
新标准初中英语八年级(下):UNIT1 My holiday

时间:2010-03-18 06:04:04



[00:02.69]Module 6 A FARM
[00:05.53]UNIT 1 It was1 hard work but I enjoyed it.
[00:10.69]1 Listen and read.Then say.
[00:15.19]How was your holiday?It was great.
[00:18.94]I visited my cousin.He lives on a fruit farm.
[00:23.73]What fruit do they grow on the farm?
[00:26.66]Oranges,pears and peaches.
[00:30.08]What did2 you do there?
[00:32.44]I watched my cousin work on the farm.
[00:35.86]I also helped him pick3 fruit.
[00:38.34]I really enjoyed picking4 the fruit.
[00:41.56]You picked5 fruit!
[00:43.19]Yes.I helped to pick oranges for three days.
[00:47.24]It was hard work but I enjoyed it.
[00:50.24]It sounds like fun.It was.
[00:53.98]Did you eat a lot of fruit?
[00:55.94]Yes.My cousin grows not only fruit,
[00:59.36]but also vegetables.
[01:01.33]I love fruit and vegetables
[01:04.00]so I ate6 very healthy food.
[01:07.22]Would you like to visit the farm? Oh,yes.
[01:11.15]I'll invite7 you next time.
[01:17.98]2 Pronunciation8 Listen and say.
[01:22.20]I watched my cousin work on the farm.
[01:26.20]I also helped him pick fruit.
[01:29.19]It was hard work but I enjoyed it.
[01:32.56]My cousin grows not only fruit,
[01:35.00]but also vegetables.
[01:37.47]I love fruit and vegetables
[01:39.87]so I ate very healthy food.
[01:47.23]3 Listen and number.
[01:50.06]Listen and number the words 1-7
[01:53.34]in the order9 you hear them.
[01:55.58]The farmers near the river grow apples...
[01:59.04]pears...peaches...and oranges.
[02:02.36]They grow lots of other fruit,too.
[02:05.81]Those farms don't grow bananas,though.
[02:08.87]Farmers near the river
[02:10.55]also grow lots of vegetables.



1 was bglwv     
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
2 did SvwxP     
  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?
3 pick QN5x0     
n.精选,掘;鹤嘴锄;vt.摘,掘,凿,挑选,挖,挑剔;vi. 摘,掘,凿,挖,挑选
  • Please don't pick the flowers.请勿攀折花木。
  • We are going to pick apples.我们要去摘苹果。
4 picking 98e2c46bb2a318620854ac7a082f5a2d     
v.采摘;采( pick的现在分词 );摘;啄;叼n.采摘;掘,撬开;采得物,赃物
  • He sat there ruminating and picking at the tablecloth. 他坐在那儿沉思,轻轻地抚弄着桌布。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The artist is picking in shadows in the picture. 这位画家正在画面上画阴影。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 picked tlJzf7     
adj.精选的,摘下的v.采( pick的过去式和过去分词 );摘;啄;叼
  • I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. 我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。
  • She picked herself up, brushed herself down, and started walking again. 她爬起来,掸掸身上的灰尘,又往前走去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 ate pVIzV     
  • I ate a whole box of chocolates.我吃了一整盒巧克力。
  • It's a long time since she ate out last time.她很长一段时间没在外面吃饭了。
7 invite N4WxA     
  • We'd better not invite him.我们最好不要邀请他。
  • They invite us to have dinner.我们邀请他们去电影院。
8 pronunciation U09zt     
  • Please correct my pronunciation.请纠正我的发音。
  • She speaks English with a good pronunciation.她的英语发音很正确。
9 order iJJxt     
n.订单;命令;n.顺序,整齐;勋章;阶级,决议;vt.命令; 调整;定购
  • His desk is always in order.他的书桌上总是整整齐齐的。
  • You pay for it at the time you order it.订购时就得付款。

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