
新标准初中英语八年级(下):UNIT2 Go to college

时间:2010-03-18 06:05:29



[00:02.16]Module 6 A FARM
[00:05.36]UNIT 2 He couldn't go to college
[00:09.06]but he wanted a good job.
[00:11.87]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:16.32]Li Dongcheng became a farmer
[00:18.41]after he finished junior1 middle school.
[00:21.44]He couldn't go to college
[00:23.24]but he wanted a good job.
[00:25.90]He watched many programmes2 on TV about farming3.
[00:30.37]He was interested in growing fruit.
[00:33.23]He read a lot of books,
[00:35.48]and then he worked on a fruit farm
[00:38.14]for five years.After five years,
[00:42.04]he started his own fruit farm.
[00:44.83]He wanted to grow grapes, apples or melons,
[00:48.82]but he couldn't.
[00:50.64]He grew oranges,pears and peaches instead.
[00:55.16]Now, Li Dongcheng's fruit is very good,
[00:58.91]and his farm is quite big.
[01:01.85]He sends his fruit to other countries.
[01:04.99]He also grows vegetables for his family,
[01:08.70]and he has chickens, too.
[01:10.66]His family eats very healthy food.



1 junior m32xJ     
  • Mary,a junior,will graduate next year.玛丽,一名三年级的中学生,明年将毕业。
  • We could give the job to somebody junior.我们可以把这份工作交给职位较低的人。
2 programmes 8c9b7c24297c8d229290f900b492705d     
n.(演出或活动的)程序( programme的名词复数 );计划;节目;课程v.训练( programme的第三人称单数 );培养;预调
  • Some television programmes tend to patronize children. 有些电视节目往往以大人的观点对待儿童。
  • You can preselect programmes you want to watch, and program your VCR to record them. 你可以预选想看的节目并预设录像机录下来。
3 farming ituzIo     
  • He lives by farming.他靠务农过活。
  • He is farming in Africa.他在非洲经营农场。

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