unit 2(在线收听

jail [dZeil] n. 监狱, 看守所 vt. 监禁, 拘留 【同】goal; cell; confine 【例】There are not enough jails, not enough policemen, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people. 再多的监狱、警察和法庭也不足以推行一项得不到人民支持的法律。
jam [dZjar [dZA:] n. 罐子, 广口瓶 v. 1.(使)感到不快, 刺激(神经等)2.震动, 摇动 【例】How much is a jar of peanut butter?一瓶花生酱多少钱? The iron gate jarred when he opened it. 他开门时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。Their opinion jarred with ours. 他们的意见与我们不一致。
jargon ['dZA:gKn] n. 术语, 行话
jaw [dZO:] n. 颌, 颚 【例】On hearing the news, his jaw dropped. 听到这个消息,他惊讶得张口结舌。
jazz [dZjealous ['dZelKs] a. 1.妒忌的, 猜忌的2.精心守护的 【同】envious; resentful 【例】He that is not jealous is not in love. 不忌妒的就不是爱。They may feel jealous of his success. 他们也许妒嫉他的成功。
jet [dZet] n. 1.喷气式飞机, 喷气式发动机2.喷嘴, 喷射口3.喷射, 喷流 vi. 乘喷气式飞机 【例】He left on the jet plane. 他坐飞机离开了。He cut his wrist so badly that jets of blood spurted out. 他的手腕割伤得很厉害,血阵阵涌出。
jewellry ['dZu:Klri] n. (=jewelry)珠宝(总称)
jog [dZOg] n. 1.慢跑2.(尤指不正当地)轻轻碰撞(或推搡) 【例】He goes jogging every night. 他每晚慢跑。The wagon jogged along on the rough road. 马车沿着崎岖不平的道路颠簸前行。You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing. 你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。
jolly ['dZOli] a. 快乐的, 高兴的, 愉快的 ad. 很, 非常 vt. 劝服, 哄 【例】Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman. 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。He is a jolly good man. 他是一个大好人。It's time we jolly them up. 是给他们鼓劲的时候了。
journal ['dZK:nl] n. 1.杂志, 期刊, 日报2.日志, 日记 【例】He subscribed to a journal this year. 今年他订了一份期刊。
junction ['dZVNkSn] n. 联结点, (道路等的)会合点, 枢纽 【同】reunion; crossroads; joint 【例】The accident happened at one of the country's busiest railway junctions. 事故发生在该国一个极繁忙的铁路交叉点处。They decided to effect a junction of two armies. 他们决定两军会师。
junior ['dZu:niK] a. 1.年少的, 较年幼的2.资历较浅的, 地位较低的 n. 1.年少者2.地位较低者, 晚辈3.(美国中学或大学的)三年级学生 【例】He is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
jury ['dZuKri] n. 1.陪审团2.(竞赛或展览的)评判委员会 【同】council; committee; board 【例】A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better way. 陪审团由12个人组成,他们被选来认定哪一方的律师更高明。The jury found the prisoner not guilty. 陪审团认定该囚犯无罪。
justify ['dZVstifai] vt. 证明...正当(或有理), 为...辩护 【同】plead; explain; prove 【例】Work isn’t to make money; you work to justify life. 工作不是为了挣钱,工作是为证明生活值得。Can you justify your action? 你能证明你的行为是正当的吗? Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam. 任何事情都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。The policeman was justified in shooting the criminal in self-defence. 那个警察出于自卫枪击罪犯是正当防卫。
keen [ki:n] a. 1.(on)热心的, 渴望的2.敏锐的, 敏捷的3.激烈的, 强烈的4.锋利的, 刺人的 【同】sharp; intelligent; intense; observant 【例】A desire to be observed, considered, esteemed, praised, beloved, and admired by his fellows is one of the earliest as well as the keenest dispositions discovered in the heart of man. 想得到同伴们的关注、重视、尊敬、赞扬、喜爱和倾慕,这是在人们心中发现的不仅最迫切也最久远的本性。That is a keen football match. 那是一场激烈的足球比赛。The razor has a very keen edge. 这把剃刀有锋利的口。
kerosene ['kerKsi:n] n.煤油 【例】There was a kerosene lamp on the table. 桌子上有一盏煤油灯。
kettle ['ketl] n. 水壶 【例】A watched kettle never boils. 心急也没用。
keyboard ['ki:bO:d] n. 键盘
kidnap ['kidnkidney ['kidni] n. 肾, 肾脏 【例】Each man has a pair of kidneys. 每个人有一对肾脏。
kilo ['ki:lKu] n. 千克, 公斤
kilowatt ['kilKwOt] n.千瓦(特)
kindergarten ['kindKgA:tn] n. 幼儿园 【例】There are many children in the kindergarten. 那个幼儿园里的孩子很多。It is noisy in the kindergarten. 幼儿园里很嘈杂。
kneel [ni:l] vi. 跪 【例】She knelt down to pray. 她跪下祈祷。
knit [nit] vt. 1.编结, 编织2.使紧密地结合, 使紧凑3.皱紧, 皱(眉) vi. 1.编结, 编织2.(折骨)愈合 【例】She often knits while watching TV. 她常常一边看电视一边织毛衣。
knob [nOb] n. 1.(门、抽屉的)球形把手, 球形柄2.(收音机等的)旋钮3.小块 【同】lump; handle 【例】The knob of this door is dirty. 门上的圆形把手很脏。You may turn the right knob on the TV to switch it on. 你可以拧电视上右边的旋钮把它打开。
knot [nOt] n. 1.(绳等的)结2.(木材上的)节疤3.(航速单位)节 vt. 把...打成结, 把...结牢 【同】loop; inter-twist; inter-lace 【例】Please tie the two ropes together with a secure knot. 请打个结实的结把这两条绳子系在一起。There is a knot in the board. 这块木板上有个结。He knotted a towel about his neck. 他把毛巾系在脖子上。
