
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT1 They're skipping

时间:2010-03-17 06:13:33



[00:02.08]Module 3 MY EVERYDAY1 LIFE
[00:05.36]UNIT 1 They're skipping!
[00:08.14]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:10.82]Hello, Susan.
[00:12.14]It's Gu Ming here.
[00:13.51]Hello, Gu Min. Where are you?
[00:15.89]I'm in the park. We're playing.
[00:18.78]I want to play in the park, too!
[00:21.03]I know, but you're ill.
[00:23.25]Yes, I have to stay at home today.
[00:26.28]Tell me what everyone is doing.
[00:28.44]Is Zhang Hai there?
[00:30.01]Yes, he is.
[00:31.11]What's he doing?
[00:32.70]He's exercising.
[00:34.87]What's Tan2 Mei doing?
[00:36.36]She's jumping.
[00:38.06]Ma Jun and Hu Shan are in the park, too.
[00:41.64]They're running.
[00:42.89]Is Feifei there?
[00:43.99]Yes, she is.
[00:45.68]Is she running, too?
[00:46.62]No, she isn't running,
[00:48.90]She's doing the long jump.Sarah is swimming.
[00:52.22]Are David and Ailce there, too?
[00:54.53]Yes, they are.
[00:55.76]What are they doing?
[00:57.12]They're skipping.
[00:58.72]Li Qing and Jane are climbing a ladder.
[01:02.28]OK.Bye. Gu Ming. Have a nice time.
[01:05.39]Bye bye, Susan.
[01:10.96]2 Pronunciation
[01:13.43]A Listen and say.
[01:16.43]What are you doing?
[01:17.65]We're playing in the park.He's exercising.
[01:22.09]She's jumping.They're running.
[01:25.14]Sarah is swimming.
[01:27.73]B Listen and say.
[01:31.01]boot pool fool tool    book took pull full



1 everyday Qnux5     
  • Sweeping the floor is his everyday work.扫地是他的日常工作。
  • He practices speaking English everyday.他每天练习说英语。
2 tan zICzp     
  • She had gotten a good tan after the holiday at the sea.在海边度假之后,她的皮肤晒得黑黑的。
  • His arms and legs had a dark tan.他的手臂和腿晒得黑黑的。

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