
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT2 Talk to me, Auntie

时间:2010-03-17 06:25:58



[00:01.49]Module 4 COME AND PLAY WITH US!
[00:05.15]UNIT 2 You can talk to me, Auntie1!
[00:08.84]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:13.98]Hello.Is that Gu Ming?
[00:15.96]Yes, it is. Is that you, Aunt Xiaoying?
[00:19.70]Yes. I want to speak to your grandpa.
[00:23.00]Is he there?
[00:24.24]No, he isn't.
[00:25.82]What's he doing?
[00:27.59]He's walking the dog.
[00:29.43]How about your mother?
[00:30.96]Is she there?
[00:32.46]No, she isn't.
[00:33.88]What's she doing?
[00:35.07]She's shopping.
[00:36.46]Is your brother there?
[00:37.86]NO, he isn't.
[00:39.13]What's he doing?
[00:40.33]He's playing football.
[00:42.12]That's a shame.
[00:43.52]There's no one there I can talk to.
[00:45.71]Yes, there is.
[00:47.17]You can talk to me, Auntie!
[00:53.56]2 Pronunciation
[00:56.00]A Listen and say.
[00:58.64]I want to speak to you father.
[01:00.96]Is he there?
[01:02.76]How about your mother?
[01:04.62]That's a shame.
[01:06.29]You can talk to me, Auntie!
[01:08.76]B Listen and say.
[01:11.27]boy toy joy noise
[01:17.34]go no home those
[01:22.89]how now loud about



1 auntie qyezh7     
  • She's staying with her auntie for the time being.她暂时住在她姨妈那里。
  • My auntie brought up four children.我姑姑养了四个孩子。

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