label ['leibl] n. 1.标签, 标记2.称号 vt. 1.贴标签于2.把...称为 【同】tag; marker 【例】Don’t rely too much on fables, for too often they are fables. 不要太多地依靠标签,因为它们太的经常属于谎言。Have you attached labels to the luggage? 你给行李系上标签了吗? He has been given a label of playboy by his friends. 他的朋友给他起了一个花花公子的绰号。
lag [llanding ['llandlady ['llandlord ['llane [lein] n. 1.(乡间)小路, 小巷2.车道, 跑道, 泳道3.航道, 航线 【例】That lane will take you to his house. 你从那条小巷就可以走到他家。
lantern ['llargely ['lA:dZli] ad. 大部分, 主要地 【同】chiefly; principally; mainly; roughly 【例】Journalism largely consists in saying “Lord Jones Dead” to people who never knew that Lords Jones was alive. 新闻报道主要是告诉人们琼斯老爷去世了,而他们根本就不知道琼斯老爷在世过。His successes were largely due to luck. 他的成功主要靠运气。His eight sons largely inherited his fortune. 他的八个儿子继承了他的大部分遗产。
lark [lA:k] n. 玩笑,嬉耍 【例】He only said it for a lark. 他只是说着玩而已。She rose with the lark. 她一大早就起床了。
laser ['leizK] n. 激光 【例】Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。
lateral ['llatitude ['llaundry ['lO:ndri] n. 1.洗衣店, 洗衣房2.洗好的衣服, 待洗的衣服 【同】ironing; washing; clothes 【例】Give me a laundry list and I’ll set it to music. 把送洗衣物清单给我,我会把它谱成曲子。Has the laundry come back yet? 洗的衣服送回来了吗?
lavatory ['llayer ['leiK] n. 层, 层次 【同】story; zone; stripe 【例】The surface of American society is covered with a layer of democratic paint, but from time to time one can see the old aristocratic colors breaking through. 美国社会的表面涂着一层民主的油漆,但人们不时可以看到昔日贵族政治的色彩露出来。There are several layers of meaning. 有几层不同的含意。Her husband is a brick layer. 她丈夫是个砌砖匠。
layout ['leiaut] n. 布局,安排,设计 【同】arrangement; design; organization 【例】A magazine’s attractive new page layout is very important. 杂志醒目新颖的版面编排非常重要。
leading ['lediN] a. 1.最重要的, 主要的2.首位的, 带头的, 领衔的
leaflet ['li:flit] n. 传单, 散页印刷品, 小册子 v. (向...)散发传单(或小册子) 【例】I pick up a leaflet about the care of teeth. 我拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单。They distributed leaflets to customers. 他们给客户散发传单。
leak [li:k] v. 1.(使)漏, (使)渗出2.泄露, 走漏 n. 1.漏洞, 裂缝2.泄漏, 漏出量3.(消息等的)走漏 【同】drip; flow; split 【例】A small leak will sink a great ship. 小小的漏洞会使一条大船沉没。There is a leak in the roof. 屋顶有一个漏洞。Can you smell a gas leak? 你能闻到煤气漏气吗? Who leaked the news to the press? 谁将新闻泄露给新闻界的?
leakage ['li:kidZ] n.漏,泄漏;漏出物
learned ['lK:nid] a. 1.有学问的, 博学的2.学术的
learning ['lK:niN] n. 知识, 学问
legal ['li:gl] a. 1.法律(上)的2.合法的, 法定的 【例】He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。
legend ['ledZKnd] n. 1.传说, 传奇故事2.传奇人物 【同】fold; myth; story 【例】Silence makes legend. 沉默造成传奇。The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad. 这位音乐家把传说编成了一首美丽的民谣。He is a legend in his lifetime for his scientific discoveries. 他的科学发现使他一生成为传奇人物。
lemon ['lemKn] n. 1.柠檬(树)2.柠檬黄, 淡黄色 【例】There is a lemon tree in our garden. 我们的花园里有一棵柠檬树。
lessen ['lesn] vt.减少 vi.变少 【同】diminish; decrease; reduce 【例】Love lessens a woman’s delicacy and increases man’s. 恋爱减少女子的矜持而增加男子的斯文。The pain was already lessening. 疼痛已在减轻。
lesser ['lesK] a. 较小的,次要的 【例】This is the lesser evil of the two. 这是两种弊病中较轻的。He is stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree. 他很固执,她也固执,不过程度轻些。
lest [lest] conj. 唯恐, 免得 【例】They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard. 他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。
lever ['li:vK] n. 1.杠, 杠杆2.途径, 工具手段vt. (用杠杆)撬动, 撬起 【同】tool; lifting arm; lifter 【例】Intelligence and wisdom is the lever propping up the society. 聪明才智是支撑社会的杠杆。Move this lever to change gear. 换档时扳动这根操纵杆。This latest incident may be the lever needed to change government policy. 最近的事件或许可以作为迫使政府改变政策 所需的手段。
liability [,laiK'biliti] n. 1.责任2.[pl.] 负债, 债务3.不利条件, 起妨碍作用的人(或物) 【同】obligation; responsibility; debt 【例】Don’t admit liability for the accident. 不要承认对事故有责任。Taking extra vitamins may reduce your liability to colds. 多吃一些维生素会减少你得感冒的可能性。If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. 如果你所负的债超过你的资产,你就会破 产。The judge exempted them from all liability in these matters. 法官免除了他们在这些事上的所有责任和义务。
liable ['laiKbl] a. 1.(to)可能的, 大概的2.(for)有法律责任的, 有义务的3.(to)易于...的, 有...倾向的, 易患...病的 【同】answerable; subject; responsible 【例】Under the influence either of poverty or of wealth workmen and their work are equally liable to degenerate. 工匠及其工作无论受到贫困还是财富影响。都同样易于退化。Every man is liable to error. 人人都可能犯错误。He was not liable for his son's debts. 他对自己儿子的债务没有责任偿还。
