Americans love pets. And it's not just puppy love, either. Many pet owners treat theirfurry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spice up the...
The palm-forward V sign, formed by raising and spreading the first two fingers, has three different meanings in American culture. 手势 V掌 心向外, 竖...
3.《花儿与少年》参加国际枕头大战 听听也是醉了!
你知道今年4月4日是International Pillow Fight Day(国际枕头大战日)吗?没去你就out了! pillow fight顾名思义就是枕头+大战,其最原始的版本就是小朋友们在家里...
Hi. If you replied hi back, then youre already well on your way to becoming a naturalizedCanadian citizen. 在加拿大,如果有人对你说Hi,你也自然地回了...
5.知乎神回答:若人类灭绝了 地球谁来接管?
Which species would take over the world if humans went extinct? 如果人类灭绝了,哪类物种会统治世界? 来自Quora的网友总结: Well it won't be fecking dol...
6.英国文化:英格兰湖区 牧羊人过着令人着迷的生活
The Herdwick Shepherd, James Rebanks, is the latest of several generations to have tended flocks in the Lake District, but he now has a book and 45,00...
7.英国大选:投票总要在周四 6件大选你应该知道的事
1. How does the election work? 1. 大选是怎样运作的? Britain's parliament has 650 members. Any party that wins an outright majority of 326 or more seat...
The Princess of Cambridge has finally been revealed to the world as Charlotte Elizabeth Diana - in a touching nod to her grandfather, her grandmother ...
1) HOW THE BRITS GREET 1) 英伦任性日常之搂搂抱抱 Hugging is a societal norm in the UK as a way of greeting people: for family, friends and even acquai...
10.文化知识:薯条为什么要叫“French fries”
薯条,是最常见的快餐食品之一,从美国及欧洲等地渐渐流行开来,现在可谓是风靡世界各地。 很多人都知道薯条的英文是Chips,美国人称之为French Fries,直译过来...