

时间:2009-11-30 03:03:17



[00:05.69]2 Talking about what you do
[00:12.96]So what do you do,Nori? Are you working or studying or what?
[00:19.62]Well,I graduated a couple of years ago and now I'm working in Osaka.
[00:27.87]Oh right,So what do you do?
[00:32.10]I'm a civil servant.I work for the government.
[00:38.14]Oh,do you ? Do you enjoy it?
[00:42.58]Yes,it's OK.I have to do a lot of paperwork,which is quite boring,but
[00:50.13]it's quite well paid. Oh,that sounds good.
[00:55.59]Yes,it is,but sometimes I get a bit bored wiht it.
[01:01.26]I have to work a twelve-hour day most days,and a lot of the time,
[01:08.62]I don't really have much to do,so I just sit around and kill time.
[01:15.47]Do you have to work weekends?
[01:19.44]No,thank goodness1!Five days a week is enough.
[01:26.39]Yes,I know what you mean.Do you get much holiday?
[01:32.26]It's not too bad.I get three weeks a year,so that's OK.
[01:39.53]And do you have to travel very far to work?
[01:44.07]Yes,quite a long way.It's about an hour on the train,
[01:51.23]so I have to spend a lot of time commuting2.
[01:56.27]Anyway,what about you,Jenny? What do you do?
[02:02.20]I'm an estate3 agent,actually.I work in an office in the centre of Leeds.
[02:14.95]Oh really? That sounds interesting.
[02:19.78]Yes,it is,but it's quite stressful sometimes.
[02:25.21]We don't get paid that much.
[02:28.66]It depends how many houses we sell.If I don't sell anything,
[02:35.14]I don't get any extra money.
[02:38.90]Oh,I see.So how's it going at the moment?
[02:45.56]It's been OK this month,actually,but it's not always like that.
[02:51.62]Right.And what're the other people you work with like?
[02:58.00]Oh,they're OK.We all get on OK.
[03:02.86]How long've you been doing it?
[03:07.12]About a year an da half now.
[03:06.12]I'm still not sure that it's what I really want to do,though.
[03:11.68]I'm going to continue doing it for another six months
[03:16.85]and see if I start enjoying it more.
[03:20.80]It might get easier to sell things.
[03:24.77]And if it doesn't get easier?What then?
[03:30.02]Oh,I don't know.I'll have to think about it.
[03:34.77]4 Using vocabulary:expressions with get
[04:31.14]A lot of people ask me why I do temping work rather than get a permanent4 job with one company.
[04:45.01]I guess it's partly because of my father.
[04:50.29]He was a computer programmer for a big multinational5 company.
[04:56.46]His job was very important to him.
[05:01.11]He used to work very long hours.
[05:06.15]When we were kids,he often got home after nine o'clock at night-
[05:12.31]the time that we went to bed.
[05:16.26]Sometimes I didn't see him for days and days.
[05:21.90]He did very well in his job.He got promoted6.
[05:28.56]He became the manager for the whole of the country
[05:33.42]and then the whole of South-east Asia.
[05:37.26]He just worked harder and harder.
[05:42.43]I don't think he was really happy doing what he was doing,
[05:47.55]but I guess he couldn't see any other wy.
[05:51.71]Then,when he retired,he didn't know what to do.
[05:57.58]He was even more unhappy.
[06:01.84]He died of a heart attack when he was 68.
[06:06.88]I don't want to be like that.
[06:12.84]Doing temping work means7 I don't have to go to work every day.
[06:18.72]When I work,I don't have to do the same things or see the same people every day.
[06:25.85]That's why I like it.I've been with the same agency8 for about ten years now.
[06:34.00]They know I'm a good worker and I'm reliable-I've never been late for work-
[06:41.44]so I can more or less choose the jobs I want to do.
[06:46.30]Sometimes I work in the same place for a few weeks,
[06:52.47]sometimes it's for just one day.
[06:56.83]I only get paid for the days I work,
[07:01.79]so if I'm not very well and take a day off sick,or if I want a holiday,
[07:07.75]I don't get any money.