liberal ['libKrKl] a. 1.心胸宽阔的, 开明的2.自由的, 不受约束的3.(指政治观点上的)自由主义4.慷慨的, 大方的 【同】unselfish; generous; plentiful 【例】The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education. 对付糟糕的主意惟一有效的武器是高明一些的主意。高明些的主意是来源是智慧。通向智慧的最可靠道路是强调广泛基础知识的大学教育。He returned from abroad with very liberal ideas. 他带着非常开明的思想从国外回来了。He is liberal with his money. 他用钱慷慨。There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. 那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。
licence ['laisns] n. 1.许可证, 执照2.许可, 特许
lick [lik] vt. 1.舔, 舔吃2.打败, 克服3.(波浪)轻拍, (火焰)吞卷 n. 1.舔2.少量, 少许 【例】The kitty licked up the milk. 小猫舔光了牛奶。
lighten ['laitn] vt.照亮,使明亮 【例】Her heart lightened when she heard the news. 听到这消息,她轻松了。A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room. 一支孤烛使黑暗的房间亮了起来。
lighter ['laitK] n.打火机,引燃器 【例】He asked me if I had a cigarette lighter with me. 他问我身上是否带着打火机。
lightly ['laitli] ad.轻轻地,轻松地 【例】He pressed lightly on the handle. 他轻轻按下手柄。You shouldn't take the matter lightly. 你不应对此事掉以轻心。
likelihood ['laiklihud] n. 可能, 可能性 【同】possibility; probability 【例】In a likelihood the meeting will be cancelled. 会议十之八九要取消。
likely ['laikli] a. 1.可能的, 有希望的2.适合的 ad. 可能 【例】I'm likely to be very busy tomorrow. 明天我可能很忙。They'll very likely ask for an increase in the budget. 他们很可能会要求增加预算。
likewise ['laikwaiz] ad. 1.同样地, 照样地2.也, 又 【例】Watch him and do likewise. 注意看着他然后照样做。
lime [laim] n.石灰 【例】He added some water into the lime. 他往石灰里加了些水。
limestone ['laimstKun] n.石灰石 【例】We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
limitation [,limi'teiSn] n. 1.限制, 限度2.[常pl.] 局限 【同】restriction; prevention; restraint 【例】Genius may have its limitation, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. 天才可能有其局限,愚蠢则不受此类妨碍。The government has imposed limitation on imports. 政府已经对进口加以了限制。
limited ['limitid] a. 有限的
linger ['liNgK] vi. 1.(因不愿离开而)继续逗留, 留恋徘徊2.(on)继续存留, 缓慢消失 【同】go reluctantly; go slowly 【例】Winter lingered so long in the lap of Spring that it occasioned a great deal of talk. 冬天如此地赖在春天的膝上迟迟不去,惹起了多少人议论纷纷。He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home. 别人回家后,他仍在学校外面徘徊。The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind. 美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。
link [liNk] v. 连接, 联系 n. 环节, 联系, 纽带 【例】The road links all the new towns. 这条路把所有的新城镇都连接起来了。Is there a link between smoking and lung disease? 吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗?
literally ['litKrKli] n. 1.逐字地, 照原文, 照字面地2.确实地, 真正地3.简直
literary ['litKrKri] a. 1.文学(上)的2.文人, 书卷气的 【同】bookish; learned 【例】He had a literary taste and was well read in science. 他有文学爱好,也熟谙科学。
litre ['li:tK] n. 升
liver ['livK] n. 肝 【例】The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
living-room ['liviN-ru:m] n. 起居室, 客厅
loaf [lKuf] n. (一个)面包 vi. 游荡, 闲逛 【例】He bought a loaf of bread. 他买了一大块奶酪。We loafed for hours in the park. 我们在公园里闲逛了几个小时。Don't loaf away your time. 别浪费你的时间。
lobby ['lObi] n. 1.(旅馆、戏院等的)大厅, 休息室2.院外活动集团 v. 向(议员等)进行游说(或疏通) 【例】The anti-nuclear lobby is becoming stronger. 向议员游说的反核群众声势渐强。I waited for her in the lobby of theatre yesterday. 昨天我在戏院的大厅等她。
locality [lKu'klocate [lKu'keit] vt. 1.探明, 找出2.把...设置在, 使坐落于 【同】find; discover; settle 【例】A crisis is an international incident that lasts long enough for us to locate it on the map. 危机就是延续足以让我们在地图上找到它的国际事件。The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river. 这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边。After he retires he's going to locate in California. 他打算退休后到加里弗尼亚定居。
location [lKu'keiSn] n. 1.位置, 场所2.(电影的)外景拍摄地 【例】The town is a good location for a young doctor. 这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。
locker ['lOkK] n. 公共场所供个人使用的)寄物柜
locomotive [,lKukK'mKutiv] n. 机车 【例】He is a locomotive engineer. 他是一名火车司机。The steam locomotives were superseded by diesel units. 蒸汽机车已被柴油内燃机车所取代。
lodging ['lOdZiN] n.寄宿,住宿;住所 【例】Where can we find lodgings for the night? 我们今天在哪找寄宿处?
