英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 14(在线收听

  [00:01.96]I'm sure to a hundred million other girls, 一定有成千上万的女孩是这么想的
  [00:03.44]but especially to me. 尤其是我
  [00:04.44]I'm happy to oblige a fan. 我很高兴能对歌迷有所帮助
  [00:07.36]No. I'm not just a fan. 不,我不止是一个歌迷
  [00:08.44]I mean, I sat at your feet, metaphorically. 我是说,但我听着 《永远的早晨》的时候
  [00:12.32]When I listen to "Always Morning," 我感觉像坐在你的身边
  [00:14.20]I wore a gray jacket because you wore a gray jacket on the CD. 我穿了一件灰色夹克 跟你的CD封面上的那件一样
  [00:17.60]You wore gray because it was ambiguous. 你穿灰色的衣服是因为 你感到不确定
  [00:19.36]Am I right? 我说的对吗?
  [00:20.28]No. 不
  [00:21.84]I'm right. 我是对的
  [00:30.52]You look disappointed. 你看起来很失望
  [00:32.20]Well, I am. 对啊,是有点
  [00:33.68]In me. 对我
  [00:35.24]Yeah. 对啊
  [00:36.36]I mean, I still think 我依然认为
  [00:37.76]you're the greatest thing since Shakespeare. 你是自莎士比亚以来最伟大的诗人
  [00:40.56]It's just too bad 我感觉糟透了
  [00:41.56]I'll never be able to discuss your poetry with you. 我无法和你谈论你的诗句
  [00:44.72]Because, Mr. Wolff, you're a drunk. 因为,沃尔夫先生,你是个酒鬼
  [00:45.64]Why? 为什么?
  [01:03.28]I hope getting this thing back is easier than getting it out. 我希望把它们放回去 会比拿出来的时候容易些
  [01:05.56]Guess what! 你们猜猜看发生什么了?
  [01:08.00]I've been grounded. 我被禁闭了
  [01:09.56]Me too! I'm so proud of you! 我也是! 我真为你感到骄傲!
  [01:13.84]This is the day I've been waiting for 自从第一次夏令营里 卡拉告诉所有人
  [01:15.32]since my first summer camp when Carla told all the kids 如果和我在一起玩 就会倒霉的那一天开始
  [01:16.44]that if they played with me, they'd die. 我就一直期待这一天的来临了
  [01:23.76]She's smiling. 她笑了
  [01:24.24](Bell rings) (铃响)
  [01:24.76]Oh, she's bluffing. 她在虚张声势
  [01:28.16]Well, look, I gotta get to class. 看,我该去上课了
  [01:29.04]Tell me how it goes. 记得跟我报告情况
  [01:32.84]Come on. Let's watch her sink. 来啊 我们看她出丑
  [01:35.84]Yeah. 好啊
  [01:36.12]Yeah, this one. Look at this one. 看,看这个
  [01:36.28]Hey, Carla. 嘿,卡拉
  [01:37.28]Did you have fun? 玩得开心吗?
  [01:39.36]Well, if it isn't the great pretender. 如果不是的话
  [01:42.16]Come to hear what the Sidarthur party was like? 这个装傻的人要听谁来 讲诉聚会的情形呢?
  [01:43.56]Why would we want to hear what you have to say? 我们为什么要听你说?
  [01:47.64]Ella and I were there. 我和埃拉都去了
  [01:48.64]Did you hear that? She said they were there. 你们听到了吗? 她们说她们去了
  [01:49.12]You know, lying's not gonna help you. 你知道,撒谎是没用的
  [01:51.80]Everybody already knows that you didn't go. 所有人都知道你们没有去
  [01:55.80]I know you did. 我知道你看到了
  [01:57.20]It just so happens Ella and I got in 当时凑巧斯图·沃尔夫
  [01:58.56]because of Stu Wolff himself 把我们带进去了
  [02:01.68]after we practically saved his life. 因为我们救了他
  [02:02.52]Tell them, Ella. 告诉她们,埃拉
  [02:02.84]I don't have anything to prove, nor do you. 我不需要证明什么 你也不
  [02:05.32]Ella, this is no time for your newfound personality. 埃拉,这不是你 耍脾气的时候
  [02:07.28]Maybe you'd like to see some pictures from the party, Lola. 也许你想看看我在聚会上拍的照片 洛拉
  [02:11.76]I know how fond you are of Stu Wolff, 我知道你有多迷斯图·沃尔夫
  [02:12.40]and I got some great shots of him. 我可照了不少照片呢
  [02:16.36]We spent the whole night with Stu. 我们整晚都和斯图在一起
  [02:17.68]On the night of his biggest party, he left to be with you. 在他开这个盛大的聚会的晚上 他会去陪你们?
  [02:20.60]We were at that party. My dad was there. 我去了晚会 我爸爸也在那儿
  [02:21.12]You're not gonna get away with this. 你可不能拿这个来搪塞我
  [02:22.04]He and Stu are gonna get together. 他和斯图准备合作
  [02:25.48]What dad? 什么爸爸?
  [02:27.92]You don't have a dad. 你没有爸爸
  [02:29.68]GIRL: You said he died before you moved here. 女孩:你说你爸爸 在搬到这儿之前死了
  [02:31.08]I mean, what do you do? 我是说,你想干什么?
  [02:33.28]Do you just make all this up as you go along? 你靠这些谎言就像 让我们相信你们去了吗?
  [02:33.76]Do you think because we're not from New York that we're stupid? 你以为我们不是纽约人 我们就很蠢吗?