[07:10.91]I suppose that if I had a family,it would be a problem,but I don't mind.
[07:09.91]Money isn't that important to me.
[07:13.75]It's more important that I can take time off when I want to.
[07:19.21]Some of my friends only get two weeks'holiday a year.
[07:25.58]I often take five or six weeks'holiday and go travelling all over the world.
[07:32.74]At the moment,I'm working in an office as a secretary.
[07:39.19]I've been there for about three months.It's a nice place.
[07:45.85]The people who work there are really friendly,
[07:51.03]but I'm getting a bit fed up with the work,
[07:54.97]so I think I'll probably ask to change and do something else soon.
[08:00.64]I do quite a lot of office work because I'm good at typing,
[08:07.17]but I've done lots of other jobs as well.
[08:11.30]I've been a security9 guard and a barman;I washed cars one summer;
[08:18.66]and I worked in a hotel in a ski10 resort11 for two winters,
[08:23.70]which was good because I went skiing12 a lot.
[08:27.96]Not all the jobs I had was when I worked in an abattoir,
[08:35.83]which is a place where they kill animals.
[08:40.08]I had to cut up the meat,pack it and send it off to supermarkets.
[08:46.14]Then I had to clean the floor.
[08:50.58]It was disgusting13!My best job was working in a chocolate factory for a week.
[08:58.24]I went home with lots of free chocolate bars. That was great!
[09:04.72]3 Listening
[09:15.35]Hello Sue14!How are you?
[09:19.50]Oh hi,yes.I'm all right,I guess.
[09:25.38]You don't sound very well.Have you been ill?
[09:29.82]I didn't see you in class yesterday.
[09:33.79]No,I know.I've just been really busy applying for jobs.
[09:40.92]I've applied15 to about ten different places
[09:46.17]and all the application forms are really big.
[09:51.45]They take a really long time to fill in.
[09:55.89]It's awful.
[09:59.36]I had to finish one yesterday so I could hand it in before the deadline.
[10:05.53]That's why I missed class.
[10:09.47]Wow!really don't know what I want to od when I finish.
[10:15.72]I'm just going to go on holiday
[10:19.27]and then I'll think about looking for a job after that.
[10:24.23]Well,that's probably quite a good idea.
[10:28.88]Look at me.I've sent off ten application forms
[10:34.73]and I've only had one interview and that was a disaster.
[10:40.61]Oh dear.What was the job? Accountant16.
[10:49.52]Yes,why are you so surprised?
[10:53.65]Well,you're doing a degree in biology and you're terrible with money!
[10:59.42]You're always asking to borrow money from me!
[11:03.97]Yes,OK,but I was quite good at maths when I was at school,
[11:10.94]and they said they would give people training.
[11:15.30]So,you know,I thought I might have a chance.
[11:20.58]I know,but usually they want people to have some experience of working in business.
[11:27.11]Ah,yes..well,that was the problem,actually.
[11:32.44]I told them in the application form
[11:36.59]I had experience of working for an accountancy company.
[11:41.63]What,you mean you lied? Well,it wasn't exactly a lie.
[11:48.58]My cncle runs an accountancy company,
[11:53.34]and I sometimes worked there in the holidays to get some extra money.
[11:58.98]Yes,but what were you doing there?
[12:03.45]Well,OK.I was making tea and posting letters and things like that,
[12:10.50]but it WAS an accountancy company!
[12:14.86]Right,yes.SO what happened in the interview?
[12:20.71]Oh,they asked me some really difficult questions.
[12:26.36]I didn't knwo what to say.
[12:30.12]It was a bit embarrassing,actually.
[12:34.24]Oh well,you live and learn.So what else have you applied for?
[12:40.41]Well,I've sent off a couple more for accountancy jobs,
[12:46.34]one for marketing,three for jobs in drug companies,
[12:52.19]and the last one was to work in a zoo,
[12:56.55]but the money's terrible for that one,so I don't know if I really want that.