logic ['lOdZik] n. 逻辑(学), 逻辑性 【例】I didn't follow her logic. 我不理解她的逻辑。There's no logic in spending money on things you don't need. 把钱花在不需要的东西上是没有道理的。
longing ['lONiN] n.渴望,思慕 【同】appetite; desire; lust; wish 【例】With pleasure drugged, he almost longed for woe. 对欢乐业已麻木他几乎是渴望着痛苦。
longitude ['lOndZitju:d] n. 经度 【例】The town is at longitude 24 degrees east. 这个镇位于东经二十四度。
loosely ['lu:sli] ad.松松地,松散地
loudspeaker [laud'spi:kK] n.扬声器, 喇叭 【例】The police addressed the crowd through a loudspeaker on their car. 警察通过他们汽车上的喇叭向人群喊话。
lounge [laundZ] n.休息厅, 休息室 vt. 1. (懒洋洋地)倚,(懒散地)躺2.闲逛,闲荡 【例】She is waiting for me in the departure lounge. 她在候机室等我。Don't lounge around all day: do something! 别整天闲逛,做点事情吧!
loyalty ['lOiKlti] n.忠诚,忠心 【同】faithfulness; devotion; obedience 【例】Loyalty is what we seek in friendship. 我们在友谊中寻求的是忠诚。Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered. 他一旦宣了誓,他就一直忠贞不渝。
lubricate ['lu:brikeit] vt. 使润滑 【同】grease; oil 【例】The engine should be lubricated before being ignited. 点火前应该给机器上油。
lunar ['lu:nK] a. 月的, 月球的 【例】It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening. 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。
luxury ['lVkSKri] n.1.奢侈, 华贵2.奢侈品 【同】indulgence; excess; enjoyment 【例】Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew can never allow himself. 悲观是犹太人绝对不允许自己享有一种奢侈。She has lived in luxury all her life. 她一生生活奢侈。A long hot bath can be pure luxury. 洗个痛快的热水澡可真是一种至高的享受。
macroscopic [,mmagnet ['mmagnetic [mmagnetism ['mmagnificent [mmagnify ['mmagnitude ['mmainland ['meinlmaintenance ['meintKnKns] n.1.维修, 保养2.扶养费3.维持, 保持 【同】preservation; support; sustaining 【例】He’s taking classes in car maintenance. 他正在上汽车修理课。He's taking classes in car maintenance. 他正在上汽车维修课。He had to work hard for the maintenance of his family. 他为了养家不得不去拼命工作。
make-up ['meik-Vp] n. 组织;性格;化装品;捏造
male [meil] a. 男(性)的, 雄的 n.男子, 雄性动物, 雄性植物 【例】This flower is a male flower. 这朵花是雄花。The male is physically stronger than the female. 男性在身体上要比女性强壮。The male hunts for food while his mate guards the nest. 雌性动物守巢时,雄性动物猎食。
malfunction [,mmaltreat [,mmanifest ['mmanipulate [mK'nipjuleit] vt. 1.操纵, 控制, 影响2.(熟练地)操作, 使用 【同】handle; shape; plan; manage 【例】We must not try to life; rather we must find out what life demands of us, and train ourselves to fulfill these demands. It is a long and humble business. 我们不可试图操纵人生,而是必须弄清人生对我们的要求,训练自己满足这些要求。这是一项长期而卑下的任务。
manly ['mmanual ['mmanuscript ['mmarginal ['mA:dZinl] a. 1.微小的, 少量的, 不重要的2.仅以微弱多数票获胜的3.记(或印)在页边的, 有旁注的 【同】rimming; edging; verging 【例】There are lots of marginal notes in this book. 这本书里有很多页边注解。
marine [mK'ri:n] n.海军陆战队士兵a. 1.海(洋)的, 海生的, 海产的2.海军的3.海事的, 海运的 【同】maritime; oceanic 【例】He is a marine painter. 他是位海景画家。The rocks are covered by marine plants. 岩石被海生植物所覆盖。
married ['mmarvellous ['mA:vKlKs] a. 奇迹般的, 惊人的, 了不起的 【例】Their performance was marvellous. 他们的演出太精彩了。
mask [mA:sk] n.1.面具, 面罩, 口罩2.假面具, 伪装 vt. 1.用面具遮住, 遮盖2.掩饰, 掩盖 【同】disguise; protection; hide 【例】Pride is the mask of one’s own faults. 骄傲是人自身错误的面具。They did so under the mask of charity. 他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。Her smile masked true feelings. 她的微笑掩饰了她的感情。
massive ['mmasterpiece ['mA:stKpi:s] n.杰作 【同】perfection; model; standard 【例】When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. 当热爱和技艺一起工作时,一件杰作就在预期之中。This book is his masterpiece. 这本书是他的杰作。
materialism [mK'tiKriKlizKm] n.唯物主义
mathematical [,mmature [mK'tjuK] a. 1.熟的, 成熟的2.成年人的3.深思熟虑的, 慎重的4.(票据等)到期的, 应支付的 v. (使)成熟, (使)长成 【同】ripen; evolve; grow 【例】Love is quiet understanding and the mature acceptance of imperfection. 爱情是静静的理解和对不足之处的成熟接受。His character has greatly matured in the years. 这些年他的性格已大大成熟。She matured her novel by constant revision. 她不断修改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。
maximum ['mmeans [mi:nz] n.1.方法, 手段, 工具2.金钱, 财产
meantime ['mi:ntaim] n.其时, 其间 【例】You buy the fruits, in the meantime I'll cook breakfast. 你去买水果,同时我来做早餐。
measurable ['meZKrKbl] a.可测量的
mechanic [mi'kmechanical [mi'kmechanics [mi'kmedia ['mi:diK] n.新闻媒介, 传播媒介
