
  • He double-crossed the rest of the gang and disappeared with all the money. 他骗了其他同伙,携款潜逃了。

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