
新标准初中英语九年级(下):UNIT1 Turn down the music

时间:2010-03-19 06:22:14



[00:04.24]Module 9 THE GENERATION GAP1
[00:08.94]UNIT 1 You said that you would
[00:12.16]turn down the music!
[00:15.03]1 Listen and read.Then say.
[00:20.15]Susan,please turn down the music.It's too loud.
[00:26.18]OK,Mum. Susan,what did I say?
[00:31.37]Susan,can you hear me?
[00:34.48]Sorry,Mum.Did you say something?
[00:38.37]You said that you would turn down the music!
[00:42.00]I DID turn it down! It's still to loud.
[00:47.89]Mum,good music HAS to be loud!
[00:52.43]I don't know
[00:53.32]whether I can stand this noise anymore.
[00:56.63]Please turn off the music NOW!
[01:00.67]Mum,you don't understand!
[01:03.98]I NEED to listen to music when I studay.
[01:07.14]No,you don't.You need a peaceful environment
[01:11.13]in order to study properly.
[01:13.89]You might need a peaceful environment
[01:16.66]but I don't.
[01:19.62]I don't know how you can talk to me like that.
[01:22.44]I'm your mother! Please leave me alone,Mum.
[01:27.71]You have to talk to Susan.
[01:29.76]She wasn't very polite to me.
[01:31.73]What happened?I told her to turn off the music
[01:36.02]but she didn't listen to me.
[01:38.69]I don't know why she likes that music.
[01:41.30]It's terrible.
[01:43.15]She doesn't listen to us anymore.
[01:45.37]I'm not sure what to do.I'm worried about her.
[01:48.87]I think you should write to that woman
[01:50.84]in the Daily News.
[01:52.89]Do you mean Auntie2 Bear,
[01:54.73]the woman who writes the advice column3?
[01:56.96]Yes,that one.
[01:58.84]She might have some good advice about teenagers



1 gap FhkxL     
  • We must see that there is no gap in our defence.我们必须确保我们的防御没有漏洞。
  • There is a gap of five miles between towns.镇与镇之间相隔五英里。
2 auntie qyezh7     
  • She's staying with her auntie for the time being.她暂时住在她姨妈那里。
  • My auntie brought up four children.我姑姑养了四个孩子。
3 column lWPyR     
  • I often read his column in the local paper.我经常在当地的报纸上看到他的专栏文章。
  • A column of soldiers marched down the highway.一个士兵纵队沿着公路行进。

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