melon ['melKn] n.瓜, 甜瓜 【例】He picked a melon from the field. 他从地里摘了一个甜瓜。
membership ['membKSip] n.1.会员身份(或资格、地位), 会籍2.全体会员, 会员数 【例】I must renew my membership of the sailing club. 我必须延续我的航海俱乐部会员资格。We are trying to increase our membership. 我们正准备增收会员。
memorial [mi'mO:riKl] a. 纪念的, 悼念的 n.纪念碑, 纪念堂, 纪念仪式 【同】monument; ceremony; celebration 【例】Our sweetest memorial is the first kiss of love. 我们最早甜蜜的纪念是恋爱时的第一个吻。He was often seen at funerals and memorials. 人们经常在葬礼和追悼会上见到他。
merchandise ['mK:tSKndaiz] n.[总称] 商品, 货物 vt. 买卖, 经营 【同】goods; commodity 【例】Some merchandise is displayed in the shop window. 一些商品陈列在商店橱窗里。Their merchandise is of high quality. 他们的货物质量很好。
merciful ['mK:sifKl] adj.仁慈的,宽大的 【例】The merciful king saved him from death. 仁慈的国王免他一死。
mercury ['mK:kjuri] n.水银, 汞 【例】The mercury is rising. 温度正在上升。He has no mercury in him. 他没有精神。
merit ['merit] n.1.长处, 优点, 价值2.功绩, 功劳, 成绩 vt. 值得, 应受 【同】be worth; warrant; justify; credit; value 【例】Friendship is really the most sacred, which merits only special worship but also eternal praise. 友谊实在是最神圣的东西,不仅值得特别尊敬,而且值得永远赞颂。There is little merit in passing the examination if you cheated. 如果你作弊,考试及格也没什么价值。
mess [mes] n.1.凌乱状态, 脏乱2.混乱的局面, 困境 vt. 弄糟, 弄脏, 搞乱 【同】mixture; combination; compound 【例】The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。Who messed up my papers? 谁把我的文件搞得乱七八糟? Stop messing about my work! 别再妨碍我工作! Success is relative. It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things. 成功是相对的:它是我们把事情弄得一团糟之后所能收拾出来的结局。
metric ['metrik] a. 公制的, 米制的 【例】Most countries adopt metric system. 大多数国家采用米制。
mice [mais] n. [pl.] 鼠
microcomputer ['maikrKkKmp'ju:tK] n. 微型计算机
microphone ['maikrKfKun] n.扩音器, 麦克风, 话筒 【例】The lecturer speaks through a microphone. 演讲者通过麦克风说话。
microprocessor ['maikrKprKu'sesK] n.微处理机
microscopic [,maikrK'skOpik] a.显微镜的,微观的 【例】We can't see microscopic creature with naked eyes. 我们不能用肉眼看到微生物。The doctor had a microscopic examination of traces of blood. 医生用显微镜作了血迹检查。
microwave ['maikrKuweiv] n. 微波
midst [midst] n.中部, 中间, 当中
migrate [mai'greit] vi. 1.(候鸟等)迁徙, 移栖2.移居(尤指移居国外), 迁移 【同】move; emigrate; immigrate 【例】These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. 这些鸟冬天迁移到北非。Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 有些部落为了寻找新鲜的牧草而带着他们的 牲畜迁移。
milky ['milki] a.牛奶的;乳白色的 【例】I like my coffee milky. 我喜欢喝有牛奶的咖啡。
millimetre ['milimi:tK] n.毫米
miniature ['minKtSK] a. 小型的, 微小的 n.1.微小的模型, 缩影2.微型画, 微型人物像 【同】tiny; small-scale; diminutive 【例】A day is the miniature of eternity. 一天是永恒的缩影。He showed me the miniature of the mansion. 他给我显示了大厦的模型。He owns a detailed miniature of the Titanic. 他有一艘泰坦尼克号的精致小模型。She is just like her mother in miniature. 她简直是她母亲的缩影。I drank a miniature bottle of brandy last night. 我昨晚喝了一小瓶白兰地。
minimize ['minimaiz] vt. 1.使减少(或缩小)到最低限度2.极力贬低, 对...作最低估计 【同】lessen; reduce; decrease 【例】To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system. 安装可靠的报警设备以减低被盗的风险。
minimum ['minimKm] a. 最低的, 最小的 n.最低限度, 最少量 【例】20p is the minimum fare on buses. 公共汽车的票价最低是20便士。Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars. 修理你的汽车最低限度要100美元。The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue. 这个班最低限度要六个学生才可以继续办下去。
ministry ['ministri] n.(政府的)部 【例】The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defense. 陆海空军皆由国防部控制。
minor ['mainK] a. 1.较小的, 较少的2.次要的 n.1.未成年人2.副修科目 vi. (in)(大学中)副修 【例】I made minor alterations to the article. 我对这篇文章作了小规模的修改。She acted as a minor role in the play. 她在剧中扮演了一个次要的角色。
minority [mai'nOriti] n.1.少数, 少数派2.少数民族 【例】Only a minority of British households do not have a car. 英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。A small minority voted against the motion. 投票反对该提议的人占少数。There are 55 minorities in our country. 我国有55个少数民族。
minus ['mainKs] prep. 减(去) n.1.负数2.减号 a. 负的, 减去的 【例】Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house. 咱们考虑一下搬家的利弊吧。I got B minus in the test. 我在考试中得了个B-。Seven minus three equals four. 七减三等于四。
