
新标准初中英语八年级(下):UNIT2 Electricity bill

时间:2010-03-18 06:11:59



[00:02.05]Module7 ENERGY UNIT2 So do I.
[00:08.18]1 Listen and read.Then say.
[00:12.92]Zhang Hai's father was looking very unhappy.
[00:17.07]He was holding something in his hand
[00:19.32]and shaking his head.
[00:21.48]Feifei's father saw him and asked,
[00:25.36]"What's the matter,Lao Zhang?"
[00:28.11]"I've just got our electricity1 bill.
[00:30.92]It's very expensive,"Mr Zhang replied.
[00:34.98]"How much is it?"asked Mr Bai.
[00:38.11]"100 yuan"Mr Zhang answered.
[00:42.39]"I think you should use less electricity,"
[00:45.59]Mr Bai said.
[00:47.40]"I agree.How do we do that?"asked Mr Zhang.
[00:51.81]"Turn off the lights
[00:53.29]when you leave a room,"explained Mr Bai.
[00:56.82]"You should also turn off the TV and raido
[01:00.23]when you're not using them.
[01:02.41]You must also turn off the fan2
[01:04.74]when you leave a room."
[01:06.99]The two men talked about ways
[01:09.52]to reduce3 the electricity bill and save money.
[01:14.10]"Thanks.I like saving4 money!"said Mr Zhang.
[01:18.17]"So do I!"said Mr Bai.
[01:24.95]3 Pronunciation Listan and say.
[01:29.84]I think you should use less electricity.
[01:33.01]I agree.How do we do that?
[01:36.69]Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
[01:40.46]I like saving money.So do I.
[01:48.18]4 Listen and write.
[01:51.40]Listen and complete the dialogue.
[01:54.04]Use the words in the boxes below.
[01:57.23]1 I like apples.So do I.
[02:01.30]I don't like oranges. Neither do I.
[02:04.95]2 I think comics are interesting.
[02:08.57]I agree.I think computer games are fun.
[02:12.50]I disagree5.I don't like them.



1 electricity hqJx4     
  • This room is lighted by electricity.这个房间用电照明。
  • We use electricity to run machines.我们使用电力来运行机器。
2 fan 6lixC     
  • Are you a football fan?你是足球迷吗?
  • Jack is a baseball fan.杰克是个棒球迷。
3 reduce sUzxF     
  • The new law will reduce pollution of the rivers.这条新法律将会减轻河流污染。
  • He won't reduce the rent of our house.他不肯减少我们住房的租金。
4 saving XjYzGK     
  • Energy saving is term strategic policy of our country.节约能源是我国长期的战略国策。
  • Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving.旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。
5 disagree 9uMx8     
  • If you disagree you should speak out.如果不同意,你就该大声地说出来。
  • I disagree with you about this.对于这件事我跟你意见不同。

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