  [02:37.72]You saw us there. 你在那儿看到我们了
  [02:38.72]No, I didn't, liar. 不,我没有 骗子
  [02:39.40]You know, that's what you are. You're a liar. 你要清楚,你就是一个, 十足的骗子!
  [02:44.32]Your name isn't even Lola, Mary. 你的名字也不是洛拉 玛丽小姐
  [02:47.36]Ella's right. 埃拉是对的
  [02:48.84]I don't have to prove anything to you people. 我不需要向你们证明什么
  [02:52.96]You know we were there. 你知道我们在那儿的
  [02:54.40]Oh, no! She's crying. 哦,不! 她哭了
  [02:55.44]Look at the baby. 看那宝贝
  [02:58.88]Oh. 哦
  [03:00.92](Laughter) (笑)
  [03:04.60]Yo, you got no right to write down what I'm saying. 喂,你们没有权力记下我所说的话
  [03:05.24]Those are my... 那些是...
  [03:10.52]I'm sorry, Miss Baggoli, I can't go on. 对不起,玛格丽女士 我无法继续
  [03:12.32]There's something I have to say. 我有事要说
  [03:15.20]Well, quickly, Lola. Quickly. 那,快,洛拉 快点
  [03:15.48]I have a confession to make. 我必须坦白
  [03:18.68]I borrowed Eliza's dress for the weekend. 周末我借了伊莱扎的裙子
  [03:20.20]I'm really sorry, but I felt I had no other choice. 我很抱歉 但我没有别的选择
  [03:23.08]No choice? 没有选择?
  [03:25.44]I had to wear it to the Sidarthur party. 我要穿这它去 Sidarthur的聚会
  [03:26.24]Why? 为什么?
  [03:27.10]When are you gonna give it up, Mary? 你什么时候才肯认输,玛丽?
  [03:31.40]No, you didn't. 不,你没有
  [03:32.80]You couldn't have taken that dress 你一定没拿那件裙子
  [03:35.92]because I keep that dress locked up safe in the drama room. 我把那件裙子放在 更衣室里了
  [03:40.56]There are ways, Miss Baggoli. There are ways. 想拿自然会有办法的,巴格丽女士 自然会有办法的
  [03:41.56]Where is it now? 那裙子现在在哪儿?
  [03:42.64]It's right back. It's safe and sound. 放回去了 完璧归赵
  [03:46.12]It looks exactly the same, but somehow different. 看起来跟原来一样 只有一点不同
  [03:47.40]Can you believe her? 你们能相信她吗?
  [03:50.68]I mean, first, she takes the dress. 首先 她拿了裙子
  [03:51.48]Then, she puts it back. 然后 她又放了回去
  [03:53.96]And then she goes to this party where no one saw her. 她又说她去参加聚会 而又没有人看见她
  [03:55.76]It's true! The dress got all wet. 是真的 裙子全都湿了
  [03:56.68]Stu Wolff made me change into something dry. 斯图·沃尔夫让我去 换了干衣服
  [03:58.84]He said it was important that I felt comfortable. 他说我感到舒适 对她来说很重要
  [04:01.12]Because on the night of his farewell concert, 因为在他的告别演出会上
  [04:03.64]Stu Wolff had nothing better to do than see Mary Steppe dry. 斯图·沃尔夫除了看到玛丽·斯黛穿着 干衣服就没有别的什么了?
  [04:08.40]Girls, please! 女孩们,住嘴!
  [04:09.68]He sent it back to my dad in a limousine as big as this stage. 他开着一辆像这个舞台这么大的豪华轿车 把衣服送给我爸爸
  [04:11.88]Can you picture it? 你可以描述一下吗?
  [04:12.16]A dress in a limousine. 在豪华轿车里的裙子
  [04:14.88]He's also a big fan of my dad and my dad's dog. 他对我爸爸很感兴趣 还有我爸爸的狗
  [04:17.76]Then your dog gave him his autograph, right? 然后你的狗给斯图 签名了,是吗?
  [04:19.92]But I did take the dress! 但我真的拿了裙子!
  [04:20.92]See, Stu Wolff gave me this himself. 看,这是斯图亲手给我的
  [04:25.68]It's his T-shirt from his tour. Where would I have gotten it? 这是他巡回演出时穿的T-shirt 其他有什么地方可以得到呢?
  [04:28.28]In a junk store where you get everything else. 在旧货摊就有 你的其他东西一定也是从那儿买的
  [04:30.56]But this is the tissue I used to wipe his tears. 这是我给他擦眼泪用的纸
  [04:34.84]Maybe we should send it off for DNA testing. 需要的话我们可以送去作DNA检测
  [04:35.60]I left my bottle-cap necklace at his house. 我把瓶塞状项链丢在他的屋子里了
  [04:37.72]He told my dad he's gonna Fed-Ex it back. 他告诉我爸爸他会用联邦捷运 给我寄过来
  [04:39.20]A dress riding in a limousine. 用豪华轿车载裙子
  [04:43.08]because otherwise it would have had to catch a cab. 因为要不是这样的话 裙子一定会自己去找辆的士
  [04:44.16]I guess that's a good thing 我认为这主意不错
  [04:49.32]You're funny, Lola. You could be a comedienne. 你真有趣,洛拉 可以去当喜剧演员了
  [04:49.36]But can we please go back to work now? 我们可以开始排练了吗?
  [04:55.32]We have so much to do before Wednesday night. 周三晚上之前我们 还有很多事要做呢
  [04:57.68]Carla's the one who's lying. 卡拉才是在撒谎
  [04:58.32]You believe me, don't you? 你相信我吗?
  [05:00.40]We've worked so hard for this production, Lola. 为了这出戏我们大家都 这么努力,洛拉