miracle ['mirKkl] n. 奇迹, 令人惊奇的人(或事) 【同】marvel; wonder 【例】Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terrible hard for them. 奇迹有时会发生,但你得为之付出艰苦的劳动。Her life was saved by a miracle. 她的生命是靠奇迹救活的。He understands his part to a miracle. 他对他扮演的角色理解得细微之至。
mischief ['mistSif] n.1.恶作剧, 胡闹, 捣蛋2.淘气, 顽皮3.损害, 伤害, 危害 【同】evil; damage; trouble 【例】It is difficult to say who do you the most mischief enemy with the worst intentions or friends with the best. 很难说谁会给你造成最大的伤害:是充满恶意的敌人、还是怀善意的朋友。The wind played mischief with my papers. 风把我的文章吹得乱七八糟。I try to keep the boy out of mischief. 我尽量不让这个男孩胡闹。
miserable ['mizrKbl] a. 1.痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜的2.令人难受的(或痛苦)的 【例】There are still many people whose living conditions are miserable. 仍有许多人的生活条件是很艰苦的。The play was a miserable failure. 这出戏演砸了。
misfortune [,mis'fO:tSu:n] n.1.不幸, 厄运, 灾难, 灾祸2.不幸事故, 灾难, 灾祸 【同】ill luck; difficulty; disaster 【例】No misfortune can be as great as the loss of time. 再大的不幸也比不上时间的损失。He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination. 他很倒霉,在考试当天生病了。
missile ['misail] n.1.导弹, 飞弹2.投射物 【同】weapon; shot; bulletin 【例】If it is your time love will track you down like a cruise missile. If you say No! I don’t want it right now. That’s when you’ll get it for me. 如果时候到了,爱情就会像巡航导弹一样追逐你。如果你说不! 我现不想要,那就是你肯定躲不开它的时候。The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。Demonstrators attacked the police, using sticks and assorted missiles. 示威者用棍棒和各种投掷物攻击警察。
missing ['misiN] a. 缺掉的, 失踪的, 找不到的
mission ['miSn] n.1.使命, 任务, 天职2.代表团, 使团 【同】commission; charge 【例】It is man’s mission to learn to understand. 人的使命就学会理解。He has been on confidential missions to Berlin. 他前往柏林执行秘密任务。An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
mist [mist] n.薄雾 v. (使)蒙上薄雾, (使)模糊 【同】drizzle; fog; rain 【例】Our desire leads the colors of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapors of life. 我们的理想只有雾霭的生活梁上了虹彩。Everything was covered in mist. 一切都笼罩在雾霭中。She could hardly recognize her son through the mist of tears that filled her eyes. 她泪眼蒙蒙,几乎不能认出自己的儿子。
misunderstand [,mis,VndK'stmoan [mKun] vi. 1.呻吟, 呜咽2.(about)抱怨, 发牢骚 vt. 抱怨 n.1.呻吟声, 呜咽声2.怨声, 牢骚 【同】groan; grumble; bemoan 【例】Nothing begins and nothing ends that is not paid with moan; For we are born in other’s pain, and perish in our own. 没有一件事的开始和结束不付出呻吟,因为我们都在别人的痛苦中出生,在自己的痛苦中死去。Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan. 每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。He moaned about his misfortunes to anyone who would listen. 他向每一个愿意听的人抱怨他的不幸。Pop stars are always moaning about being mobbed by their fans. 流行歌星总是抱怨他们受到歌迷的包围。
mobile ['mKubail] a. 1.运动的, 活动的, 可动的2.流动的, 机动的3.多变的, 易变的 n.移动电话 【同】unstationary; movable; motorized 【例】They are mobile artilleries. 我们都是机动炮兵。She is much more mobile now that she has a car. 她现在出去方便多了,她有了一辆汽车。
mobilise  ['mKubilaiz] vt.(=mobilize) 1.动员2.调动, 鼓动起 vi. 动员起来
mode [mKud] n.方式, 样式, 风格 【例】The country girl was not used to their lavish mode of living. 这个乡下姑娘不习惯他们奢侈的生活方式。The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode today. 婚后与父母分开住非常流行。
moderate ['mOdKrKt] a. 1.中等的, 一般的2.温和的, 稳健的3.有节制的, 适度的v. (使)和缓, (使)减轻, (使)减弱 n.持温和观点者 【同】reasonably; slightly; temperately 【例】Half the vices which the world condemns most loudly have seeds of good in them and require moderate use rather than total abstinence. 世人指责声音最大的不良做法,有一半包含好的因素,需要适度的采用而非完全的戒除。He usually drives at a moderate speed. 他通常中速驾驶。The wind was strong all day, but it moderated after sunset. 风猛烈地刮了一整天后,日落后变小了。He moderated on a weekly panel show. 他主持每周的讨论节目。The moderates have plenty to be anxious about. 温和派有许多问题要担忧。When we take part in one or another kind of physical exercise, whether it be violent sports such as running, playing football or moderate sports like swimming, jogging, our blood circulation is quickened so that more oxygen is taken in and more waste matter is excreted through sweating. 当我们参加某一种体育锻炼时,无论是像长跑或踢足球一类的剧烈项目,还是像游泳或慢跑这样的温和项目,血液的循环可以得到加快,身体内可摄入更多的养分,通过出汗也可将更多的废物排泄出来。。
