
新标准初中英语八年级(下):UNIT2 Can you help me

时间:2010-03-18 06:33:00



[00:02.22]Module 9 A VISITOR FROM CANADA
[00:06.80]UNIT 2 I wonder whether you can help her.
[00:12.10]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:16.68]Good morning, everyone.
[00:18.84]My name's Green Smith and I'm from Canada.
[00:22.48]I'm a teacher and I'm also a writer.
[00:25.94]I write English books for school students.
[00:29.39]I'll be here for three weeks.
[00:32.12]During that time, I'm going to write an
[00:35.00]English book for your school.
[00:37.52]I wonder whether you can help me.
[00:40.61]I'd like you to tell me about school life
[00:43.70]in China,and about the school projects
[00:47.18]that you're doing.
[00:48.61]You can also tell me about your interests
[00:51.74]and your family life.
[00:54.79]I'm very happy to be here at your school.
[00:58.39]I'm here to learn about China and about you all
[01:02.88]I'm also here to tell you about Canada.
[01:06.78]I wonder if you know anything about Canada.
[01:10.29]It's a brilliant1 country!
[01:12.62]Let me tell you a few things about my country.
[01:16.24]Canada is a neighbouring2 country of the USA.
[01:20.67]All Canadian students learn English
[01:23.35]and French at school...



1 brilliant DsKzr     
  • You should picture to yourself the brilliant future ahead of us.你该想象一下我们光明灿烂的前途。
  • It was such a brilliant piece of writing.这真是一篇才华横溢的文章。
2 neighbouring e5a5da66887d248aeaa6450c5386177f     
  • living in concord with neighbouring states 与邻国和睦相处
  • The government makes noises about better relations with its neighbouring countries. 政府一再宣扬要处理好同邻国的关系。

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