
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT3 He is making tea

时间:2010-03-17 06:35:13



[00:02.98]Module 5 ACTIVITIES
[00:06.82]UNIT 3 He is making tea.
[00:11.96]2 Listen and write.
[00:15.02]Answer the questions.
[00:18.03]At the moment I'm putting some food out
[00:20.89]for the animals.
[00:21.95]I see.
[00:24.30]Now I'm collecting the eggs from the chickens.
[00:27.82]What are you doing now?
[00:29.64]I'm getting the milk from the cows.
[00:32.53]I see. And now?
[00:34.95]Now I'm going into the house
[00:37.48]to have my breakfast.
[00:39.15]Do you like your job?
[00:40.79]Yes. It's a hard job, but I like it.
[00:44.38]3 Listen and read. Then sing.
[00:53.65]He is run-ning.He is run-ning.
[00:58.25]The naugh-ty boy is shout-ing,shout-ing!
[01:05.04]He's not at school.He's play-ing by the pool.
[01:09.33]He's fall-ing!He's fall-ing!
[01:13.30]Splash1! Splash!
[01:15.94]Oh, no! The naugh-ty boy is cry-ing,cry-ing!
[01:33.88]UNIT 4 We are flying a kite.
[01:37.97]3 Listen and number.
[01:41.39]Listen and number the pictures
[01:44.11]in the correct order.
[01:46.86]One  Hi there! Watch me! I'm skipping.
[01:51.38]Two  And I'm doing the long jump.
[01:55.95]Three  We're doing our homework.
[01:58.49]I'm drawing2 a map.
[02:01.27]Four   And I'm writing.
[02:04.98]Five  David and Alice are busy.
[02:07.89]I'm busy, too.I'm washing3 a shirt.
[02:12.00]Six  And I'm washing a pair of jeans.



1 splash 5vRwD     
  • I fell into the water with a splash.我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。
  • There's a splash of paint on the white wall.白墙上溅上了一片油漆。
2 drawing CuEzIx     
  • Drawing is my favorite lesson.画图画是我最喜欢的课程。
  • The children learn singing,dancing,drawing,and the like in the kindergarten.孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。
3 washing IeKzjA     
  • A washing machine is run by a small electric motor.洗衣机由一台小电动机驱动。
  • She hung the washing on the line to dry.她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。

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