modest ['mOdist] a. 1.谦虚的, 谦逊的2.适中的, 适度的, 不太多的3.羞怯的 【例】She is very modest about her success. 她对自己的成就很谦虚。Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior. 年轻姑娘必须言词谨慎,衣着得体,行为端庄。I bought the house at a modest price. 我以适中的价格买下了这所房子。
modesty ['mOdisti] n.谦虚
modification [,mOdifi'keiSn] n.缓和;修改;修饰
modify ['mOdifai] vt. 1.修改, 更改2.(语法上)修饰 【同】alter; correct; adjust 【例】In science the important thing is to modify and change one’s ideas as science advance. 在科学领域,重要的是随着科学的发展修正和改变自己的见解。The union has been forced to slightly modify its position. 工会被迫稍稍改变立场。The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form. 那项政策经修改后才获得委员会同意。
moist [mOist] a. 潮湿的, 湿润的 【例】The clothes are still moist. Dry them in the sun. 这些衣服还是湿的,把他们在太阳下晾干。The moist season has set in. 雨季已来临。
moisture ['mOistSK] n.潮湿, 湿气 【同】humidity; wetness 【例】Power and liberty are like heat and moisture; where they are well mixed, everything prospers; where they are single, they are destructive. 权力和自由有如热度与温度。二者调和适宜的地方万物繁荣,各自为政之处均成破坏力量。The kitchen's stone floor was shining with moisture. 厨房的石板地受了潮闪闪发亮。
molecule ['mOlikju:l] n.分子 【例】We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room. 当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。
monetary ['mVnitri] a. 钱的, 货币的, 金融的 【例】The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。
monopoly [mK'nOpKli] n.1.垄断, 专卖2.垄断物, 垄断商品, 专卖商品 【同】patent; trust; pool 【例】Liberty and monopoly cannot live together. 自由与垄断不能并存。The telecommunication service is a government monopoly. 电信为政府专营。He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. 他似乎认为只有他才聪明。
monotonous [mK'nOtKnKs] a. 单调无聊的, 毫无变化的 【例】I do not like my monotonous work. 我不喜欢我那单调乏味的工作。I only heard a monotonous voice of the singer. 我只听到那个歌唱家单调的声音。显然,穿校服会使学校生活乏味单调。Suppose there were only one style of literature, people would not appreciate so abundant poetry and novels and our world would become so monotonous. 假如只有一种文学形式,人们就不会欣赏到大量的诗歌和小说,并且我们的世界就不会变得这样丰富多彩。
monstrous ['mOnstrKs] a.可怕的;极大的 【同】enormous; outrageous; flagrant 【例】The tree planted by the magician quickly grew to a monstrous height. 魔术师种下的树很快就长得极其高大。
monument ['mOnjumKnt] n.1.纪念碑, 纪念馆2.历史遗迹 【同】milestone; memorial 【例】Peace has its victories no less than war, but it doesn’t have as many monuments to unveil. 和平自有不少于战争的胜利,但没有那以多的纪念碑揭幕。They dedicated a monument in memory of those who died in the great earthquake. 他们为悼念死于大地震的人们建造纪念碑。
mood [mu:d] n.1.心情, 情绪2.(动词的)语气 【例】She's too tired and in no mood for dancing. 她太累了,没有心情跳舞。
moral ['mOrKl] a.道德上的, 有道德的 n. 1.[pl.] 道德, 品行, 道德规范2.寓意 【同】noble; reliable; upright 【例】Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it. 每件事情都有其寓意,只要你能够找出它来。He lived a moral life after marriage. 他婚后过着合乎道德规范的生活。A baby isn't born with a moral sense. 孩子并不是生来就有是非感的。You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
morality [mK'rmoreover [mO:'rKuvK] ad. 而且, 再者, 此外 【例】The composition is a not well written, and moreover, there are many spelling mistakes in it. 这篇作文写得不好,而且,还有许多拼写错误。
mortgage ['mO:gidZ] n.抵押, 抵押借款 vt. 抵押 【同】give sb. a claim on as a security 【例】We are not free to use today, or to promise tomorrow, because we are already mortgaged to yesterday. 我们不能任意使用今天或允诺明天,因为我们已经被抵押昨天。I can buy the house only if a mortgage for 2000 dollars is available. 只有拿到两千美元的抵押贷款,我才买得起那栋房子。He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。
mosaic [mKu'zeiik] n. 镶嵌细工,马赛克 【例】It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods. 这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。
moss [mOs] n.藓类植物, 苔藓 【例】A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔;转业不聚财。
motive ['mKutiv] n.动机, 动因, 目的 【同】motivation; incentive; purpose 【例】We would often be ashamed of our best actions if the world only knew the motives behind them. 要是世人知道我们最好的行为背后的动机,我们往往会为这些行为羞愧。I don't understand what his motive is. 我不知道他的动力是什么。His sole motive is to make more money. 他唯一的动机就是多赚钱。
motorway ['mKutKwei] n.汽车道,高速公路
mould [mKuld] (=mold) n.1.霉, 霉菌2.模子, 模型, 铸模3.(人的)性格, 气质, 类型 vt. 1.用模子制作, 浇铸, 塑造2.使形成, 影响...的形成, 把...塑造成【同】form; model; cast 【例】The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。The car body is moulded in the factory. 汽车车身是在这家工厂里模压成型的。Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。The author molded a new philosophy of life. 作者重新塑造了一种生活方式