[13:02.82]Review:units 5-8
[13:11.89]Consonant sounds:
[13:25.16]pattern 1
[13:31.79]upset      enquire
[13:37.12]career      arrange
[13:42.76]pattern 2
[13:46.32]bracelet    necklace
[13:51.18]lecture     details
[13:57.11]Parttern 3
[14:00.95]library     opposite
[14:05.80]sensible     restaurant
[14:11.05]Pattern 4
[14:15.10]imagine      directly
[14:19.96]appointment    revision
[15:07.64]Listen and repeat these paris of sounds.
[15:13.15]1 /p/   /b/
[15:20.31]2  /t/   /d/
[15:29.97]3  /ch/   / /
[15:39.92]4  /k/  /g/
[15:50.19]Now listen and practise these words and expressions.
[15:58.05]/p/ /b/  /pay/  /back/  I'll pay you back tomorrow.
[16:12.21]/t/ /d/  /turn/  /down/  Can you turn the TV down?
[16:34.05]/ch/ / /  /change/ /jacket/ I just need to change my jacket.
[16:54.61]/g/ /k/  /get/  /break/  I get an hour break for lunch.
[17:14.77]4 Difficult sounds:consonant clusters
[17:26.01]Listen and try to say the sounds.
[17:30.76]/pr/   /br/
[17:37.24]/tr/  /dr/
[17:43.14]/kr/  /gr/
[17:49.07]/skr/  /skr/



1 goodness xfgxm     
  • Would you have the goodness to turn off the radio?劳驾,请你把收音机关上好不好?
  • Thank goodness,we've found a cure for the disease.好了,这病有救了!
2 commuting d2c3874ec246fb1858841223ffe4992e     
  • I used the commuting time to read and answer my mail. 我利用上下班在汽车中的时间来阅读和答复给我的函电。
  • Noncommuting objects are as real to the mathematicians as commuting objects. 对于数学家来说,不可交换的对象与可交换的对象是一样真实的。
3 estate InSxv     
  • My estate lies within a mile.我的地产离那有一英里。
  • The great real estate brokers do far more than this.而优秀的房地产经纪人做得可比这多得多。
4 permanent I3Dz4     
  • The coat gives permanent protection against heavy rain.这种防雨衣经久耐用。
  • It's difficult to find a permanent cure for this disease.这病很难除根。
5 multinational FnrzdL     
  • The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.这家公司被一个跨国咨询公司收购。
  • He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under-developed countries.他分析了跨国公司和不发达国家之间的关系。
6 promoted 1fe57d6202c7cfbb0ee344b1e0a6fb37     
adj. 升迁的 动词promote的过去式和过去分词
  • They overestimated his ability when they promoted him. 他们提拔他的时候高估了他的能力。
  • I'm happy to inform you that you have been promoted to captain. 我很高兴地告诉你,你已被提升为上尉了。
7 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
8 agency iKcy0     
  • This disease is spread through the agency of insects.这种疾病是通过昆虫媒介传播的。
  • He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency.他代表新华社讲话。
9 security iTdzh     
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.一名保安人员飞身把他抱倒。
  • There was tight security at the airport when the President's plane landed.总统的专机降落时,机场的保安措施很严密。
10 ski bEBzB     
  • The ski is wooden.这滑雪板是木制的。
  • Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope?你有沿着这样一个陡坡滑雪的本事吗?
11 resort yWrxe     
  • He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating.他要不是靠作弊是通不过这次考试的。
  • Beidaihe is noted for its summer resort.北戴河以避暑胜地而著称。
12 skiing bi3zDD     
  • I'm a complete novice at skiing. 滑雪我完全是个新手。
  • to go skiing 去滑雪
13 disgusting PPvzi     
  • What a disgusting smell!多么讨厌的气味!
  • The mosquito is the disgusting thing.蚊子是讨厌的东西。
14 sue PUAzm     
  • If you don't pay me the money,I'll sue you.如果你不付给我钱,我就告你。
  • The war criminals sue for peace.战犯求和。
15 applied Tz2zXA     
  • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  • This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
16 accountant KygzC     
  • I'm an accountant at a foreign bank.我在一家外资银行做会计。
  • He was satisfied with his earnings as an accountant.他对自己会计师的收入很满意。

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