
新标准初中英语八年级(下):UNIT1 How the fan works

时间:2010-03-18 06:31:14



[00:01.13]2 Pronunciation Listen and say.
[00:06.19]Do you know how the fan works?
[00:09.33]Do you know why the bell is ringing?
[00:12.62]Can you tell me what time the lunch break is?
[00:17.34]Can you show me how the photocopier1 works?
[00:25.48]3 Listen and match.
[00:28.25]1 Do you konw how this computer works?
[00:32.31]Sorry. I don't know how it works.
[00:35.43]2 Can you tell me where the school is?
[00:38.69]Yes. It's over there.
[00:41.72]3 Do you know what time it is?
[00:44.67]It's three o'clock.
[00:46.56]4 Can you show me how the photocopier works?
[00:52.19]5 Can you tell me where the library is?
[00:55.94]I'm sorry. I don't know where it is.
[00:59.36]6 Do you know how this fan works?
[01:02.58]Yes, I do. Let me show you.



1 photocopier WlwzlN     
  • You've left your master in the photocopier.你把原件留在影印机里了。
  • If the photocopier stops working,just give it a clout.如果那部影印机停止运转的话就敲它一下。

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