mountainous ['mauntinKs] a.多山的;山一般的 【例】Our country is very mountainous. 我国是一个多山的国家。It seemed that the mountainous waves would turn the ship over. 排山倒海的巨浪似乎要把船掀翻。
mouthful ['mauTful] n.满口,一口,少量
multiple ['mVltipl] a. 复合的, 多重的, 多种多样的 n.倍数 【例】A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway. 那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
multiplication [,mVltipli'keiSn] n.增加;繁殖;乘法 【例】My son began to study multiplication when he was six. 我儿子六岁的时候开始学习乘法。The multiplication of students has made our school too small. 学生的增加使学校显得拥挤。
multiply ['mVltiplai] v. 1.(使)增加, (使)繁殖2.乘, (使)相乘 【同】duplicate; reproduce; increase 【例】He who multiplies riches multiplies cares. 财产越多越操心。Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight. 7乘4等于28。Rabbits multiply quickly. 兔子繁殖很快。We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery. 我们必须加倍努力来澄清这一神秘的事件。
multitude ['mVltitju:d] n.1.大量, 许多2.[the~] 大众, 民众 【同】abundance; crowd; gathering 【例】Success covers a multitude of blunders. 成功掩盖了在量的错误。A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibition hall. 大群人聚集在展览大厅的门口。The multitude may laugh at his music, but we know better. 一般人也许会嘲笑他的音乐,但我们更了解它。
municipal [mju:'nisipl] a. 市的, 市政的 【同】civic; of a town or city 【例】In order to win the bid for the Olympic Games of 2008, the municipal government of Beijing has launched a campaign to improve the environment of the city. 为了获得2008年奥运的申办权,北京市政府已开展活动来改善市区环境。I study in a municipal college. 我在一所市立大学上学。She works in a municipal library. 她在一所市立的图书馆工作。
muscular ['mVskjulK] a. 1.肌肉发达的, 强壮的2.(有关)肌(肉)的 【例】He's big and muscular. 他身材高大,肌肉发达。
mushroom ['mVSrum] n.蘑菇 vi. 迅速成长(或发展) 【例】Some mushrooms are poisonous. 有些蘑菇有毒。I gathered many mushrooms after rain. 雨后我采了很多蘑菇。New blocks of flats and offices have mushroomed all over the city. 在全市各处如雨后春笋般出现了许多新公寓和办公楼。
mute [mju:t] a. 1.缄默的, 无声的2.哑的, 不会说话的3.(字母)不发音的 vt. 消除(声音), 减轻(声音) 【同】tongueless; dumb; speechless 【例】He always remains mute on the subject of social system. 他总是对社会制度的问题保持沉默。He's a deaf mute and cannot tell anyone secret. 他是个聋哑人,不会把他们的秘密告诉任何人。
mutter ['mVtK] n.轻声低语, 小声抱怨 【例】She kept on muttering to herself. 她老是一个人嘀嘀咕咕。Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines. 演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。
mutton ['mVtn] n.羊肉 【例】People like to have mutton in the winter. 冬天人们喜欢吃羊肉。
mystery ['mistKri] n.神秘(性), 神秘的人(或事物) 【同】undiscoverability; unanswerability 【例】Happiness is a mystery like religion, and should never be rationalized. 幸福有如宗教,是一种神秘的东西,永远不要对它如以理性的阐释。Why he went there is a mystery to me. 他为什么到那里去,这对我来说是个谜。The place continues to fascinate visitors, cloaked in its mystery. 这个地方笼罩在神秘气氛下,继续使游览者着迷。
naive [nai'i:v] a. 1.幼稚的, 轻信的2.天真的 【同】innocent; unsophisticated 【例】This girl is very naive at the first sight. 第一眼看上去,这个女孩很天真。
namely ['neimli] ad. 即, 也就是 【同】specifically; particularly; i.e. 【例】Love is as love does. Love is an act of will —— namely, both an intention and an action. 爱与爱的行为是统一的。爱就是意愿的实行,即,既是意向,又是行动。Only one person can do the job, namely you. 只有一个人能做这项工作,那就是你。
nap [nnarrate [nK'reit] v. 说故事,说明,叙述 【同】relate; depict; describe 【例】As narrated in the novel, the hero was a good-for-nothing. 如小说中所描写的,这位主人公无所事事。
nasty ['nA:sti] a. 1.令人讨厌的, 令人厌恶的2.难弄的, 困难的3.严重的, 恶劣的, 险恶的 4.下流的, 道德败坏的 【同】unclean; dirty; impure 【例】Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way. 外交就是以最优雅的方式办最难办的事,说最难说的话。What a nasty man! 这个恶人! He is a person with a nasty mind. 他是个思想肮脏的人。
naught [nO:t] n. 无,零,无用 【例】All his work came to naught when the fire destroyed the house he was building. 大火烧毁了他正在建的房子,他的一切成绩化为乌有。
naughty ['nO:ti] a. 1.顽皮的, 淘气的2.猥亵的 【例】You naughty boy! I've told you not to play in the street. 你这顽皮孩子! 我说过,叫你别在马路上玩。
naval ['neivl] a. 海军的 【例】The naval officer asked him to stay away from the base. 那位海军军官让他离开基地。
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