
新标准初中英语八年级(下):UNIT1 Cooking dinner

时间:2010-03-18 06:10:49



[00:00.72]2 Pronunciation Listen and say.
[00:05.74]My dad was reading the newspaper.
[00:09.00]Neither have I.
[00:10.62]My mum was sending and email to my aunt.
[00:14.41]and I was doing my homework.
[00:17.16]My dad was having a shower.
[00:19.78]My mum was cooking dinner.So were we!
[00:28.34]3 Listen and number.
[00:31.56]Listen and number the activities
[00:34.60]in the order you hear them.
[00:37.49]1 What were you doing
[00:40.01]when the electricity went off?
[00:42.44]I was watching my favourite programme.
[00:45.10]I missed the last part.
[00:47.94]2 What were you doing
[00:50.07]when the electricity went out?
[00:52.59]I was helping1 my mun.
[00:54.59]I was washing the dishes after dinner.
[00:57.67]3 Were you at home
[00:59.80]when the electricity went off?
[01:02.17]Yes. I was doing my maths.
[01:05.44]4 Did you clean your bike last night?
[01:09.59]No. I was going to clean it
[01:12.21]when the electricity went off.
[01:14.90]5 What were you doing
[01:17.36]when the electricity went off?
[01:19.75]I was having dinner with my family.



1 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。

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